Incorrect quotes pt.10 🖤❤

25 3 7

Driam edition ✨🔥


Liam: How much for you to burn your hand?
Drew: I already have money, dipshit.
Liam: I know but-
Drew: Plus, I don't fuck around with stupid things like you.
Liam: Damn it-


Drew: What are you doing...?
Liam, licking a wall: Trying to get my tongue to go through the wall.
Drew: Why the fuck-?
Liam: I'm trying to do a homework for physics and see if the electrons on my tongue are able to go through the electrons of this wa-
Drew: Stop it that's nasty.
Liam: Okay....


Liam: Guess what.
Drew: What is it?
Liam: Bitch I told you to guess.
Drew, visibly annoyed: Ugh....did you do something stupid with Jake and Henr-
Liam, kissing Drew's forehead: I love you.
Drew, blushing a little: ....yeah I love myself too.
Liam: I'm glad.
Drew: Aight now fuck off.
Liam: Oh I will alright. *winks*


Drew, holding a rose: Hey Liam.
Liam: Hm, what's up man?
Drew: *hands him the rose* Here you go.
Liam, blushing: Aw you didn't have to-
Drew: It's for your dead grandpa. Y'know, the one you killed by unplugging his life support macheine? Today marks 4 years of him being dead.
Liam: Ah....I don't know what you're talking about...!
Drew: Sure you don't.


(The jomies on a road trip)

Jake, closing the trunk of the car: Alrighty. Liam, you're driving.
Henry, sitting down on the passanger seat: I CALL SHOT GUN!
Liam: Passanger princess. Haha, nice.
Drew, pulling out a revolver: And I call my revolver.
Jake: Why the fuck do you carry a revolver with you....? Actually, why the fuck do you even have one-?
Drew: I have a gun license.
Also Drew, looking at Henry while pointing the gun at him: Now move over, bitch.
Henry: *quickly hurries over to sit down next to Jake*
Liam: I don't want a psychotic guy with a gun sitting next to me-
Drew: *points gun at Liam with a smile*
Liam, starting the car: Jeez fine....-


Drew: Do you know why I'm built like a bicycle?
Liam: Because once people ride you they never forget?
Drew, blushing and stammering: I-I was gonna s-say because I'm too tired....-
Liam, shrugging: Eh works either way.



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