Untitled Part 6

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Ilya really was a complete sucker for him. The flick of his tongue over his thumb was enough to send a thrill through him. He then chuckles at how quickly Damion ordered everyone away. "You know, I think I rather like it when you use your bossy voice." He grins. Or at least he liked it when Damion wasn't bossing him around. He slips his hands to Damion's hips and tugs him down so that he could kiss him again. He nips at his bottom lip and slides his tongue into his mouth as he deepens it. "Yeah?" Damion looked pretty amused by Ilya's confession. He then smiled. "Then kiss me."
And when they kissed, he felt butterflies in his stomach. There was nothing more than being held by calloused, manly hands and kissed like the dirty whore you were. At least, not in Damion's opinion.
He breathed heavily and groaned, slowly moving to kiss Ilya's neck and shoulders, just gently leaving a bite mark on his neck as well.Ilya pulls him into his lap and gently kneads his thumbs against Damion's hips as he kisses him. He pants roughly as the kiss broke. He tilts his head to the side as the king kissed his neck and shoulders and he let out a low groan when he felt the scrape of his teeth against his skin. "Damion~" he murmured his name and peppered kisses along his chest as he glides a hand along the soft skin of his thigh. Why did I hate this guy so much before? Damion asked himself and panted, closing his eyes as he felt the brush of Ilya's lips glide over his chest.
The King groaned and tried to move his hips so that Ilya touched his dick instead, as he was easily one of the more desperate type in this situation.
"Gg..." He panted, moving to slowly sit himself on Ilya's lap, his eyes half lidded as he tried to compose himself. God damn him.Ilya chuckles when he noticed him moving his hips and decided to have a little mercy. He wraps his hand around his cock and gives it a few slow strokes. He kisses down his chest and nips at his nipple before flicking his tongue over it in a lick to soothe the sting. "Il-l-l-ya-" Damion moaned, "oh my goodness- keep- keep going." He tilted his head back and enjoyed Ilya's hands on him, then his tongue and his teeth.
He flinched when he was bitten, but enjoyed how delicious the pain was. Damion looked down at Ilya as the General licked over it, then ran his hand through Ilya's hair, slowly getting lower so they were at eye level. Then, he bucked his hips a little into his hands. "Water is lubricating I think, right?"Ilya absolutely loved the way his name sounded coming from his mouth like that. He hums as he leans back up to press another kiss to his lips, "I think it will be lubricating enough." He purrs. He was already hard and turned on and could certainly make do. "How do you want to do this, your highness?" He says his formal title teasingly as he leaves the choice to him. He didn't know exactly what might be easiest on his back and he didn't want him to end up suffering later for anything they did. "Like this, General Ilya." Damion returned the jibe and slowly made sure that Ilya was sitting down with his legs a little bent in front of him.
Then, he straddled Ilya's hips and reached down to position himself over Ilya's dick. He slowly lowered himself down until he took in his length and groaned, subtly bouncing so he could get used to the feeling. "See? It wont hurt the both of us, yeah?"Ilya watches him with interest as he straddles him. A low groan escapes him as he felt Damion sink down onto his length and his tight heat wrapped around him. Each little bounce sent a spike of pleasure through him and he watches him with heat in his gaze, "This definitely works for me." He pants softly, "Though funny that last time you were so insistent that you only wanted to fuck if you were the one with your dick in me." He comments teasingly. "Oh, do you not want this?" The King raised a brow and threatened to move. "And I said that and now ive changed my mind."
He bounced his hips further more and groaned, steadying himself by looping his arms around the man's waist.
"Oh-" Damion breathed, kissing the crook of the man's neck in his heated haze.Ilya quickly shakes his head and places his hands on Damion's hips to keep him from getting up. He pants softly as he felt his lips against his neck and he buries his face against the crook of his neck to muffle the moan that slipped out of him. "God, you feel good~" he rumbles. He rolls his hips up to meet him as he dropped down on him and angled himself to try and hit his sweet spot. "Hmph. I'm still topping you though." Damion had to add, since he was literally atop the General.
He took the compliment and rewarded it with another little bite to Ilya's neck. To soothe the bite, he licked over it and did it over it once more to make the mark very present. Just in case Ilya decided to go and fuck Lochlynn, this should be a good 'fuck off!' To him.
He lifted his head back and tilted it up, his mouth slightly open as his body tried to express the stimulation. Damion tried to move his hips faster, but wasnt really succeeding with Ilya's hands holding his hips.Ilya just huffs and rolls his eyes at him. He gasps when he felt the sting of his bite but was rather into it. He lets go of Damion's hips so that he could move faster. He runs a hand along the curve of his spine and to add to Damion's own pleasure he wraps his other hand back around his cock to jerk him off go the rhythm of his movements. He wanted to make him feel good. Damion was very pleased with the attention. He leaned and kissed Ilya's neck to ogle at him.
God, it was so amazing to just be touched.
"Mmm- Ilya-" He breathed, rocking his hips as he took in Ilya's length. It felt so amazing to be stimulated from the inside like that.
"Ugh- r-right, right there." He breathed, keeping his hips at an angle as he caught the sweetest spot for Ilya's dick to hit.
When he was jerked off, he began to whine and writhe, digging his nails into Ilya's back and scratching at him.Ilya enjoyed the soft brush of his kisses along his neck and groaned low in his throat as the King slid along his length. The sting of his nails against his back was enough to elicit a small gasp from him but pain just mixed with the pleasure in a heady cocktail. "Damionnn~" he moaned out his name and presses desperate kisses along his jaw and neck. He mouths over his pulse point before sucking there and nipping with his teeth. He was everything in that moment. And while he had Damion's full attention he was joyful and riding the endorphin high that came with sex. For now he ignored the knowledge that after this Damion could find someone entirely else to entertain him physically if he so chose. Because then Ilya might actually have to acknowledge the fact that that meant he was sickeningly jealous of anyone else Damion fooled around with and how that jealousy came from feelings he was trying to deny. Falling for his king who needed to marry a woman and produce heirs was definitely not a good idea.Damion couldnt deny that this was probably the best dick he had ever gotten. It was definitely life changing, and it would be hard to find any guy like that, especially someone who wasnt all focused on his own pleasure. He noticed that Damion had Ilya's full attention, and that was honestly so arousing.
He moved more and more on him until alas he came and stopped moving to experience the orgasm that captured him and blocked his thoughts from even forming. "Mmmm- ughhh-"
He panted and dropped his head on Ilya's shoulder, still panting very loudly.Ilya rolls his hips up to meet Damion and as he felt himself edging toward his climax he captures Damion's lips in a desperate kiss, a soft growl of pleasure escaping him. He came a moment later inside of him, filling him up. He pants roughly and rests his forehead against his as he pretty much melted after such an experience. "God, Damion~" he murmurs roughly, his voice breathless. He cup his cheeks between the palms of his hands for a moment and brushes his thumbs against his cheekbones. Damion felt Ilya's warm seed fill him up and he was quick to lift his hips away, jot bearing to withstand anymore stimulation.
He closed his eyes and tried his best to regain his breath as he felt Ilya touching his face. Damion looked down at him when his face was framed and slowly tilted his head to rest his head on one of Ilya's hands.
He opened his blue eyes and closed them just as fast. Damion shouldnt be fucking his Knight. And Ilya shouldnt be cumming inside of him, he was supposed yo be doing that to a woman.
He pulled away from Ilya's touch and slowly stood up. "I must get going now." He breathed and climbed out of the tub.Maybe it was just because he was in the hazy afterglow of an orgasm but as Ilya looks back at him he was certain that Damion was the most beautiful man he had ever seen. He wanted to linger in this moment but then Damion was pulling away and getting out. "Ah, I see," he says as a blank mask slides across his face as he tries to seem unbothered though he found himself feeling colder by Damion's absence despite still being in the warmth of the water. "Where do you have to go?" He asks and tries to seem like he truly didn't care for the answer. He didn't want to admit that he was bothered by Damion's sudden departure. "I must go and eat. I... And I need yo find a suitable mother for my children." Damion temporarily forgot about being kidnapped the night before and got dressed in the set of clothes given to him by a maid standing outside, ready for an order.
Once the white blouse and black pants were on, he threw over it a red cape and dried his pale blonde hair.
"You must get up soon too. We cannot just lay around all day in the water." He commented.Ilya's jaw clenches when he mentions finding some women. He turns away as a mixture of complicated emotions went through him that he didn't really want to examine. His good mood was officially ruined. He sinks lower so that the water laps over his shoulders and pretty much only his head was above it. "No go on. You have kingly duties. I have nowhere to be. Im supposed to be resting remember?" He certainly didn't want to tag along while Damion tried to find a wife. And he had no desire to find one for himself, "And tell your advisors that if they are so insistent I should marry that they can just pick a woman for me. I don't even care who." Wouldn't make any difference to him. It wasn't like he could ever have feelings for her. "I will let them know then." Damion kept his face calm and solemn. He left the room, grabbing his cane to use as he walked out.
The King sat in the Dining Room and had his advisors bring daughters of Nobility to sat with him one by one and have little interviews.
Damion was attracted to all genders and whatever it was, so hs wasnt upset that he had to choose a woman. He was upset that it wasnt someone who wanted him for him and not the Crown.
Damion sipped some wine and watched the ladies elegantly glide in and speak with intelligence and beauty and grace, but he somehow only wondered where Ilya was.Ilya watches him leave and just felt gloomy. He knew he was being ridiculous that he knew this was going to happen. He couldn't wish for anything more than random fucks that always left him jealous when Damion immediately went to someone else. He lingered for a while longer before climbing out and getting dressed. He scorned the sight of the wheelchair and ended up limping outside so that he could watch the other knights train. Right after deciding on deciding on a gorgeous Duchess, Damion had lunch with her, keeping himself very polite and calm. He watched the Knights Guarding him and silently cursed the Advisors for letting Ilya go on his break unbothered while he was being forced to dine with this lady.
The young Duchess, Ceciliana, was very interesting to talk to and she was more than happy to be hailed Queen and to have Damion's child.
Damion smiled to her as they walked outside, his eyes scanning for Ilya.Ilya called out some pointers to a couple of the younger knights to help them improve their form while a few of the others came over 6p occassionally talk to him. Ilya was fairly good friends with the other knights- brothers in arms as they were. They jibed and joked around with him. "When are you going to join us back on the training grounds, Ilya? I'm beginning to think your leg isnt all that hurt and you're just lazy and sitting on your ass all day." Sir Roland teases.
"Aye, from what I've heard its a miracle he's able to sit at all given what he and his royal Highness get up to." Sir Beltaire interjected with a devilish waggle of his brows.
Ilya glares at them but it was a bit more good naturedly, "Shut up unless you really are asking for an ass kicking. I can do it even with only one good leg."
They teased him a bit more but when they noticed Damion approaching they sketched the Kings bows before quickly making themselves scarce to get back to work.
Ilya looks over to see Damion and some woman. The Kings words from earlier rang through his head and he immediately scowls. Damion watched the Knights laugh about with Ilya and threw a glare at them. They should be training! And Ilya should be resting.
He and Ceciliana walked past them, and when Damion was near him, he pointed inside. "You King demands that you head the fuck back inside and come back out in your wheelchair." He spoke firmly. He didnt want Ilya to suffer from his leg all because of him. "You will need to be in your best health for the awarding ceremony."Ilya blinks at him slowly, not once paying the woman the slightest bit of attention. Maybe if he ignored her she would disappear. "You want me to limp back inside, putting more strain on my injury just so that I can come back out in the wheelchair? That sounds counterintuitive." He retorts. Damion made a bothered sound that went "ughhhhuhhhhmmmmnnn-" and he nodded to the Duchess. "Wait here, lovely." He spoke and left their company to strut to the inside of the castle and towards where his Mother's wheelchairs were kept and cleaned. He could have easily told a servant to do this job, but he did it anyways.
Damion came back pushing the wheelchair and drove it to hit behind Ilya and on the back of the General's knees to make him automatically bend his knees and fall on the chair. "Payback." He whispered and ruffled his brown hair.Ilya watches Damion leave and pointedly ignores the Duchess. He had no idea who she was and had no interest in learning her name. When he did eventually learn of her name he was pointedly going to "forget" it much in the way he refused to remember Cornelius's name. He had no interest in remembering people he didn't like and liked to make it clear how insignificant he found them. He grunts in surprise when the wheelchair was knocked into him and he turns to give him annoyed look though he also couldn't deny that the brush of his whisper against his ear and his fingers in his hair still affected him, "For such a dandy you're also such a bully." he grumbles. "Am I?" Damion huffed as he didnt know that already and began to push the wheelchair, Cecilana following forth elegantly.
"So, if you didn't already know, this is our General, Ilya. He's one of my best men, I assure you, but a recent journey kicked his ass and now he must be strapped and tied to a wheelchair at all times to insure a speedy recovery."
"Oh yes. The Kingdom has been buzzing with the news. Last night must have been tough for the both of you."
Damion frowned and looked away. He could still see and hear the people kissing his thighs and holding him in headlocks and only promising oxygen if he relaxed. A shiver wracked his body, but other than that, he remained unbothered.
Ceciliana went on. "Ans there have been other rumors as well, Your Kingship, like how you and the General have been doing much more than being King and General." She smiled, dismissing it as a mere rumor.Ilya rolls his eyes at the description of himself but didn't necessarily disagree. The bite of his criticism was softened a bit by being called one of his best men so he left it be. He then stiffens when the woman referenced the night before and he shoots a concerned glanced back at Damion to make sure he was alright. Given that he had known him his entire life he noticed the faint marks of distress in his countenance which immediately made him dislike this woman more for mentioning it. He then cocks an eyebrow at Ceciliana as he acknowledges her for the first time, "Do you often partake in the meandering meaningless gossips of court?" He asks her with cool criticism, neither confirming or denying the rumor, "I often find that the people who do have little else to occupy their mind." Damion smacked Ilya's shoulder to his response. "Ilya runs his mouth without thinking sometimes, Duchess. I apologize." He looked at her, and she shook her head.
"Ha, no, I do not believe it. You two do not seem to be the type to mingle around, especially at each other. I can see that you two barely seem to get along." She commented, so which Damion stuck out his bottom lip and shrugged his shoulders.
"Yeah. Ilya is a pain in the ass." He nodded in a matter-of-factly's manner.
He pushed the wheelchair and walked with Ceciliana towards the closed Gates. Damion rested a hand on Ilya's head as he gazed outside of the large black bars. Ceciliana observed as well. "It is such a beautiful view here. Much better than my estate." She sighed in wonder. "But I guess I will be seeing more of this once we tie the knot, yes?"
Damion faked a smile to her and nodded. "Yes. Yes, you will."Ilya huffs when his shoulder was slapped and then coughed to hide a laugh when he was described as a pain in the ass. He crosses his arms over his chest as he's pushed along with them. His jaw just clenches at the mention of their marriage even if he'd already realized that's where this was headed. There was the dawning realization that once they married Ilya would be stuck seeing them together constantly and that as his guard he'd be right there as well when they consummated their wedding night. He immediately felt sick. "While it's endlessly fascinating to listen to your pathetic attempts at flirting I have better things to do." Ilya says in a carefully bored tone. He had no idea why Damion had felt the need to drag him along but now he wanted to escape as soon as possible. He pushes the wheels to steer himself away from them. "Mmm, no. You stay here." Damion held the bars of the wheelchair tightly and pulled him back.
He chuckled and looked over at Cecilia. The advisors humiliated him with a lady that was about a half foot taller than him. She didnt seem to mind. You wouldnt mind if your husband was shorter if he was a King.
"He's very uncomfortable in these situations. Poor Ilya is almost forty," he lied, "and he has yet to find a partner. Maybe it is because he is annoying. I hope you will help him out in the future, for you're one of the finest ladies in all of the Kingdom."
She smiled and preened at the compliment happily, walking along through the Gardens with them.
Damion looked down at Ilya and then at Cecilia. "You mentioned that you have a sister near your age. We must ask for her company some time. I'm sure she would love a General. He is handsome and rich." He winked, looking at Ilya.Ilya growls slightly when he was dragged back. "Forty!?!?" He whirls to look at him in outrage. "I'm younger than you!" He scoffs. Only by a little bit though. His birthday was actually coming up very soon which would make him twenty-three. "So if I'm forty then you are already forty-one, old man." He declares. He glares at Damion more as he essentially spoke of trying to hook him up with Cecilia's sister. He had no desire for such an arrangement and turns toward the woman to dissuade her from even considering it, "Unless you hate your sister and wish her the utmost unhappiness I would advise against it. I am caprice, foul mouthed, and a selfish lover." He proclaims. "Don't listen to him. He has grown senile." Damion waved Ilya off. "He's quite the walking grump. I don't think there's anyone more of an asshole than him."
Cecilia laughed as she watched Ilya react, covering her mouth with her hand.
"I will let my sister know. But, does like them to be feisty. It may work." She added.
Damion grinned down at Ilya, as if you to say, 'If I've gotta suffer, then so will you.'
He ruffled Ilya's hair once again as they strolled into the orangery.
Damion looked around and breathed in the air. The glass surrounding them gave them the loveliest sunshine without the breeze.
"Are you tired now, Ilya? I can send you back to your room to rest." Damion piped up.Ilya almost groaned when his attempt to warn her off failed. He shoots Damion a glare. He wad beginning to think he was a masochist who liked to see him suffer. He then grimaces when he mentioned going back to his room. He had absolutely no desire to sit in his room. He was feeling far too restless and bored for that. "No thanks. Id rather sit back at the training grounds or go to thr stables so that I can attend to Nix." He hadn't had a chance to dote on his horse as much given his injuries and while he knew the stablehands had been caring for her he also preferred doing it himself. "Ugh. Just sit still, dammit." Damion huffed and turned the wheelchair so that Ilya was facing the glass that surrounded the orangery. That way he could look out at the training Knights; it was a mid-sized arena and a class of lesser experienced apprentices, all looking with determination at the already trophied Knights who were showing off their tactics. Damion used to train from time to time, but he quit it after Ilya's father died.
"Nix? You will not be near any horses with that kind of injury, dumbass." Damion frowned. "Stay put here and I'll give you pudding." He couldnt really bargain with kisses anymore if he was going to get married to Cecilia. Even if he didnt love her, it was unjust.Ilya grumbles and gripes when he was told to sit still. He disliked sitting still immensely. It was even worse than having to stand still like when he was on guard duty. He just wanted to do something. He props his arm on the arm rest and rests his chin on the palm of his hand as he watches the others train. "I'd be fine with Nix." He disagrees, "Brushing her is hardly a strenuous exercise unless you are doing it terribly wrong." He tries to say convincingly. Oh how far he had fallen to be trapped in this wheelchair and having to try and persuade the king to let him care for his horse. He then wrinkles his nose, "Pudding? I'm not a child." He scoffs at his attempt at bribery. But given that he had been bribed by kisses in the past he really wasn't much better. He was annoyed by this entire situation. He then turns his gaze on Cecelia who was in large part a factor of his worsening mood. "So. I take it you have intentions of marrying our King? Pray tell what qualifications do you think you have that will make you a decent queen?" He asks her critically. In Cecilia's opinion, it didnt matter how good Ilya was, with his attitude, she would have thrown him in the Dungeons. But right now, Damion seemed to tolerate him and even care for him in ways taht the both of them werent noticing, like how Damion was pushing him and including him in the conversation and making sure he was comfortable. Even the occasional hair ruffle looked a little too fond.
Cecilia cleared her throat. She had been asked this question before.
"Well, I am the eldest daughter of Sir Sato. He is the head of the Treasury. And I am fertile and able to bear healthy children. My family lineage has no illnesses that I could pass down to the future King or Queen. I have surpassed every math and philosophy tutor in the peninsula, as well. Shall I go on, General?" She smiled, showing no signs of irritation.
Damion grinned down at Ilya, "We can set up an interview with her sister, Ily." He joked, moving to grab a peach from a bowl on the table. "Any other questions for her?"Ilya really did have an attitude problem but with his status and the fact that his family had always been connected to the royal family for over a century he had certain protections and could get away with shit that others couldn't. A fact that he took advantage of. Though some might argue his loyalty and fighting prowess by far made up for it. He eyes the lady as she laid out in the information. Admittedly he could find no obvious fault with the match. Finally he just shrugs one casual shoulder and looks at the King, "I still think you can do better." He tells him. At some point since he had returned home after his year away he had become lax in using the proper titles for Damion. He no longer called him 'your Highness' as often as he should and even sometimes used his name which would normally be deemed quite improper. There had grown a much more comfortable familiarity between them. Damion looked up straight ahead towards the mountains that surrounded their Kingdom. They were always topped with snow, even in the summer, and now that it was winter, they were a gorgeous white and almost blended into the white sky.
"Mmm, not really. Cecilia is very intellectual. And she's very beautiful." No one could deny how breathtaking she was. Cecilia's black hair was curled into an updo, held together with huge jewels and pins. All her features were curved upwards, giving her a carved look. She had full cheeks and gorgeous big black eyes.
Damion slyly reached down and pinched Ilya's upper arm to stop him from insulting her any further. She was smiling, but it was very obvious that she was upset.
"Ilya. Maybe it is time to go back to your bedroom." Damion announced.Ilya's jaw tightened when he heard him compliment her. He couldn't deny that she was pretty even if he wasnt attracted to women but he hated hearing Damion say so. It sent that bitter lick of jealousy through him. If you had to name his biggest flaw it was probably his hot temper and tendency towards jealousy. He shoots Damion a glare at his next remark, "No. I was perfectly fine out here before you two came over. If you've got a problem with me then go away." He says grumpily. He wasn't going to be sent to his room like a child. "Go away? Then you'll be here all alone, babyboy. And who will look after you and give you warm milk and tuck you into bed and make sure you don't get nightmares?" Damion puckered his lower lip and cooed down to Ilya in a teasing manner, giving him a little cheek rub with his thumb.
"Alright. I'll let you stay here for a little longer, then you must go to your bedchambers and sleep, yes?" He spoke and bit into his peach, turning to Cecilia as he heard her laugh happily. "You two seem very fond of each other."Ilya rolls his eyes at him but despite himself also ended up quirking his lips up slightly with some amusement at his ridiculousness. "You're such a menace." He says but there was an affection there. He bats his hand away from his cheek, "If anything Im the one always taking care of you. I don't know how you'd survive without me." He says loftily. Even when they were kids Ilya had watched over him. There was a time when some other older noble brat had tried to bully Damion and Ilya had immediately jumped them in response. They couldn't have been older than seven at the time but it had taken Ilya's father to drag him off of him. He'd gotten scolded and told he couldn't go attacking the noble kids but he'd sited that he was simply doing his job to protect the prince! So serious he had been even back then! His father had just shook his head at him with both pride and exasperation. Damion might have been a nightmare but he was Ilya's nightmare and he hadn't been going to let someone else mess with him."Nah," King Damion jibed, "I think I would manage just fine if you weren't fussing over me."
Of course it was Ilya's job to protect Damion and the man did so very well, but Damion had also felt the same way. When they were little kids, he was always an ass to Ilya, but when he did cool things like defend him from bullies, he would always tell Ilya's father not to give him scoldings. "I'm your Prince and I say don't yell at Ilya! And don't tell him I said that." He would frown and say, big eyes brimmed with tears.
On other occasions, he would sneak in during the nighttime to Ilya's bed and put little candies on Ilya's bedside when he was sick or injured. Because afterall, it was all because of him.
Damion turned to Cecilia. "Hmm, not really. Ilya's a little bitch. He's not good company at all. He's a big ouf." He joked and finished his peach.
"Well, we must get get going now. Ilya, I will call for Cornelius to get you, unless you wish to come with us?"Ilya had never known that Damion used to jump to his defense when he got in trouble. His father had always taken the young prince's defense with good humor and had always taken it as a good sign that perhaps one day the two would truly get along and be close. Ilya's father and the previous King had been super close and he'd always wanted the same for them. "Im no more a bitch than you." Ilya smirks. Though he didn't care for the idea of Damion going off and spending more time with Cecilia it was better than being forced to watch their courting. However he then grimaces, "Not Clive. Send anyone but him to get me." He wasnt sure which would be worse- having to watch their courting or dealing with Cornelius. "Hehehe, Clive. That's a good one. You know, I think he's getting upset the more you use different names for him. He's a good Knight, otherwise, he wouldnt have been hired at such a young age. Be nice." Damion threatened with a glare, ignoring the first comment about him being a bitch.
"Or I'll have Cornelius guard your bedroom, and I'm sure you don't want him to know that you..." He leaned in to whisper to Ilya, so that only the General heard him say "that you pleasure yourself with my name on your tongue."
He stood up straighter and linked his arm with Cecilia's. "We must get going. I will call Cornelius for you. Stay put and if I see you stand from the wheelchair, I'm going to kill you." He instructed.Ilya just blinks at him innocently, "Wait. Is that not his name? Oops." He says and then scoffs, "Good knight?? He let you sneak out! Several times might I add! As far as I'm concerned if he dares show his face I'm going to fire him on the spot! Or kick his ass! Or both! Probably both." He was still extremely pissed that Cornelius negligence had led to the events of last night. If he hadn't gotten to Damion in time... he didn't want to think about what would have happened. He then went completely still when he felt Damion's whisper against his ear and he couldn't help the slight color that crept into his cheeks. He shoots the king a look and then huffs, "You wouldn't dare. You'd miss me if I were dead." He informs him, "Thats if you even lasted a day without me." "Don't you dare fire or reprimand Cornelius, Ilya. That is an order." He glared down at Ilya and smirked. "Well, I would have died with the satisfaction that you died at my hand."
Cecilia was not into the bromance or the romance going on there. He wrinkled her nose and knew that she didnt want to wake up in the middle of the night and find Ilya in the bed with them.
She frowned and planned to let her Father know that. Or maybe she would let Damion know not to go near Ilya anymore (not that he would even do it). Then again, she was prepared to marry a gay man. Only if this gay man was King.
She gave Ilya a look as they walked away.Ilya purses his lips in annoyance, "So you want to keep a completely ill fit knight on duty? I do not care what his skill is in battle, if he is not vigilant enough to notice when his charge has gone missing he is useless. Well no more use than cannon fodder." Ilya says consideringly. He wouldn't actually wish death on the knight but would at the very least like to severely demote him. He can go guard the livestock or something as long as he was far away from Damion. Ilya noticed the look Cecelia gave him and simply returned it with a cool look of his own. She could try to get rid of him but he had been here far longer and was far too stubborn. He watches them leave and then immediately starts steering the wheelchair down to the stables. Fuck what Damion had said. He was going to see Nix. She always helped bring a sense of calm to him with her sweet nature. Damion chuckled, oblivious to the shared looks, and walked off back into the Castle. He didnt like Cecilia at all. She was gorgeous and beautiful, but he didnt find her sexy nor did he imagine himself loving her. Yeah, he would fuck anyone and anything, but she wasn't his type. His smile was forced, because while she had cool things to say, she was hella boring.
It seven hours later when Damion saw Ilya again at the dinner table. Cecilia was preparing to leave, constantly smiling to Damion, who in return gave her tight little forced smiles back. They had done the deed, and if all went well, then she would be pregnant.
Damion looked at Ilya and gave him a pleading look, one that let him know that he was on the verge of crying. He didn't want to marry her. He didnt want to marry anyone. Not yet.Ilya spent the rest of the afternoon with Nix, doting on her. She was a bit huffy at first, probably because he hadn't been to visit her in a bit but she quickly forgave him when he gave her a few extra sugar cubes. He pulls out the brushes as he takes his time combing her. Nothing else made him feel as calm as this. Perhaps this was his version of meditation. As he did he also chatted to her of what had been going on and how he had just met the most ridiculous of women! Honestly, who did she think she was? Nix huffs as if in response and nuzzles his cheek affectionately and nibbles at his hair which caused him to laugh and push her face away. When he was done he took the extra care to braid her long mane and tie in a ribbon the same color of his families crest before bidding her good night and heading back into the castle for dinner (he'd managed to avoid Cornelius given that he'd been hiding in the stables) so he made his way over by himself. He headed to the dining room where he knew he would find the King and was already preparing himself for whatever bullshit he was likely to deal with and tried to lockdown his emotions. But the moment he entered he caught sight of the look on Damion's face, "What's wrong?" He immediately demanded. Damion looked at Ilya and looked down. When Ilya spoke up and the attention was brought to him, he fidgeted and shook his head.
"My back is sore. I was hoping you will take me up to my room." He breathed, slowly standing up.
Damion did not like Cecilia. She was boring and she obviously didnt like Ilya and having sex with her wasnt exciting and dammit all, she wasnt for him!
He slowly began to make way to his bedroom, hoping that Ilya would follow.
Maybe he would relax after he had annoyed and exchanged threats with Ilya. That usually calmed him down.
Once they reached the bedroom, he dropped on his freshly made bed and groaned loudly. "Ughhhhhggggggggghghggggggggg! I hate her okay? She's boring!"Ilya hums in consideration, "If your back is hurting perhaps you can ask one of the servants to bring you something for the pain." He suggested. He followed him up to his room easily enough without any complaint. This pretty much followed the usual routine and given his job Ilya was pretty used to following the King around everywhere. His job was pretty much to be a dangerous, grumpy shadow. Once they got to his room he huffs a laugh and crosses his arms over his chest, "Did it take you this long to figure that out?"he cocks an eyebrow at him. He'd known from the moment he'd seen her he wouldn't like her. Though to be fair he was also very biased given his complicated feelings for Damion. Damion was so stressed. He felt tears pricking his eyes, making him stare at the ceiling in helplessness.
"I don't want to marry her. I- and I feel so bad- I regret doing it. They made me impregnate her. And now-" he sniffled and tried to keep his lips shut, his jaws clenched tightly as he turned on his side.
"D-don't fucking think you're going to get away." He told him, his voice thick from the crying that he was trying to suppress. "They'll make you do it too. They'll make you marry someone taht you don't love. I always thought that I had time- that I could marry someone of my choice-"
He sniffled and reached a hand down to rub his lower back in pain.
"You are such an ass, Ilya." He added as well. "You are an annoying ass and I-" Damion sniffled and looked at him, "I really don't know what I would be doing without you- but now im just so-" he trailed down so he wouldnt cry. He really wanted a hug, but that was something he would never ask of Ilya. That would be too embarrassing. So he hugged himself.Ilya's jaw tightened when he confessed to the fact that he'd already impregnated her. He knew his advisors had been pushing him to have an heir as soon as possible and that this was expected but it was also so soon and Ilya hated hearing it. He looked away for a moment as he felt a tightening in his chest. He had just begun to figure out that he might be feeling something for Damion just for him to now be pulled away from him by this woman. The sound of his stutter and the sound of tears in his voice caused him to lift his head again with a concerned frown. He found himself softening "Aye Damion..." he trails off uncertainly. He looked so sad and pathetic curled up in his large bed with his arms wrapped around himself. He was reminded again of how much the King had lost and been through these past few months. He might have been king and had everything but he was also so alone. And was now being forced into a marriage he didn't want. A pained sympathy went through Ilya and he found himself slipping up from the chair to climb into bed with him. He pushed away his own complicated feelings and instead just pulled Damion into his arms. He tucks him against him and murmurs against his hair, "It'll be okay..." Damion breathed through his mouth as he shut his eyes. He really did have it bad. And the more he thought about it, the more he wished he could just run away from it all, to just live on a farm somewhere with a Knight, maybe with Ilya as his pretty farmboy, with the both of them growing vegetables to survive on through the winter. It hurt so much to open his eyes and see that he was still on his bed.
And when he felt himself being lifted into the warmest, most gentle hug he had ever received since Irene's death, he broke down and began to weep, his shoulders shaking with the strength of each wail.
"I don't want it. I don't want any of it, I just want to sleep. I don't want kids. I hate kids." He cried softly and buried his face into Ilya's chest, hugging him back. He never really realized how much Ilya was a symbol of comfort and safety to him until now. He was always someone who made sure Damion was safe. Damion never felt in danger when Ilya was nearby. He just wished things were different.Ilya felt at a loss. He had no true way to comfort him so he just held him and gently stroked his back as he let him cry. He sighs softly, "Unfortunately this is the life of a king." He murmurs gently. If life had been kinder this wouldn't have been Damion's burden to bear but with his sister dead this was his responsibility. The kingdom depended on it. "You can go to sleep. I'll be here, okay?" He soothes. He felt completely helpless in the face of his distress and he hated it. You couldn't stab a sword through despair. He gently presses a light kiss to the top of his head with a sweet affection. Damion sniffled as a response to Ilya's comment. He didnt ask to be King. Becoming King made his parents die and his only sister died because of him, he was sexually harassed and constantly made fun of, and on top of that, he was being forced to marry someone he didnt like, and in addition, he was being forced to make children.
He felt the kiss and sobbed-laughed. "You pretend th-that you're all tough and stu-stuff, but you're really sweet som-sometimes." He hiccuped sadly and lifted his head to give Ilya a really stupid kiss to his jaw with his eyes closed. He let his lips linger there for a second more before going back to wallowing in Ilya's hold.Ilya huffs at him when he called him 'sweet'. "Yeah, well, no one will believe you if you tell them that." He tells him with a hint of teasing in his voice. He blushes darkly when he kissed his jaw and he found himself a bit speechless. Sweet affection like that had the ability to completely fluster him. He clears his throat before saying, "Lets lay down, yeah?" He shifts so that they were laying down and he had the king tucked close to him. He gently wipes his tears away with his thumb, "If there was anything I could do to fix this I would." He whispers in the quiet space between them. "Is that your plan? To make me seem like a crazed lunatic when I pe-people that you kiss me sometimes?" Damion chuckled hesitantly. Okay hen they were moved to lay down, Damion got comfortable by throwing one leg over on Ilya's waist so that his back was okay.
"I know, Ilya. I really do know." He nodded sadly. Ilya was always there when Damion needed him. "And I'm sorry. For everything. I really am..."
Damion relaxed his body and closed his eyes. He looked asleep, but he wasnt, at least not yet."Mmm... perhaps. Though I might argue that they are less likely to believe that I am capable of being sweet." Ilya gives a small smile. He didn't move when he threw his leg over him and just stayed still. Ilya gently strokes his back and when he thought the King asleep he used the opportunity to study his handsome features without the fear of being caught. "Goodnight, Damion." He whispers and pressed another kiss to his forehead before settling down to try and sleep as well, "God I really am hopeless." He mutters to himself with a sigh. Damion cracked his eye open after the kiss and gave the man a big grin.
"You fucking sap!" He smiled, not even a bit appalled by the kiss.
Damion lowered his tone and kept his haf-lidded eyes on Ilya.
"In which ways are you hopeless, Ilya?" He asked, a hand on Ilya's cheek. Because if Ilya was hopeless, then Damion was helpless. Tehy were both down bad and were almost unaware of such a situation. They were both drastic idiots.Ilya's eyes widen when he realize there the king had in fact been awake and he gives him an affronted look as if the King had purposefully tried to deceive him. "No one will believe you," he reminds him huffily when he called him a sap. He had started to pull away but then stilled when he felt his hand on his cheek. "I-" he breaks off and looks away embarrassedly as he blushes again. Fucking dammit he needed to stop doing that. How dare he make him blush all the time. "You weren't supposed to hear that." He says and avoids answering. He briefly considers trying to make a run for it but figured his leg would slow him down too much. "I wasnt? Mmm, strange." Ilya sniffled a little and continued to rub Ilya's cheeks ever so softly.
"Oh, you." He breathed and shook his head. "I heard it anyways, snd now you gotta elaborate or I'm going to kick your ass so hard taht it'll go flat."
He kissed Ilya's jaw again, wanting any form of sweet reaction. "Ugh. You are such a pain in the ass. Literally and metaphorically of course." He murmured while waiting for an answer.Ilya pretty much melted under his affection. It really didn't take much. Just the touch of his fingers against his cheek the brush of his lips against his jaw and he was putty; his resistance crumbling around him. He groans in frustration and buries his face against the pillow. "I...I like you. You make me feel... something. I don't know." His words come out muffled from the pillow and he lifts his head just enough to look at him again, "Go ahead. Mock me all you want. I know you want to," he says miserably. Damion watched him struggle to answer, and when it finally came out, he laughed out happily and gave him a little slap on the shoulder.
"You must be a masochist then." He breathed, then shook his head. "And it only took you three rounds of sex to realize that? You are dense, Ilya."
He then smirked and turned Ilya's head so that he was facing him. "What type of feelings do I give you, Ilya? What is it that you feel with me?"Ilya lets his face be turned toward him and sighs at him, "So much." He admits. He didn't necessarily want to say it but he figured it was too late now and Damion wouldn't let it go, "I... care deeply for you." He admits. He was hesitant to say 'love" just yet but his feelings were definitely there. "And of course I feel a physical attraction to you." He quirks his lips up at him slightly and rests a hand on Damion's chest. "And the thought of you with someone else... it makes me bitterly jealous. I don't want you to marry that woman." He says mournfully. Damion followed his eyes and kept eye contact. He looked serious because these were Ilya's feelings. God, he didnt even know what he felt towards Ilya. Sure, he didnt hate him like he used to, but, fuck!
"When have these feelings developed?" Damion asked, quirking his lips as well when Ilya admitted that he was jealous. "Ah, I knew it."
He grinned and felt his face flush. "Well, I like you too. I don't know what these types of feelings are, but you've slowly taken a big part of my heart, Ilya."
The King looked down at Ilya's hand and put his own hand over it.
"Then I'll admit taht I was very jealous of Lochlynn too. I guess thats why I acted so rash like that."Ilya just gives a shrug, "I don't know exactly but i believe they have been growing since I returned home. That's why... I got so upset about Lochlynn. I had thought that maybe something was growing between us but then when you slept with him it felt more like you were just toying with me. And then you snuck out and got kidnapped-" he broke off as a look of pain crosses his face. Surprise quickly replaced it when Damion admitted to feeling something for him as well. He then bursts out laughing when he realized they had both ended up making each other jealous with Lochlynn. "He is of no consequence." He hastens to reassure him, "He is pretty and was a fun distraction on the road but I thought nothing more of him when I started to realize I may feel something for you." Damion joined in the laughing, feeling very stupid for not having noticed how Ilya treated everyone like a threat.
"I guess that we're both stupid, huh?" He grinned, "I mean, no platonic relationship does shit like give each other kisses and stuff."
He nodded once he was reassured about Lochlynn, then looked at Ilya with a wonderous expression.
"I'm sorry I made you worry so much, then. I can not imagine the pain I put you through if taht was the case."Ilya gives him a slow smile and chuckles in agreement, "You bribe me with kisses to get your way. Pretty sure there's nothing platonic about that." He says. He gently cups his cheek with he palm of his hand as he felt a soft happiness to find that Damion truly did requite his feelings even if they had both been blind idiots. However his happiness was short lived as the sobering reality of the situation hit him. He drops his hand sorrowfully, "It doesn't really matter anyways though. You're already betrothed to someone." He was under the assumption that everything was official now given that they had already tried for a child. And what hope did two men really have in their positions? They had other responsibilities Damion expected to be kissed, since he enjoyed Ilya's kisses the most, so he closed his eyes and awaited, but Ilya just moved away.
He frowned and opened his eyes. "Oh. Yeah. I'm sorry." The man frowned. "This would be cheating. Betraying her trust."
Damion still laid beside Ilya, his mind wandering iff to the sad truth that they were living in. He needed an heir and a Queen of noble birth. He couldnt just...
"I hate this so much. I don't like her at all." He frowned again, tears threatening to form again.
"I don't want to marry yet. I'm just twenty four, I'm not ready for a family-" he frowned, "and now in nine months time, I'll have a daughter or a son and-"
they'll make him do it again. One child was too risky, another one would be the backup.
Damion closed his eyes. "I wish I could just run away, you know...?"Pain flickered on Ilya's blue eyes. Of anyone for him to love it had to be a King who's priorities always had to be his kingdom. Ilya sighs, "I might not like it nor her but promises must be kept." He took promises and vows very seriously. He tried to be a man of honor and no matter his own wants if promises had already been made to Cecilia he wouldn't want them to be broken. He gently cups Damion cheek when he noticed the gleam of tears in his eyes. Ilya gives him a soft sad smile, "I wish we both could. But your people need you." He tells him.Damion sadly nodded, shutting his eyes to not look absolutely stupid.
"Yes. I am a King." He reminded himself sadly and looked at Ilya. "I really wish that things could be different. That I-"
He shook his head and out his hand up Ilya's shirt just to warm his hand up.
"What will you do then? About your feelings?" He frowned, looking at him.Ilya sucks in a small breath when he felt him put his hand up his shirt and even that touch was enough to send a small shiver up his spine but didn't move away either. Ilya gives him a sad smile, "There's not much I can do about it, can I? And everyone else is insisting that I need an heir as well so I suppose I have little choice but to marry as well and have a kid." Damion realized the power in his touch and slowly moved his hand up and down Ilya's side.
"Would you still have feelings for me if I kill Cecilia after she gives birth?" He joked, looking at Ilya's face with a shake of his head, his tears still forming, but at least he was laughing?
He looked at Ilya. "Can you kiss me?"Ilya swallows roughly when he felt his hand move along his side and his heart quickened in his chest. He quirks his lips at him, "I don't think killing your future bride is a good idea, your highness." He tells him. The sight of tears in the kings eyes immediately sent an ache through him. He pauses at his request and with the touch of his hand against his bare skin and him being so close it was nearly impossible to resist. He gently brushes a lock of his blonde hair from his face and leaned a little closer, "I really shouldn't." He murmurs lowly. It would be wrong... but they also weren't married yet. Maybe he could have this just for a little longer. He gently presses his lips to Damion's. "I know." Damion frowned. "And I won't force you." He frowned, but was met with a kiss anyways.
"Ughh-" he murmured into the kiss, so irritated with the fact that Cecilia was in this equation, and that there will be a noble lady with Ilya as well.
Damion forgot about it and instead just kissed the man, moving his hands to lock behind Ilya's neck and to keep him in place as they kiss.
He was quick to turm them around so that he was hovering over Ilya and kissing at him. He didnt have enough stamina to have sex right now, but he wanted this kiss to be good.Ilya kisses him long and slowly. It was sweet but tanged with sorrow. It felt like a cruel joke that they should know each other for so many years and only discover what could be between them just in time for it to be snatched away. He felt Damion's hands lock behind his neck but didn't mind as he had nowhere else he wanted to be right now. He lets himself be pushed down onto the bed and just kept slowly kissing him. He rests his hands on his hips and gently nibbles at his bottom lip. After a moment he pulls back and pants as he looks at him. "How long?" He asks a bit roughly, suddenly desperately needing to know, "How long until the wedding?" What he was more asking was how much longer did he have until he truly lost him Damion kissed and forgot everything that worried him, for this was their first passionate kiss after them admitting feelings to each other and to themselves.
When Ilya moved away, Damion looked down at him and bit his lip, wanting for himself to say "never" and it would come true. He searched ror any way to make it sound less horrible for the both of them, then sighed.
"Three days. They need three days to let the Kingdom know and to organize the celebration, otherwise, tehy would have married us now." He frowned and sat up, moving to sit beside Ilya rather than on his injured leg.
He heard someone's shoes clack on the floor at they approached his bedroom, so he quickly wiped his lips from the smeared balm and fixed his hair.Ilya made a small strangled sound, "Three days?" He repeats. He'd known that it couldn't be long. That they would want everything official as soon as possible. But three days was so soon. Too soon. He already felt the weight of heartbreak. Maybe one day his feelings will fade away but he was going to have to endure the torture of seeing the man he cared about marry someone else and then have to see them together every single day for the rest of his life. Though his thoughts were spiraling he was as vigilant a knight as ever and heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Knowing that it would not look good to be found in the kings bed especially with such rumors floating around he practically leapt up and flung himself back into the wheelchair. He arranges himself in a casual posture and tries to look nonchalant as ever. (Future rp idea if you're interested: Muse A is a witch who does a summoning spell for a demon. Or at least they think it's a summoning spell. Which it seems to be when Muse B (the demon) appears in their summoning circle. However it turns out the spell was less a summoning spell and more a proposal of marriage. Which Muse B decided to accept.) // 💀💀
// "I do" "The fuck?"
// it's beautiful

Damion gulped when he say Ilya's face and shook his head. He wished that he didnt have to do it.
He watched Ilya toss himself back in the wheelchair and pinched his own nose to stop himself from laughing.
Soon enough, Damion answered the knocking on his door with a "Come in."
And Mariel, one of his frequent fuck-buddies walked in. Her arms and legs and uniform were bloody. Shaking hands held a mess of blankets.
"Your Highness- I'm so sorry- I didn't know- I-" she stammered, looking from Ilya to Damion as she went forward and slowly set the bloody thing of blankets on Damion's bed. Wrapped in it was a newborn baby, fast asleep.
Damion gawked and scooted away from it. Wonderous, another problem.(Lol XD)

Ilya rests his chin on one hand as he waits for the unwanted visitor to enter. At the sight of blood he immediately straightened in alarm as his mind immediately went to the possibility of an attack but then between her words and the bundle he quickly pieced together what had happened. Ah fuckkkk. Another complication. He watched Damion scoot away and instead himself moved closer. He moved back to sit on the edge of the bed so that he could peer down at the newborn infant. Ilya had always had a soft spot for children. Maybe it had come from the fact he had several younger siblings of his own and had taken much joy and pride in teaching them everything he could and had helped out in raising them when he could. Especially after his father died. He carefully picks up the baby, being careful to support its head as he studies its face, "Are you sure this child is, his highnesses?"he questions the maid critically. "You haven't had any other... relations around the time of conception?" Having a child of the king would could be a future queen or king themselves could do wonders for a persons status. So even if the child wasn't Damion's he wouldn't be surprised if someone tried to pass them off as one. But then he noticed the baby blink open it's eyes and noticed that they were the exact same shade as the King's next to him. He should know. He had spent a lot of time thinking about those eyes. Fuckkkkkk Damion watched Ilya move about and then scooted closer to him when it was Ilya holding the little newborn.
"No, Sir. I havent had any other relations. No one really wants to intervene if I tell them what I do with King Damion." She commented and tried her best to wipe the blood off from her hands and onto her dress. "I-uhm. I didnt tell anyone. I didnt know I was bearing, and I gave birth in my quarters. No one knows about her yet."
Damion frowned and reached over to just tap the newborn's cheek, making her open her mouth and turn her head a little.
"Go clean up and rest. And go to a medic." Damion told her. "Thank you." He murmured and she bowed and left, leaving to do so and then planning to come back to take the baby.
"Haha. To think that my life couldnt get any worse, I get a kid." He frowned to Ilya. It was a little too arousing to see Ilya act so manly and hold a baby in such a gentle manner. He gulped and looked the other way.
"Yes. I will run away."Ilya sighs at that but after seeing the babies eyes he'd figured that was the answer. "Very well. Take care of yourself. We will watch the baby." To be honest he was already melting like butter. He hadn't wanted any kids of his own (mostly because that meant having relations with a woman and it would also have been a distraction from his duty to Damion) but he did find her absolutely adorable. He quirks his lips up at Damion, "Well, your advisors insisted on an heir. Now you can show them this one." He teases and gently nudges him with his shoulder, "No no. You cannot run away. You have a kingdom and this baby needs a father. If you hadn't wanted babies you shouldn't have gone around swinging your dick everywhere. Just pray there aren't more." He tells him with a shake of his head and scoots a little closer to Damion and holds the baby closer to him, "Look. She has your eyes. You should speak to the maid of names later. Perhaps... she could be named with honor to your mother or sister." He tells him gently. "Oh come on, can't Cecilia become Queen and I can just go?" He frowned and grumbled. Damion looked down when the baby was brought closer and traced the curve of her tiny nose. "She's so small." He breathed, opening his palm over her head to show that his hand was bigger than her face.
He slumped and rested his head on Ilya's shoulder. "I dont think it would be cool if I named her Genevieve and or Irene." He wrinkled his nose and looked at Ilya, "Maybe I should name her Cornelia." He joked, knowing that Ilya had a strong dislike for Cornelius.
The King watched her the little baby let out a big sigh, eyes going back to close.
Damion didnt really know what the fuck to do. This was all so terrible. But the little baby looked so innocent and harmless, he felt a feeling of overprotectiveness take over him.
"You're gonna need to make a baby fast, so mine could have their own little Knight, Ilya.""No. It would not be the same." Ilya says firmly. He looks at the tiny baby and it made him think that maybe having a child of his own wouldn't be so bad. He knew his mother would be delighted to have a grandchild. He just wished it wouldn't have to be with a woman. Ilya then shoots a glare at Damion when he suggested such a name, "Do not torture your poor daughter with such an awful name." He says. He then wrinkles his nose and sighs, "Well im sure once the advisors have picked me a wife there will be one." Wanting to move away from the topic he offers the baby to Damion, "Here, hold her while I find a clean blanket." The blanket she was swaddled in was still blood covered and that certainly wouldn't do."I have t even ruled yet. I dont know about that." He grunted, slowly holding the baby like how he saw Ilya hold it. He rested her little head on the crook of his elbows and lifted his arms to look down at her. She had ginger hair, like Mariel, and beautiful blue eyes like Damion. He smiled a little and laid the softest little kiss on her forehead. "Elle." He cooed. "Thats a pretty name." Damion kind of decided, but it was Mariel's choice. He was King, but she had been the one to carry her and suffer for so long.
He looked in disgust at the blood on the blankets and grunted.
"Man, why does it have to be so bloody?" He looked at Ilya and stood up, "you sit down. Your leg. Sit."Ilya had to admit that there was something endearing and adorable about Damion holding his daughter. He then rolls his eyes at him, "That's just how birth is. Just be glad it wasn't your plight to carry her." He tells him. He then huffs but stays put, "Fine but you either need to find a blanket or have someone else do it. Our little princess deserves better than that." He sniffs. In comparison to Damion's well-built body, the baby was nothing more than a little doll. She was very calm about everything, and would let out little sighs and take in little yawns as she adjusted to being in the world.
"Ooohhh, sure." He placed the baby back in Ilya's arms as he stood up to grab some blankets. They were usually stashed up in his closet, so he opened that and grabbed a fluffy one.
"Say, ilya, ive got an idea! Would you want to be the Godfather? Then that way, you can make your kid my godkid!" He planned with excitement, even if he hated kids. This one and ilya's would be okay.Ilya made a small sound of surprise when he was handed the baby again but just cradled her close to his chest. She was such a precious little thing. So tiny and delicate. He could practically hold her in one hand. He then lifts his head with a stunned look, "You'd want me to be her godfather?" He asks and was honored. He then says softly, "I'd love that." When he brought over the fresh blanket he unwrap the baby and then quickly reswaddles her in the fresh one. // I have an intensive English class and the prof makes us write a shit ton of short narrative essays. One prompt was test scores and I had a brain fart so I used Xander and Rune. I got full marks, so im going to link it to you once I log on my computer.

"Yeah! Wouldnt that be cool?" Damion smirked, "then she'd have a badass, cool looking dad and uh... Wimp looking Godfather." He joked as he helped swaddle the baby.
He sat down and looked with amusement at her and then forgot all about his back pains and Cecilia. He sighed in content.
"Damn. I still hate babies though." He shrugged and grabbed a comb to brush his blonde hair and fix it.
"Maybe you can switch jobs. Become a nanny instead or something."(OH MY GOD PLEASE DO)

"Wimp???" Ilya scoffs, "Says the man I'm constantly saving." He affectionately bumps his shoulder with his. "Aww but she's adorable. Look at her." Ilya croons. He then scoffs, "Nah I'll keep my usual job. You have plenty of servants who can play nanny. I will be her beloved guardian who fights evil." // okay, but just remember that the story isnt important, she just needed my paragraph strategies. it wont let me send it as a pdf.

"Noo, all I can imagine is her slobbering on me. I don't need that at all." Damion wrinkled his nose at the baby, but chuckled anyways.
He looked at Ilya and then dropped his gaze to the Knight's chest. "Since we're cool now, I won't hesitate to admit that i do like your titties. Very hot." He made a squeezing moption with his hands and laughed, looking at him with consideration.
The little baby was fully asleep, and Damion just looked at her curiously, "I hope you make a boy. So that they could at least have a happy life."(OUR BABIES!!!!)

Ilya chuckles at him and rolls his eyes, "Oh trust me sweetheart, I am well aware of your obsession with my chest." He says with amusement. He then laughs at his next remark, "Are you already planning on marrying off our children?" He asks with a raised eyebrow and hums, "Maybe our kids will get along better than we did." He gives a small sad smile. // My Professor said they have a good dynamic 💀

"No you don't." The King blushed, even more so when Ilya called him sweetheart. He sat down and fixed himself up to look dignified.
"Oh, yes!" He nodded, "I do hope yours isnt a little cocky boy like you. Then I'll be happy."
The King stood up and bent a little to ease his sore back.
"Come on. We've kept Cecilia alone at the dinner table."(D'awwwww!)

Ilya noticed him blush and was ridiculously smug and pleased by it, "Oh trust me I do. You've made so many remarks about it thats its obvious." He informs him with amusement and chuckles, "We'll see." He still had a bit he needed to do before he could have a child. He then lets out a low groan, "Noooooo... You go have dinner with that awful woman. I'll babysit." He gripes. // 😫😫😫

Damion turned around and smiled. "Alright. I won't force you. Stay here and keep it- her quiet. I'll let some servants know that there are baby supplies that need to be brought to my bedchamber."
He felt so much better than earlier.
Damion waved awkwardly and left to go 'dote' on Cecilia, who let him know that she didnt like that he hunched like an old man sometimes.
He hoped he would be assassinated in his wedding.Ilya was relieved when he agreed. He so didn't want to have to spend a dinner with that woman. He would much rather babysit until Mariel came back for her. "Have fun explaining to your wife-to-be that you already have a child." He smirks slightly at his king. When Damion left he got comfortable in his bed and sprawling out. He'd heard it was important for babies to have physical contact so he gently laid her on his chest (apparently his pecks did make for good pillows). Without meaning to he ended up dozing off. Damion sat down at the dinner table, unaware that Ilya was basically giving the girl skin-to-skin and thus making sure that she grew up to like him more than her Father. He would kill him!
Mariel entered a while later to see the baby laid on Ilya, who was laid on the King's bed.
She smiled a little and gently took her baby away to go feed her, but sticking to her maid-ly duties of covering Ilya with the covers and turning off the fire that illuminated the room.
Damion came back when it was bed time and looked unamused as to where he found Ilya. "Damn you." He murmured and slowly moved to lay beside him.Ilya stayed asleep throughout it- apparently being out all day had truly worn him out. When Damion returned he roused slightly when he felt him get into bed with him but was still mostly asleep. In his sleep addled state he ended up snuggling up closer to him and threw his arm over him as he nuzzled his face against him. He let out a contented sigh as he settled back down and kept sleeping. "Ugh- geddoffame-" Damion grumbled as the General and huffed in defeat, looking down at how peaceful he was while he was sleeping. he had jo worry lines and no glare in his expression for Ilya fucked shit up.
Damion smiled to himself and let himself giggle because Ilya was sleeping. "I can't believe I like you." He cooed, cuddling back into him and falling asleep soundly.Ilya made a small grumbled sound of complaint when Damion fussed about him cuddling up to him but then relaxed again when he left him be and slept pretty soundly after that.
The next morning Ilya woke up early and found himself cuddled up to the king. After their very nice talk yesterday about their feelings for each other he wanted nothing more to linger here with him in his arms. However he knew that wouldn't be a good idea. He shouldn't do anything else that might increase his feelings. It would only lead to heart break. He surely shouldn't have fallen asleep in his bed and slept with him all night. He very carefully untangles himself from the King and get out of bed. His leg was feeling a bit better so he figured that as long as he took it easy and didn't do anything too strenuous he should be fine to walk on it. He vanishes back to his own room to get dressed and freshen up. Usually he woke up early in the mornings to partake in training but he wasn't yet well enough to do so yet. So instead before Damion woke up he headed out to handle some reports that needed to be looked over. At least that was the plan until he got interrupted with the news that per his request the advisors had a wife for him. He grimaced at the news. And so it began. Damion had a rather good sleep time. He cuddled up to Damion subconsciously and had his face pressed into the crook of Ilya's neck.
He whined when he felt the other move away, but didn't do much more than that, instead just turning to the spot where Ilya was sleeping so he could be warm.
During his usual wake time: 9AM, the King woke up and was dragged to the baths to get bathed and dressed and brushed.
He yawned and sat to eat, looking outside the windows to look for Ilya. After doing some little things like approve for building dams and such, he set out to looked for Ilya.
"I heard the news." He told him, "I guess we're both doomed now, huh?" he laughed.Ilya was back to his moody sulking. He'd met the woman that they had picked for his wife and since it wasn't her fault and he felt bad she was getting stuck with him when he could never love her he'd been on his best behavior and had been as nice as possible. He would have preferred to be able to sword train to work out his angst but he still wasnt able to. He looks up when Damion appeared, "Yeah unfortunately." He heaves a sigh before adding, "She seems nice at least. She's also blonde. Apparently they thought that that would make a difference." He eyes the blonde king next to him. Apparently his fondness for him was becoming more and more known. Damion laughed, finishing the last of his tea and setting the cup aside.
"Well, now at least you'll remember me like that." He shrugged. "No. I'm kidding. Ive got a plan, you just have to trust me."
He rubbed his own lower back and looked at Ilya in consideration. "I'll have it all figured out, I promise. By the end of this week."
Then, he shook his head. "Shall we go take a ride around the city?"Ilya gives him a doubtful look, "A plan?" He asks him critically. He had a hard time imagining that there was anything that could get them out of this. He then raises an eyebrow as he considers it, "I don't know..." He says hesitantly. "A ride sounds wonderful but you should have more protection than just me." On a good day he would say that he should have a full retinue of knights accompany him. And that was even when he wasn't hurt. "Yes. I just need you to put your hopes in me." Damion murmured as he walked them to the dancing hall, where their weddings would be both held for the rich and nobility.
He sighed, walking to the center of the empty ballroom and extended his arms over to him. "Let's have a dance. Yiu seem well enough for one then. We can go to the City some time later."Ilya follows after him and was a little curious as to why they were headed into thr ballroom. It had been a while since they had had a reason to use it. There hadnt been much reason to celebrate since the Queen and princess were murdered. "You want to dance?" He asks but then slowly smiled before reaching out to accept his hand. He tugs him into him and rests his other hand on his waist, "Fine, but Im leading." He declares with a gleam in his eyes. "I dont think so." The King smirked and put his hand on Ilya's waist as well, slowly moving to the sound of music he made in his head. It was quiet in the ballroom, but the echos of their shoes was fun.
He smiled as he led Ilya in the dance, swirling them around on the gleaming white tile, accented with golden sceneries and beautiful trees.
Damion looked at Ilya. "You know, I said I had feelings, but that doesnt cancel the fact that I think you're a douchebag." He smirked.Ilya huffs when Damion took the lead but went along with it. He lost himself to the sweet moment and dancing with him to the sound of their own beat and the warmth of his hands against him. He looks in his eyes and grins, "As are you, you're Highness. You're still just as much of a menace." He steps closer to him until they were a hairsbreadth apart and leans down to steal a quick kiss since no one else was around. He melts into him for a second as he kisses him sweetly and then having distracted him for a moment takes up the lead of the dance as he continues it and spins him under his arm with a rougish grin. Damion kept his eyes focused only on Ilya, watching the man's facial features and how they softened when he got closer to him.
Damion stood on the tips of his toes to elevate him as they shared that little gesture, each of them betrothed to different people. Damion didn't want to be unfaithful, but shit, he hated Cecilia and literally loved Ilya.
As Ilya took the lead, Damion sighed and rested his head on Ilya's shoulder, wanting to be the one taking the lead, but he would let Ilya have his moments of glory.
He spun begrudgingly and shot a look at Ilya, then led the dance once more, moving to dip Ilya in his arms for payback.Ilys gives him a playfully smug look when he took the lead and spun the king. He gives him a wink when he saw the look he gave him only then to be dipped himself. He comes back up from thr dip and spins closer until they were chest to chest. He rests his forehead against Damion's and sighs softly, "I wish it could just be like this forever." He didn't want things to change. "So do I. But I've already fucked Cecilia. I'll be damned now if she found out that I'm doing this. Last night, she said that she doesnt like it when I use my cane. Makes me look ridiculous." He shrugged. "Maybe I'll accidentally poison her drink tomorrow or something."
He then looked at Ilya. "Have you met up with your lady? I'm sure she's, uh, lovely?"Ilya immediately scowls at the mention of Cecilia and scowls even more when he mentioned what she'd said. He practically bristled in anger, "Are you serious?? You need your cane! How about I take out her kneecap and then tell her to walk normal because otherwise she'll look ridiculous!" He was starting to grow more heated. He frowns at his question, "Yeah. I mean. Seems nice enough I suppose. I mostly feel bad because she's getting a poor deal out of me." "I know. She's such a bitch. I would like it if you did do that." He grinned. Seeing Ilya get angry for Damion was really hot for The King.
Damion wrapped his arms around the man and rested his head down on his shoulder.
"She wont be getting a poor deal. You're handsome, strong, funny, stupid and a douchebag, yes, but you've got good traits. And a big dick." He looked at him. "It's you who's getting a poor deal."
He frowned. "Let my coronation happen, and maybe I can put a decree for you to get married. You can adopt. Hell, I'll give you one of mine." He cracked a grin.Ilya chuckles at him, "Do you really think so highly of me?" He asks with a smile and gently touches his cheek, "when you say it like that I don't sound so bad. I mostly feel bad because I know theres no way i can ever love her." He would do his best to be a husband as he always wanted to be a man of honor but he wasn't sure it would be enough. He then gives Damion a sad smile, "Im not sure i would want to marry even then. I cant imagine anyone else I would want to marry." It was hard to imagine having the same depth and feelings for someone else"I do. Kind of." Damion chuckled, still swaying them as they danced.
"They just need a child from you, your Dad faced the same thing to have you and your sisters. But I'm guessing it's not the same." He frowned.
"How about I put in a decree for you to jot get married yet? You'll just need a child and I will be more than happy to let you adopt mine, no one will know if you-" he made a slicing movement on his neck to let Ilya know that Damion wouldnt be mad If Ilya killed his lady.
"Or you can wait until I execute my plan. It will be delightful.""Yeah but my dad was lucky. He and my mum were sickeningly in love." Ilya says, his expression softening with memories. His parents had been the most in love couple ever. "But adoption could work." Ilya muses. He then cocks an eyebrow at him, "What exactly is your plan?" He inquires. "I know. They were a glorious item, but that's nit my point. All they needed from his was a son, and then they let him go." At least, that's what he heard. He wasnt born then. Damion didnt have parents who loved each other. They just sorta hung around.
He wiggled his shoulders and shook his head.
"I won't tell you just yet. All I'll need you to do is agree with everything I say. Okay?"Ilya rolls his eyes as they continued to glide along the dance floor. Though he had had the same dancing lessons so that he could be prepared for balls he had never been the biggest fan of dancing. However he would take this every oppurtunity to have an excuse to hold Damion this close, "Agree with everything? When do I need to do this? Starting now? Because that just sounds like an excuse to boss me around." He teases. Damion raised a blonde brow, "Man, the more I think that you're okay, you bring up weird kinky shit like that. Do you want to be forced to agree with me for a day? Because I can do that." He winked, taking the lead on the dance once more, gliding them past the lengthy windows.
"You will need to start agreeing with everything I say once my wedding begins. That will be the day after tomorrow." He instructed. "And have a two little daggers ready in your pocket along with your usual sword."Ilya chokes, "What? It's not kinky! You're the one making it that way." He exclaims as a blush crosses his cheeks. He bites his tongue and then nods to the rest of his statement, "I still don't know why you can't tell me the plan already." He grumbles, "Would it not be better if I were prepared?" He inquired. He was a bit concerned about what Damion might have come up with especially since he wanted to ensure he had weapons present. "Because you have a big mouth, Ily, and I don't want you accidentally spilling our beans." Damion joked. "Uh, because if I told you, you might fuck it up."
Damion pulled Ilya's head down and smooched his lips. "Because this is your test of love, and it will be the thing that proves to me if you love me or not."
He smiled and slowed their dancing until they were just staring out the window. "I'm not usually a sappy person. I dunno. You just awakened something in me and I dont like it.""I do not have a big mouth!" Ilya scoffs in outrage. He was offended by the mere notion. Before he could complain more however he was silenced by the press of Damion's lips as he was pulled down. He makes a soft sound and sighs, "How is this to be a test of love?" He frowns at him in puzzlement. He also was most definitely not a fan of the fact that his wedding day was so close. It might end up being one of the worst days of his life, right next to the loss of his beloved father. He leans into him as their dancing slowed to a stop and wraps his arm around his waist as he pulls him against his side. He chuckles at him, "I could say the same for you. You are the most frustrating, maddening man I have ever met in my life. You practically tormented me when we were children! I have no idea how we got past that. Perhaps i just actually have Stockholm syndrome." He teasingly nudged him. "Because it means you are willing to do crazy shit with me." Damion smiled in a cheeky manner. There they were, the two most important men in the Kingdom, cooing at each other like seniors.
"Uh, we arent past that. I think you have a degrading kink and you just like it when I do that to you." Damion huffed, crossing his arms.
He felt the hand on his waist and leaned more of his weight onto Ilya. "Make sure those daggers that you will bring are very sharp. Sharp enough to slice through a ribcage, perhaps.""Is that the test of my love? That I will do crazy shit with you? My hunting down your kidnappers when still badly injured and rescuing you like the damsel you are had no consequences?" Ilya asks with a raised eyebrow. He then opens his mouth to immediately dismiss his mention of a degradation kink but then stayed silent as he was no longer so sure and didn't want to think about it. He leans his head gently against Damion's and quirks his lips up in amusement, "My knives are always sharp. But now I must wonder whose death you are already planning?" "No. That was part of your job. Besides, you used to threaten to kill me yourself, so it cancels out." Damion mumbled with an unamused expression.
He awaited Ilya's response to him having a degrading kink and smirked in triumph when it wasnt denied.
"Ours, Ilya. I'm plotting our death. You must trust me and not question anything more.""I was never going to kill you. You should know that." Ilya scoffs. No matter how infuriating he may have been Ilya was duty bound to protect him so he couldn't exactly go around killing his charge. He then adds, "Perhaps it was part of my job but that does not make my terror for you any less real." He then arches an eyebrow at the last part and was beginning to think it really would be the best idea to just wait and let what insane idea he had play out. "It didnt seem like it." Damion chuckled and sat on the window ledge, opening it up to look at the startled Guard standing outside of it.
"Yeah, just don't question it and you'll be fine." He smirked, "and also, I always feared for your safety too. No matter how much you irritate me and how much I love pouring soup on your lap, you're still very special to me."Ilya glances at the startled guard before turning his attention back to Damion. He gives a soft smile, "You sure you don't just enjoy bullying me?" He teases.

(Do you want to do a time skip to the wedding?) // sure!

"No. I like bullying you."
Damion woke up on the morning of his wedding day with a profound sense of doom and guilt. If his plan didn't work out, he would be lawfully wedded to Cecilia and she would be named Queen Consort.
He gulped and allowed himself to be dragged around in the baths and the dressing rooms to be groomed and handsome-d up.
He was dressed in an all red suit and pants, with a long red cape and a jeweled cane.
Damion gulped and couldnt find Ilya anywhere as he was sat down in the backrooms. It was an hour till the ceremony, and then it would be Ilya's wedding right after Damion's.

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