Chapter 14 ~The Rise~

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****WARNING - Contains scenes that may affect you / all sorts of abuse, vulgar language.****

~Eva's POV - The next morning~

Sunlight gently kisses my cheeks as I wake up, struggling to open my eyes after a restless night's sleep. Yesterday, Tom unveiled an unfamiliar side of himself, and I sense there is more to be revealed. Uncertain of how to interpret it all, I run my hand over my forehead, gradually sitting up and scanning the room, organizing my thoughts. Tom's gaze captivates me, evoking a flutter in my stomach, I recognize his flaws, and yet, why does it affect me this way? I must stay focused on my mission..

The day went on without any strange encaunters, which I truly appreciate. For once I managed to do my laundry and clean up the room. I sometimes like to do this in a muggle way, it helps clearing the head. Theodore always objected it, he said I should properly use my wand.
The hours pass so quickly, as I finished everything I find myself in the dark after my shower. 
I turn on the lights and tip toe towards my closet, trying to figure out my looks for the evening. 
I really don't know what he expects me to wear. "Make yourself look nice" I mock as I search through my clothes. Suddenly I hear something by the window, narrowing my eyes there.. What could that be.. Again, like a little scratch. I approach slowly, seeing only darkness outside so I reach for the handle, which is most likely not the smartest idea but curiosity is too strong..

As I open the window, a gust of wind rushes in, carrying with it a faint, sweet scent. I look into the darkness, trying to discern the source of the sound. Suddenly, a small, delicate owl flutters in, perching itself on the windowsill. It carries a letter, its eyes fixed on me with an air of urgency. My heart quickens as I carefully untie the letter from the owl's leg, my fingers trembling slightly. Unfolding the parchment, I read the words scrawled in elegant handwriting, my eyes widening with each passing sentence. It's a message from the Ministry, informing me of an unexpected meeting scheduled for tomorrow morning. The urgency in their tone is palpable, hinting at matters of grave importance.. What do they want.. ? 
I watch the owl fly into the night, before I can close the window I hear a knock on the door, it made me flinch for a second. "Coming" I mumble, placing the letter aside.

"Good evening - I hope you did not forget our meeting tonight." Tom's dark eyes muster me up and down as I opened the door. Shaking my head, "No I did not.. I thought we meet there?"
He looks at the towel around me, fingerpointing. "This is the reason I am here. I expected more of you than wearing this. Neverthless here, he enters, passing me as if it's his room, placing some bags on the bed. "What are you doing??" I ask, annoyed closing the door. 
He can be such an ass.. 
"I make sure you wear the right thing. Not" he points up and down at me reproaching, "that."
I roll my eyes, sighing opening the bags, taking out the dress as I narrow my eyes closely at it. I have to admit, this is one of the most beautiful and eligent dresses I have ever seen. It is so simple yet.. wow.. 

As I hold the dress in my hands, the fabric feels luxurious, the design elegant yet understated. Tom watches me closely, his expression unreadable. "Put it on," he commands, his voice firm. Reluctantly, I head towards the bathroom to change, feeling a mix of curiosity and frustration at his presumptuousness. Slipping into the dress, it drapes over me like a second skin, accentuating my figure in a way that surprises even me. As I step out, Tom's eyes widen imperceptibly, a flicker of approval crossing his features before he regains his composure.

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