Chapter 12

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"She's probably already regretting not getting married to me." Minji nudged a very tense Haerin. "I'm the obvious choice. She hasn't even seen my abs."

Haerin and Minji were at the altar, Minji standing a few feet to the side obvious. There was a good amount of whispering coming from the crowd, and it was only adding to Haerin's anxiety.

"Minji, as much as I appreciate your borderline treasonous comments, now is not the time." Haerin whispered back. "I'm starting to freak out. It's been like three minutes-"

"Hey. She'll show up. Man up."

Haerin took a deep breath. "Yeah. Okay,"

They waited in more silence as the throne room filled up more. Around them were all sorts of decorations, plenty of flowers and people dressed in their best gowns. Haerin herself sported a black suit, much nicer than her usual clothing. She pulled at the stiff collar, suddenly feeling short of breath. A priest stood at the altar, a stoic look on his face. Haerin swallowed thickly. What if Danielle didn't show up?

God, she was spiraling. Haerin wished they didn't have to do the ceremony in front of all these people. All she wanted was to hear Danielle say everything was alright.

She heard the whispers of the court.

"Wow, she looks beautiful"

"I'm envious of General Kang"

"Like an angel on earth"

When Haerin looked up, it felt like she was the only person in the world. The doors of the throne room opened and Danielle walked through, slowly, with Hyein in front of her throwing rose petals. She couldn't look anywhere but her fiancé, utterly starstruck.

Danielle in white may have been Haerin's favorite sight ever. She looked like she was glowing, an angel on earth all for Haerin. Her hair was down around her shoulders, and her sleeveless dress highlighted her curvy hips. Haerin felt her mouth watering when she looked up to Danielle's lips. It was the reddest shade of lipstick that Haerin had ever seen, and she couldn't look away.

The best part though, was looking up and seeing Danielle smiling at her. It filled Haerin's heart with an indescribable feeling. Haerin was in love with her. She always had been, she always would be. When Danielle looked like this, Haerin knew it was the only thing she could ever be sure of.

Hyein stood beside Danielle and Haerin shot her a small smile, before entirely focusing on her future wife.

Haerin held out a hand and Danielle took it gracefully, coming to stand right in front of Haerin with a shy grin. It both calmed Haerin and made her nervous.

"Citizens of Lunaria!" Called the King, who sat on his throne a few paces behind the priest. "We are gathered here to witness the wedding of my first born daughter, Princess Danielle, and our victorious General, Kang Haerin. I wish you the best." He nodded at Haerin and the priest. "You may proceed."

Haerin took one of Danielle's hands and tried to convey her love through her eyes as the priest began muttering prayers.

You look beautiful. Haerin mouthed.

Shhhhh. Danielle replied.

Haerin grinned and mindlessly ran her thumb over Danielle's hand, not expecting to feel steel.

She looked down and to her astonishment, saw the ring that Danielle had given her all those years ago.

How? She mouthed, eyes full of tears.

Danielle replied with a slight head tilt to her guilty looking bridesmaid. Haerin shook her head good naturedly.

After the prayers, it was finally Haerin's turn to speak.

"I, General Kang Haerin of the Blue Army, take thee, Princess Danielle of Lunaria, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, for fairer or fouler, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereunto I plight thee my troth." Haerin said confidently, voice strong and shoulders back. Danielle's lip trembled as they made eye contact.

"I, Princess Danielle of Lunaria, take thee, General Kang Haerin of the Blue Army, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, for fairer or fouler, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereunto I plight thee my troth." Danielle repeated softer than Haerin, hands shaking a little but undeniably happy.

"Then I now pronounce you married. You may kiss your bride."

Haerin pulled her closer by her hips and Danielle's breath hitched, their height difference just big enough to make Danielle feel small in her arms. Her hands landed on Haerin's shoulders.

"May I?" Haerin's breath hit Danielle's lips and Danielle's brain stuttered. "Danielle?"

"Yes," Danielle whispered. "God, yes please-"

Haerin finally closed the space between them and connected their lips gently. The crowd cheered like crazy, but neither of them could hear it.

Danielle's lips tasted sweet, like wine and lipstick and something even better. Haerin was addicted to it instantly. She had thought she memorized the taste before she left, but she knew that she'd always crave Danielle. Her laugh, her smile, her smell, her taste. It was all Haerin wanted, to kiss Danielle like this forever.

Danielle's hand went up and cupped her cheek while Haerin tried very hard to not let this escalate. They kissed softly but passionately, both their eyes squeezed shut as they tried to pour all their emotions into it.

"H-Haerin," Danielle whispered, pulling away slightly. Haerin chased her lips, keeping her close with a hand on her back.

"Yeah?" She asked, pressing their foreheads together.

"I love you too"

In that moment, Haerin knew she was the luckiest person alive.

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