010. more like a hating show

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"WELCOME TO THE MENU, a blind date where the questions get harder and harder..." david alvarez spoke in narrations.

"and at the end, they have to decide wether they share the thousand dollars or steal the money and run."

the camera cuts to the next clip,

where joey lilac and colby brock walk onto the set, the waiter, hunter leading them.

the 'romantic' dinner being set up waiting for them.

"oh fancy." joey giggles setting down on one seat when holding the cup filled with orange juice.

"cheers." colby holds his cup as the two clank them together.

"welcome to the menu, this is the dating show where well- actually are you guys?" hunter begins looking at them with questions.

joey shook her head for no, "well yes, she kinda forced me into the relationship." colby shook his head.

"no, no, i'd like to say this is a normal dinner." she shuts him down completely.

"well, the dating/friendship show where we play the menu our card game, which consists of three courses appetizers worth $25 each entrée worth $50 and dessert worth $100." hunter begins the explanation.

"and each of them are rounds of questions I get harder as the video goes."

"well she likes hard stuff." colby points to the girl.

"yeah and he can't keep it hard." she giggles retaliating her joke making hunter and some of the crew to laugh.

"you know it's a condition." colby decided to play off her words a sly smirk.

"okay so i'm still in the intro.." hunter looks at them weirdly.

"oh go ahead brother." joey waves at him.

the man had then told the rules and clarified all the details.

"so without further ado, joey, colby. welcome to the menu, how are you guys feeling?" hunter asks with a great h smile.

"i'm feeling extremely nervous, and excited and hungry." joey begins her rant with a high pitch voice.

"well me, i'm not nervous because i would only be nervous if i had anything to hide." colby pokes his eyebrows at her making the girl roll her eyes.

"oh-kay, so let me get this straight. you two are not a couple?" hunter questions.

the two nod aggressively.

"then why is it that everytime i open your comment sections everyone is shipping you?" he then inquired truthfully confusion lingering his voice.

"because people need to get back on their meds. i feel like shipping me with sam, is more normal than shipping me with him." the girl pulls a disgusted look as the crew giggle.

"well i was going to say that we have some fun chemistry and we banter back and forth but that sounds more like it." colby pulls a fake sad face.

making joey tilt her head, "don't victimize yourself, everyone's gonna call me a bitch."

"well maybe you should take those words into consideration." he lifts his brows in instinct.

"okay!" hunter intervenes, "i feel like a lot of people know who you two are and they know that you have a.. relationship."

"but is there something about the other person that you know that the public doesn't," the waiter ask the question watching them closely.

The pair then straighten their posture, as they take a thinking, joey was first to begin talking.

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