The Move and Meeting Familiar Faces

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I was at Chicago Med waiting for updates about my wife Leslie Shay after a support beam fell on her. All of Firehouse 51 and my kids are waiting with me as well. Kelly and Gabby are sitting next to me in silence has I impatiently waited for updates from Dr Manning. After two hours of waiting Dr Manning came in making me get up and walk to her with Kelly by my side. She gave me a sad smile. "We did everything we could but she didn't make it. I'm sorry, Y/n." Dr Manning told me sadly. I fell to my knees and cried so loud as Kelly knelt down to me and hugged me.

I kept crying when I see the rest of Firehouse 51 all have tears in their eyes and then my eyes caught the sight of my twins who came up to me and hugged me. "Daddy, where's mommy?" Jazmine asked me. I looked at her with tears in my eyes. "Your mommy, is not coming home with us." I told her slowly as Jaxon looked like he was ready to cry. "Where she go?" Jaxon asked me. "She is in the stars. She is watching over us." I told him softly. They both started crying as they knew that Leslie is gone and hugged me as they cried. "Want me to drive you home?" Kelly asked me. "Yeah." I said softly as I mourned over my wife.

Me and Kelly got up and walked back to the rest of the guys who gave me a solemn look. Chief Boden walked up to me. "Take as much time you need, L/n." Chief told me as I silently nodded at him before I grabbed my kids and walked to Squad 3 Firetruck. Everyone got in as it was quiet when we drove back to the house. After I changed I went up to Kelly who had both my kids in each arm as they cuddled into their uncle's chest. We both walked to his car and drove off to now my apartment.

Four weeks later

I haven't stepped into the Firehouse since Leslie died and I've been thinking of moving back to Seattle, Washington. I already filled my transfer application in and now I have to bring it to chief Boden so he could accept it. The kids are at daycare so I drove to the house. I walked in as everyone greeted me before I walked into Chief's office. I knocked on the door before he let me in. I walked in and sat on the chair in front of him. "Good to see you, L/n. How are you feeling?" Boden asked me. "I'm getting there slowly but I want to ask you something, chief." I told him.

He nodded for me to go on. "I've been thinking about this all four weeks and I want to move back to Seattle, Washington. I already filled out the transfer paperwork all you need to do is approve it." I told him as I took out the paper and set it in front of him. He looked at it then at me. "Are you sure?" He asked me. "Want to start fresh, in my apartment all I see is Leslie not there taking care of the kids with me or telling me to take out the trash before she shove it down my throat." I said as me and him chuckled a bit knowing Leslie would do that, it's why I fell in love with her.

"If you're so sure then I approve. Firehouse 51 is not going to be the same without you, L/n." Boden told me. We both got up and walked into the living room where everyone is doing their own thing. "Listen up!" Boden called out making everyone look our way. "Y/n is no longer serving this house. She will be transfer to Seattle, Washington." Boden told them the news. They all looked sadly at me. "It's not going to be the same without you, Y/n." Herman told me. "I know, I just want to start fresh and not be reminded of the fact that Leslie is not coming back. I talked to a captain I knew since way back and he agreed to let me in his Firehouse." I explained to them. They all hugged me and told me they are going to miss me especially Kelly who is like a brother to me.

Couple days later

I put everything in the moving truck as I had help from my friends at Firehouse 51. Once we got everything in the moving truck the movers left before I took the kids in the car. We all said bye to them before I got in the car and put in the GPS and drove to Seattle, Washington. It will be a 30 hours drive so I will take some rest stops along the way.

30 hours later

I finally arrived at my new home. The movers were already here and helped me with putting everything away in the house as the kids choose their rooms. After an hour everything was put in the house and I paid the movers before they left and now it's just me and my kids. I have two days to settle in before I go to Station 19 and meet the Captain.

2 days later

I dropped the kids off at daycare that is close to Station 19 and then drove to the station. K parked my car across the street and walked in the building and walked up to the captain's office and knocked on the door. I hear a 'come in' before opening the door and see the man I haven't seen in years. He looked up and smiled at me. "I can't believe my eyes. It's really is you, Y/n." Captain Pruitt Herrera said as he walks up to me and hugged me tightly. "It's been long has it?" I said to him as I chuckled. "I heard about what happen to your wife. I'm sorry for your loss, mija." He said to me making me smile sadly.

"Leslie Shay was my person but I had to leave Chicago. So I decided to start fresh here." I told him. "Well, I'm happy you're here." He said before he started telling about Station 19 and gave me my uniform that was different from my old uniform in Chicago. I changed into my uniform before I followed Pruitt to where everyone is in the dining area. "Everyone listen up we got a new probie. She transferred from Firehouse 51 in Chicago. Meet Y/n L/n." Pruitt told them. They all greeted me before I see someone I almost forgot about. "Y/n?" Andy asked me. "Hey, Andrea." I said her full name making her frown. "I want you all to treat her like everyone here. She is now apart of this family." Pruitt told them.

They all introduced themselves before Vic guided me a seat next to her. "So, Y/n tell us what was it like in your old firehouse?" Vic asked me as everyone sat down and waited for my answer. "My old firehouse was the very best. I was in squad 3 of search and rescue. They weren't just my friends but they were my family but something happened and I couldn't take the pain so I moved here." I explained to them. I see the blonde girl Maya Bishop look at my wedding ring. "Your married?" She asked me as she looked at Andy who haven't looked away from me. "Yes, she was amazing. Actually she was a paramedic in the same firehouse with me." I told them smiling softly.

"Was?" Travis asked me confused. "Things happen." I said not looking at Andy. It was silent before the klaxon alarm went off. We all ran to the trucks and put on our gear. "I'm happy you're here, Y/n. We could catch up." Andy told me. "Can't, got my kids to take care off." I said to her before going on the truck and left to the call. It's a new start and my ex best friend wants to rekindle like we never had a fallout.

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