Chapter 4 - A Villain's Sentiment

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"You're getting worse," Inei points out, as he leans against one of the chambers that bubble with precarious liquid. He glances over his own shoulder at the Nomu inside, large and hideous, its eyes open, yet unfocused - awaiting orders. "Shouldn't you be dead by now?"

Hotaka Tobe merely grunts in response, as he keeps his eyes glued on Light Bringer suspended in one of the tubes. Her hair floats around her and even unconscious, Inei can tell that she resembles such untouched beauty.

"I still have a few weeks left," Hotaka responds, tearing his eyes from the pro hero in the chamber to the villain across from him. "Give or take."

Inei scoffs at that, pushing himself off from the chamber. The Nomu inside doesn't even stir. "Maybe you're stronger than you realised."

"Don't mock me, villain," Hotaka replies sharply.

"I'm not." Inei places his hand on his chest, feeling a stab of offence at the insinuation. "You want to see Kira again, right? So, obviously you're fighting as hard as you can to do so."

"I'm fighting on because of you," he says. "Because of whatever twisted plans you have prepared for my daughter."

Inei sighs heavily and paces around the ominous room. "You think you're going to get away." It isn't a question. "With your struggling body and your weak mind, I don't see that happening."

"Don't speak to me like you know me."

"But, I do know you," Inei adds. "Probably better than you know yourself. Even now, I can hear your words slurring and your movements are slow." Inei pauses and sighs again, stopping in the middle of the room, the glow of the chambers illuminating Hotaka before him. "If you were going to escape, don't you think you would have done so already? It's been months."

"Don't the League of Villains wonder where you are?" Hotaka mentions, trying to turn the conversation around on him. "Being stuck down here with me all this time, aren't they suspicious?"

"Of what!?" Inei barks a laugh, as if that question is the epiphany of absurdity. "They all have their own little games to bide their time. They don't care about you or me."

"What about the months before?" Hotaka continues to question. "For the last six or so months, the League have been moving from hovel to hovel in search of... something, with no money. I never once saw you there."

Inei turns his back to Hotaka, growing tired of hurling accusations that have no real meaning to them. "Right, because you always made such an impression," he mutters under his breath, before spinning back to Hotaka on his heel and releases a pent up breath. "We've been doing nothing but repeating ourselves these past few months-"

"So, what's your damn plan?" Hotaka cuts him off. "Why am I still alive? Why is Light Bringer like that? What the hell do you intend to do with Akira?"

"Relax," Inei says calmly. "All in good time. I didn't make it this far just to spill everything now. All you need to know is that your story is not yet over. I'm glad your illness hasn't taken you yet. I'm sure Kira will be more than thrilled to see you again."

Hotaka scoffs harshly and stumbles his way to the chamber that holds Light Bringer. He places his hand on the glass, as if that would somehow wake her up. Foolish. "So, your plan includes using me to get to Akira? You're trying to look like a hero in her eyes."

"Smart, right?"

Hotaka turns his head in his direction. "You're just a child yourself," he comments. "Akira will never see you the way you want her to."

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