hidden feelings

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i don't have much to say but i apologize if this chapter is shorter😓 enjoyyyyyy!

around a week later after the date, the two avoided each other constantly and whenever they did have to be together, it was simply just awkward. minho was so disappointed in himself and was confused, while seungmin was just plain out upset.

they practically just started dating and they were already having problems.


felix, jeongin, minho and changbin were sharing a table during lunch. a few minutes ago jeongin texted seungmin to join them after he packed up from class. the group was casually talking about school, their plans, etc.

5 minutes passed and seungmin was walking up to the table, waving. he glanced at minho but quickly looked away, not wanting to make eye contact.

"seungmin! come sit by me!" jeongin waved, smiling as he patted the spot next to him.

well, next to him and minho.

seungmin nodded, but he sat on jeongin's other side, squeezing himself through jeongin and felix. "sorry," he murmured as he set his bag down in front of him on the table.

jeongin raised a brow, a bit confused why seungmin sat there. i mean, it was technically already full? "min, you know it would've been easier to sit over here? i'm sure minho would've let y-"

"no, it's okay." seungmin interrupted, a content smile plastered on his lips.

jeongin narrowed his eyes, looking back at minho to see him not as "excited" as usual or something along those lines. he looked so dull.

the youngest there shrugged it off, a bit confused why suddenly they were acting like this. but he decided it was just school work and stress.


it kept on happening throughout the week constantly. he watched as seungmin purposely avoided minho, and minho seemed to upset and dull to come up to seungmin.

he knew something was up.

end of flashback

it was friday afternoon, students crowding the hallways and rushing out of class to go home. seungmin and jeongin were together and they were about to part ways until jeongin suddenly said something.

"wait, hyung, do you wanna come over to my house today?" he asked, quite hopeful.

seungmin hesitated for a bit, thinking if he had anything to do later today. he then nodded, asking, "what time?"

"like, right now." jeongin replied, shrugging.

"oh," seungmin just blinked, staring at jeongin before nodding again. "welllll, let's go, then," he murmured as the two began walking towards the younger's house.

now it was time for jeongin to understand what really happened between the two. (#proud2minshipper)

as they arrived to jeongin's house, then his room, jeongin slammed the door behind him which made seungmin flinch.

"what the fu-"
"LISTEN UP!" jeongin started.

"tell me what's going on, min," jeongin said, walking over to his bed and sitting on the edge. seungmin sat besides him, his expression blank. "what..do you mean?"

"what's going on between you and minho?" jeongin asked again.

seungmin's eyes widened slightly, hesitating a bit before answering. "..nothing. why are you asking? it's been good," the older boy murmured, shifting uncomfortably.

"min, i can see right through your lies. i mean, something is really bothering both you and minho and i noticed it this past week. it's making me worried, y'know,"

. . .

"that asshole never loved me," seungmin finally spoke up, crossing his arms and frowning.

jeongin's eyes widened slightly in shock, raising a brow. "..what?" he was quite shocked that seungmin could think that. it was almost kind of funny.

"i said, that asshole never loved me, i mean, he just played with my heart and did this for what? to make me feel bet-"

"seungmin," jeongin interrupted, placing his hand on seungmin's shoulder and shaking him a bit to get the other's attention.

"if minho didn't love you, why do you think HE asked me for help to ask you out? why would t be that serious to him if he didn't love you? y'know, during valentines, he had everyone wrapped around his finger. his gifts stack up more and more each year, but..he still chose you. why do you think he did that, huh?"

"maybe..he just wanted to hide his feelings?"

jeongin's words hit seungmin hard, his eyes wide and just..confused. he also began to grow guilty, letting out a sigh as he stared at his lap.

"..wow. i ruined our date because i was overthinking.. i feel so bad." seungmin murmured, and you could tell by his tone he was upset.

"..well it's not to late to apologize and make it up to him, right?"

wow i haven't been this consistent since like 1987 😭 anyways my fingers hurt after writing this so i hope you guys enjoy😫💗 (excuse any grammar mistakes!)

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