Chapter 10 - Actions Speak Louder Than Words

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Later in the day, when the sun is low and ominous in the sky, only just peeking over the top of the UA barrier, casting a gloomy glow full with ambitions, Hitoshi Shinso kept his promise and visits Class 1A's dormitory. He's greeted like a friendly neighbour, as everyone rushes over to welcome him inside, overly pleased with the surprise visit. Everyone's surprise - albeit one - increases tenfold when they discover that Shinso isn't simply here for a social call and is in fact here to train with Akira.

It's been a good few weeks since they sparred together, practicing and improving both their Quirks and physical feats. Kira still has a lot to learn and master in both aspects and Shinso's willingness to assist her is more than enough to replace her uncertainties with absolution.

"You sure you won't stay?" Toru practically begs, as Kira shoves her feet into her shoes. "We were all about to watch a movie!"

"You'll have to watch it without me," Kira says. "Just don't spoil it for me when I get back, okay?"

"Why are you still training with Shinso, Akira?" Momo wonders, a worrisome frown etched across her brows. "I thought you had control over your Quirk?"

"Not quite," Kira replies. "I've improved a lot thanks to him" - she sends him a grateful smile as he waits by the front doors - "but, I still haven't mastered my Atomic Power completely. I need to have full control if I wish to help out in the next fight against the villains," she adds sombrely, a dull tone washing across the once cheery dormitory.

"I see." Momo nods slowly. "You two will be okay on your own?"

Kira chuckles at her nurturing demeanour. "Don't worry. We'll be careful."

"You've got this!" Kirishima cheers her on from the sofa, unexpectedly, pumping his fist in the air. "You'll gain control over your Quirk in no time!"

Hearing Kirishima's burst of encouragement is more than enough to bolster her resolve as she follows Shinso out of the dormitory. Part of her expected Katsuki to halt her or at least accompany her to the training grounds, but he's shown a kind of restraint, only allowing himself to gaze upon her departure, but not speak a word of protest. His proclamation to keep out of her way is both supportive but also agonising - his distance is the last thing she wants.

"Sorry for interrupting you earlier," Shinso speaks up and Kira rids her harrowing thoughts from her mind, pulling her eyes from the ground to meet her sparring partner beside her.

"Huh?" She mumbles dumbly.

He nods back in the direction of the dormitory. "You and Bakugou, earlier," he says. "Come on, don't make me spell it out."

"What are you talking about?" She plays dumb. Katsuki wouldn't be pleased to discover he'd been found out by Shinso.

He simply rolls his eyes at her dismissive response. "Whatever, forget I said anything."

The once bustling streets are now quiet and still, as if the whole world has gone to sleep, shutting away the memories of the tyrants that now terrorise the streets of Japan. As the evening sun slips behind the barrier, the entirety of UA and the buildings captured inside the circular prison are swamped in a sudden darkness with only the streetlights to keep them company. Kira has accompanied Shinso to the training grounds so many times that the path they take is engraved in her mind - she could get there blindfolded if she had to. However, with the added homes having been hastily planted to support the tide of evacuees, it all looks different to Kira now, like she's seeing everything for the first time again.

Plunged in an inescapable darkness, surrounded by a chilling unfamiliarity, UA somehow doesn't really feel like home anymore. Perhaps if she were with different company, it might...

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