3. Yandere Future Android 17 x Reader

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Trigger Warning: For Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault (Forced Kissing), Bone Breaking, and Psychological Abuse.

It was a gloomy, stormy night. You were at the laboratory with your father in the underground part. You hated being here, but you had to keep him accompanied since he didn't trust the android enough not to misbehave. He knows that your presence will keep them at bay because they enjoy being around you. It does help that your dad, Gero, programmed them to protect you at all costs.

17 was sitting at a chair leaning his elbow on the table with his hand resting on his cheeks, staring at you from across the room. He seems to stare at you a lot. Even when you catch him staring, he doesn't look away. His eyes were so cold and lifeless. You shivered at the thought of what he might be thinking. Like your father, you didn't trust those two either, but you didn't express your thoughts because you couldn't risk yourself being killed.

You and 18 were leaning against the cold steel wall next to each other with your arms crossed. Your head drooped down and your eyes became heavy.

"Hey (Y/N)," 18 nudged your ribs.
You lifted your head and looked to your side at 18.
"Huh, yes?"

"Why don't we check on the old man? He's been in the lab for a few hours and we haven't heard a single peep from him,"

"Good idea sis. I was starting to get bored. Maybe the old man will actually have something interesting to tell us,"

"Alright, Alright. Let's go," You pushed yourself off the wall. You led the two to a dark, long spiral stairway. Each step down the stairs echoed throughout the lab. It was dark and completely silent except for the sound of typing and machines running.

The 3 of you reached down and you only saw your dad's hunchback and his finger running through the keyboard.

You sighed as you approached your dad. "Dad, you should take a break. You'll work yourself to death at this rate,"

He continued typing away, "I know dear. I'm just so close to achieving my goal. Ultimate perfection is finally within reach!"

17 walks up next to him. "You should listen to the girl, old man. You're seriously gonna waste your life typing away?"

He looks at 17 with a sneer, his eyes bloodshot. "Stupid boy! You know nothing of what I'm about to accomplish,"

"Someone's in a bad mood," 18 said.

"If you two are just going to prance around like an idiot, then I suggest you go back to your capsule bed and go to sleep before I use the controller on you,"

"You hear that 18? The old man is actually threatening us," 17 smirked with arms crossed.

18 pushed one of the glasses on the table and it shattered on the floor, liquid spilling over.

He grabs the controller and attempts to push the red button, but before he can do that, 17 slices his head off with one swipe.

The lightning strikes and the ground rumbles.
"Dad no!" His head comes off rolling down to the ground facing the two androids.

"You'll see. You'll regret what you've done. One day, he will come and swallow you up. And you will be part of perfection,"

"Big talk for a dead man," 18 steps on his head, blood and parts of his brain splattered on the floor.

Your legs quivered. "You killed him!"

17 merely shrugged, "Well, it's his fault for trying to kill us,"

"You don't have to be scared. We're not going to kill you,"

"It'd be fun to keep you around," 18 said.

Yandere Dragon Ball  Male Characters x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now