Twenty-Seven: Realization

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Nathaniel felt like someone was killing him from inside little by little.

He missed her like crazy. Without her it felt like dying. Her face, her smile, the way she looks at him, the way she holds him, her everything, he is missing.

He started waiting for her in the cafe where she works, hoping for her to come. But she didn't. He knows it's not right to come here but he can't help it. It was the only way he found to meet her.

It's not like he didn't go back to her apartment, he did but she wasn't there. So he came here.

It felt like getting Deja vu as he sat at the same table where he used to look at her from afar during the time when she didn't know who Nathaniel Carter was.

Nathaniel felt like he didn't even know who he was. Who is he?

He is just a man who once had a lot to lose and now he is left with nothing.

Now he is just a man who once dreamed like many but never got to make those dreams true.

He lost those who loved him then lost a childhood where he had a chance to turn things again when he made a mistake and now he lost the only person who kept him from going insane and it's all his fault. It was always his.

He always made mistakes and never learned from them. He always accepted defeat, never trying hard for anything.

But not this time, he won't accept the fact they are over. He will fight for her to give him a second chance. He'll make sure she won't regret it.

Nathaniel keep on looking at the entrance for any sign of her. He's been here since morning, hoping for her to show up.

As evening came she didn't show up. Sighing in defeat Nathaniel got up from his seat and started to leave.

"The black hair chick who works here is fucking hot man especially her looks so fucking good." Said a man a few tables away from him, to his friend while smirking, "I heard she's mute, too bad..." They laughed.

Nathaniel stilled as he heard them and then the man who spoke earlier continued.

"But still a game is a game." He smirked and laughed out loud.

All Nathaniel could see was red. Anger rose inside him after hearing that man talking like that about Aria.

As if he lost all his body control over himself, his body moved on its own towards the table where that guy is.

Without thinking much he throws a punch over him making him hit his head on the table.

The guy didn't get any time to react as Nathaniel starts punching him again and again making him fall down from the table.

He will kill anyone who tries to harm her in any way.

He doesn't care whether she will like this behavior or not, if someone hurts her then he better be ready to face him because he will make sure that person will regret every single moment of his life.

Everyone around him seemed scared to be near him as he was brutally punching the guy who looked like he is on the verge of fainting, his whole face was covered with blood of his own. Some were disgusted and some were too scared to stop the outraged man.

Nathaniel didn't realize when some men came near them and tried to stop him. He struggled to get away from their holds; he wanted that man dead.

No one can talk about her like that. No one.

Nathaniel groaned as they kicked him out of the cafe. He sat up from the ground and dusted himself away from any kind of dust, he sighed looking at his blooded knuckles.

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