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The new girl slowly walked to the front of the classroom. She was shaking. She must have been very anxious because she was breathing really fast.

As she stopped in front of the class, Harper raised her hand. By the look on her face, I knew she wasn’t going to do something nice.

“Mr. Walker, isn’t wearing a hat in class forbidden ?” She asked.

I rolled my eyes at her question.

“Yes, you’re right, Harper. Please take off your cap before you introduce yourself.”

The girl slowly brought her hand to her head and removed her cap. As I looked at her face, I couldn’t believe it. It was her. She was standing in front of me.

We looked at each other. I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

I had been waiting for this moment for two long years and she was fianally her.

Suddenly it hit me.

Ever since she had arrived she had done nothing but ignore me.
She didn't want to see me. She didn't want me to know who she was. She didn't want me anymore. It was like I was losing her all over again.

I couldn't let that happen. I wasn't going to lose her again.

She looked away from me. Her eyes were now trying to focus on the people whispering.

"She looks dead."

"No wonder she was hiding her face."

I couldn't help but notice that they were right. She did look very pale and she looked exhausted. But she was still as beautiful as the last time I had seen her.

Her green eyes were still as mesmerizing as they used to be.

As she walked back to her seat, I decided to write a note.
I threw the paper ball at her as soon as she was back in her seat and waited for her to open it.

She didn't even look at it. Maybe she hadn't felt it. I threw another note and this time she picked it up.

She carefully unfolded the paper and read what was written. She looked at me with no emotion and then looked back at the teacher.

As she ignored me, I felt my heart break in a thousand pieces.

I remembered the first time I had talked to her the other day. I finally understood why I had heard that voice before.

I waited for for the bell to ring so I could try and talk to her.

As the oment I waited for finally arrived, I followed her through th hallway until she stopped in front of her locker.

She grabbed her books ald closed the door. She noticed me walking to her and tried to walk away before I could catch her.

She immediately stopped as I called her name. She didn't turn around to look at me. She stayed her back facing me.

"You can't just leave and then ignore me as if I was the bad guy." I said.

She finally turned to face me. She looked mad.

"Looks like I can actually." She said.

I didn't understand why she was doing this. We were fine, everything was fine.

"So you're just gonna ignore me for the rest of your life ?" I asked.

She looked at me and stayed silent for a while.

"Well, we're not friends anymore. I don't know what you expected."

She walked away, leaving me heart broken once again. I knew deep down that there was something she wasn't telling me. And I needed to know what it was.

° ° °

When I came home that day, I felt nothing but anger. I was mad at her for leaving. But mostly, I was mad at myself for letting it affect me. I was mad at the fact that she didn't seem to care.

I was mad because I knew that deep down, I was the reason why.

I joined my mom in the kitchen and sat in front of her. She looked at me and gave me a sympathetic look.

I didn't have to talk to her. She could tell that something was wrong.

She got up and walked to me. She wrapped her arms around my body and stayed silent.

"She doesn't like me anymore." I whispered.

I let everything out. All I wanted was for her to tell me that she was sorry. That she didn't mean to leave me. But instead she decided to crush my heart in a million of pieces.

I felt stupid for thinking that she would actually care after leaving me for two years.

"Oh, honey, I am so sorry."

We hugged each other for a couple of minutes before I decided to go to bed.

I spent the whole night thinking about Nova. Even after everything she had done there was still a part of me that knew something was wrong.

I wanted to know what. I had to know. But she didn't want to talk to me.

I spent the rest of the night staring at my ceiling waiting for my alarm clock to ring.

As I walked into school I kept hoping that I wouldn't see her face. That way I wouldn't have to hurt again.

But when her beautiful green eyes met mine I knew that I couldn't hate her. Not even a little bit.

As I walked toward my locker, I felt someone grabbing my shoulder.

"Hey, man, I looked for you everywhere yesterday. We were supposed to leave school together." He said.

I felt bad for a moment. I was so upset about Nova's come back that I had forgotten that I was supposed to drive him back to his house.

"We need to talk." I said.

By the look in his eyes, I knew that he could tell that something was wrong.

"See the new girl ? That's Nova." I told him.

Carter laughed at my face not believing a word of what I was saying.

"God, this girl is making you go crazy."

I looked at him not amuzed by his comment.

I looked through my phone and showed him a picture of Nova and me.


Carter's eyes widened. He looked at Nova who was picking her books in her locker and then back at the picture.

"You're telling me that she is the girl." He asked.

I nodded as I looked at her.

I started to panick when Carter started walking towards her.

He followed them to class and I lost sight of them.

I was fucked.

Here was chapter 4 !

Hope you liked it.

Love u<3

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