4. Yandere Majin Buu/Super Buu x Reader

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Trigger Warning: Implied Non Con Towards The End, Forced Kissing, Gun Violence, and Gun Related Injuries.

You are in a barren field by yourself. You are the lone survivor of Buu's rampage of your city. Your clothes were torn and tattered and your feet dragged on with every step. You walked for miles with no sense of direction or hope. All I was lost. Your family. Your friends. Your home. Everything.

You were for sure going to starve to death and you didn't have access to any clean water.

Humans couldn't live 3 days without water so you knew you were most likely going to die very soon.

While you were dragging your feet for miles, A chubby pink smiley figure appeared before you suddenly. You flinched and took a few steps back.

That's Majin Buu! You've seen pictures of him on the news before, but he looked a lot more pink and chubbier in person.

"Hello there~~" Buu said in a cute voice. You didn't expect this monster to sound so child-like.


"Buu thinks you're cute," You are appalled by this.... Creature. It's so strange. It killed and destroyed many lives without remorse and yet it acts very childish. It seems like this creature doesn't seem to understand the gravity of what they've done.

"Buu wants to kiss you," He leaned in for a kiss, but you turned away.

"Why don't you want to kiss Buu?! You dont like me?!" Steam came out of holes in his head.

"No- No. I don't hate you. It's just... uh I'm sick you know. You know if you kiss me. You might get you sick,"

"Hmm, I know! Buu makes you sick no more!"

He placed his hand your forehead, his gloved hand glowed pink, He opened his eyes,

"You're not sick. You lied to Buu. You think Buu ugly?!

"You're like that other girl. Buu eat you now,"

You shot your hands in the air. "Wait, I'm sorry for lying to you. I just- I was shy,"


"Yea, I just never kissed anyone before so I'm kinda of scared of kissing someone,"

"It's okay! Buu understand! Buu kiss you on the cheek then!"

"Uh, ok that's fine," You placed your hand to your side and leaned forward. Buu pecked your cheeks and gave you the widest grin.

"Yay, Buu happy that he gets to kiss a cute girl!"

You rubbed the back of your head and blushed, "Ahaha, Thank you,"

Awkward silence took over. You shifted uncomfortably side to side. "So, what now?"

"Buu now follows you around wherever you go!"

"Really? Why?"

He grins. "Cause, Buu likes you very much. You're a very nice girl,"

"I don't have anywhere else to go. You destroyed my home,"

"Oh, Buu Sorry,"

"But why did you destroy my home in the first place?"

"Cause he told me to,"

"Who is he?"

"Buu Master, Babidi. He gives Buu Order and said really mean things to Buu and make him cry sometimes,"

"Buu sorry for destroying home. He really sorry. Buu is monster," He looked down and clenched his fist.

"It's okay, Buu. You didn't know any better. It's those evil monsters who took advantage of you," You patted his shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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Yandere Dragon Ball  Male Characters x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now