011. best sex hes ever had!

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"I FEEL LIKE IM THE ONLY one who's excited here." joey lilac held her camera up as the three walked into the airport.

"because you are the only person on earth who likes the airport." colby informed as he dragged his and joeys suitcase across the floors.

"yeah it's like when you enter the airport it feels like it's thanksgiving." sam says and to anyone that would sound incredibly odd.

"for context, joey turns into a thankszilla during thanksgiving." colby snatched the camera as he said while sam was checking them in.

"she doesn't let anyone in the kitchen because she's cooking up a fucking feast.. for three people." colby trails off at the end of his sentence.

"acting like he doesn't lick the plate clean." joey leaned her head onto the brock boys shoulder as they waited for sam.

"that's right i have to admit, if you need the best gravy on earth, she's your girl." he averts the camera closer to her tired face.

"or as i like to call it, turkey lube!" she yells happily, slumping her shoulders when everyone around them started staring.

"and this is why we don't go out." he mumbles.

they now played her overdramatized intro.

"now we wait for the plane to come." sam informs as they sat in a random airport cafe.

"while tulip panics about every horrible thing that can happen on the plane." colby mumbles harshly pointing the lens onto the girl who was humming nervously.

"i am so scared." she mumbles under her breath.

"sammy is fast asleep." the girl then shoes the blonde asleep uncomfortably on the lounge chairs.

"so it's just me and the idiot."

the camera cuts.

"joey is trying to convince me to get her name tattooed on my face." colby informs as they boredly sat.

"i feel like it would totally bring out your jaw plus you haven't gotten me a birthday gift yet." she giggles holding onto his bicep with fake hope.

she glanced softly at his skin, smiling when seeing the exact same birth mark on his shoulder just like she had.

when they had figured that out during joeys first week in kansas when they were kids it was the first ever time they had a conversation without insults.

"i'll think about it." he said just to shut her up.

"really?!" she gasps standing up from her seats making everyone around them snap their heads and poor sam to flinch in his sleep.

"sh jo." he grabs her thighs making her kneel down on the floor in front of him.

"sorry." she whispers with a smile.

"but i can't wait, i'll book the appointment tomorrow." the girl giggles giddily.

and colby brock could not even help himself, he grins at the simplicity of her grin.

her eyes that crinkle when she smiles, the slight gap in between her front teeth that he could never imagine her without them. how her hair bounced when she stood up, and the faint yet strong smell of her vanilla perfume that managed to be on all parts of her skin.

"don't stare at me when i smile." she covers her face still smiling as she sat back next to him. while he shuts the camera off for a the next few minutes.

his face dropped at her degrading words.

"why not?"

"i look weird, my face crinkles aggressively plus i got a gap in my teeth." she taps her nails on the arm rest with a monotone voice.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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