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"she pushed me down the stairs!"
"push is a strong word, i gave you a little nudge."


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WHEN JOSEPHINE LILAC MET colby brock she was 16 years old and in her tulip pattern pajamas, with two messy braids in her hair, and tired eyes

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WHEN JOSEPHINE LILAC MET colby brock she was 16 years old and in her tulip pattern pajamas, with two messy braids in her hair, and tired eyes.

you can obviously imagine that she had just woken up, her cousin sam golbach had invited his new best friend over for a sleepover only forgetting that his cousin was sleeping over at that same time.

she was just moving to kansas from california so it was definitely a huge change, her mom had passed from a car accident a few months ago and her dad was never in the picture.

she had been sleeping at her friend's house until the golbach home could clean out the storage room and make her a room. so now joey was sleeping at sam's house.

the girl was emotional the first month but now she just seems to know how to cancel out any grief or memory in her mind.

to forget is the best way to be happy.

walking down the stairs that morning with a hum in her voice and thoughts on what to eat for breakfast, suddenly it had all came to a sudden halt when she saw a tall boy she didn't know in the kitchen.

creeping her last steps watching as he opened the cabinets as if he was rushing, her eyes widen in fear.

her first instinct was to grab the nearest thing she could find, thinking someone had broken in.

a frying pan in her hand as she neared him, finally being close enough to run over and scream while raising it above his head.

before she had the pleasure of hitting him unconscious he had grabbed the pan part in a frantic yell.

"what the fuck?" she hears him murmur.

"who the hell are you?" she screams backing away slowly.

he couldn't help but laugh at her, I mean who wouldn't? a teenage girl barefoot, in baggy pink pajamas while holding a frying pan the size of her head.

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