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I woke up to the sun hitting my face. As I looked at the day, I realized that it was the first day of school. It also meant another year that I had to spend without her.

It had been two whole years since she had left. Two years that I had spent trying to understand why. I couldn’t stop thinking about her. No matter how hard I tried, she was unforgettable.

As I walked into the building, I noticed everyone whispering. I walked to my locker and opened it not paying attention to what they were talking about. As I closed my locker, I felt a presence behind me. I turned around to see Carter standing in front of me with a big smile on his face.
“Good morning, Carter, what could possibly make you so happy ?” I asked.
He stared at me; his smile still plastered on his face.
“I got news ! Apparently, there’s a new chick coming to school this year. I hope she’s cute.”
I rolled my eyes as I listened to my friend.
I didn’t care about that new girl. The only thing that would’ve made happy was if it had been her.
Carter gave me a disapproving look.
“What ?” I asked.
“You’re still thinking about her, aren’t you ?”
I shook my head but it didn’t fool him.
“I just don’t understand why. We were fine and then she just left.”
My friend put his hand on my shoulder in a supportive way.
Maybe he was right. She wasn’t coming back so what was the point.

As I walked to class, I was shoved by a girl who seemed to be in a hurry.
Her books scattered to the floor and as I tried to get down on my knees so I could help her she had already left.

First period was boring. I couldn't help but think about the girl from earlier.
She was probably the new girl.
I didn't see her face because of the cap she was wearing.
She seemed a bit weird. But maybe she was just anxious.

I fell asleep for the rest of the lesson. I was woken up by the bell ringing.
As I got out of the classroom I noticed the same girl standing next to my locker.

She probably had the locker next to mine. I couldn't help but feel a small pain in my heart.
It used to be her locker. I remeber how we used to always meet each other there. The way she smiled every time she would spot me in the hallway. As I stopped next to her, I decided that trying to get to know her wouldn't hurt.

"Hey, you're the new girl, right ?" I asked.

She jumped at the sound of my voice. She probably hadn't noticed me.
She nodded with her head without looking at me. She kept her head down.
"What's your name ?" I asked hoping that she would answer with words this time.

"I have to go." Was the only answer I got.

I looked at her as she walked away. For a moment I could swear that I had heard this voice before. I just didn't know where.

The bell rang soon after making me sigh.

As I walked to class, I heard someone calling me. I turned around to see Harper Grant rimunning to me. I sigh at the idea of talking to her.

"Can I come to your house tonight ?" She asked with a big smile.

I let out a small laugh.

"Harper, we are not together anymore."

She fluttered her eyelashes at me like a lost puppy.

"But we could be."

I rolled my eyes at her failed attempt at flirting.

"You cheated on me. Get that in you head." I said before walking away from her.

Harper and I dated for about a year. She was sweet with me but what I didn't know was that she was sweet with other guys too such as Noah Baker.

I found out she was cheating on me on my birthday. They were doing it in my own bedroom.

Ever since I had broken up with her, she had been trying to win me back.

I walked into class. Carter was waiting for me in the back. The new girl was sitting at the other end of the room.
When she noticed me, she looked away.

I sat down next to Carter and we started talking.

"Don't you think she's a little weird ?" I ask him.

He looked at me before speaking.

"Yeah, like she's been wearing this cap the whole day. It's like she doesn't want people to know who she is."

I laughed at what he said.

"I tried to talk to her earlier and she just ran off." I explain.

Carter started to laugh out loud. Everyone was now looking at us. The teacher sighed before going back to what he was saying.

"Wow. Girls really love you." He said as he kept laughing.

He slowly calmed down and stayed silent for a few seconds.

"Maybe she's an alien."
Carter said out of nowhere.

I rolled my eyes at him and looked towards her.
She had her head down like all the times I had seen her.

"She's probably just very shy." I say.

"Yeah probably. But she's still weird."

We stayed silent for the rest of the period trying to focus on the lesson.

° ° °

The first day of school was finally over.
I walked towards my car ready to finally go home.
As I got into my car, I noticed that the new girl was staring at me.
I waved at her but she immediately walked away.

As I was going home, I drove past Nova's house. I couldn't help but remember all the time I spent there.
I really needed to stop thinking about her.

I went home and grabbed my bag before heading to training.

I was in the ice hockey team. I was the team captain actually.

I stepped on the rink and slid toward the others.

I high fived everyone before we started the training session.

The training lasted for about two hours and a half before we all went home.

I kissed my mom on the cheek as à way to say hello to her and helped her set the table.

"How was training ?" She asked.

"It was fine."

We talked a bit while eating. I place the dishes in the dishwasher and went to sleep.

This chapter was kinda bad but let me know what you think about it.

Love you<3

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