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♡  MAINSHIP  ♡ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━capturing john's heart isn't the most difficult thing ever , and yet it's not all that easy either

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capturing john's heart isn't the most difficult thing ever , and yet it's not all that easy either .  your muse is much more than a one night stand to him , someone he feels greatly at ease around .  enjoys babbling about his day or just downright nonsense with you .  to him , your muse feels the most like home .  there isn't a single person on base who hasn't figured it out yet , considering the scot isn't afraid about showing you off .  as well as giving lavish gifts whenever the time arises , or hell !  just because he loves you that much !  there's nothing he wouldn't do for your muse , even if it's a bit reckless at times .  he wouldn't trade you for the entire world .

the same could be said here as it does above , there's not a single thing john wouldn't do .  he absolutely loves you to bits .  at this point you've probably seen his small flat in scotland where he'd take you often on leaves .  he'll often stick to your muse's side , acting like a guard dog of his own or perhaps your muse does it in return .  the scot more than likely sleeps in your room / home since he often feels the most safe there .  never take his utmost loyalty , trust , and devotion for granted .  if it came down to it , soap would take down entire fields of men in order to get to you .
spezialkrafte , 1Otoes , IINVINCIBLES

so far so good , your muse has managed to capture john's full and uttermost attention . as mentioned previously , you're more than likely just a one night stand.. becoming something far greater than that . putting it into simpler terms , well , he likes you . maybe even loves you if you're lucky . the scot would still protect you nonetheless , despite the expense of hurting himself . such loyalty isn't always given , it's earned . anyone's lucky enough to be granted it . aside from that , he'll spend most of his time with your muse almost as if he can never get enough . and he can't .
GUN2TEMPLE , demodarlings , neuroschief , woIftaken , methucofio , SRGEANT , AVNGEHEALS

not exactly friends but not exactly colleagues either , your muse and john just.. know each other . yet it isn't enough to form any mutual bonds but it's enough from preventing useless fights happening . which'll be an utmost relief for his captain . there's not much to say for this one , aside from the fact both you and john can manage to tolerate being in a room with one another . maybe even a few casual chats , nothing more than just that .
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congrats , your muse gets along with john surprisingly well .  sticking with each other almost like glue , the scot's more than likely gotten hurt saving your ass on the battlefield or some recruit and or stranger talking shit .  not that soap even minds the scrapes and bruises , as long as your safe .  aside from missions you both talk very frequently , going to pubs or just hanging back on base in the recreation room . two peas in a pod , sometimes causing havoc but none that'll end up causing someone to get hurt . if not causing some mayhem , he'd just babble on and on . your muse might also return the chatter and do well - balanced conversations in return . you're almost like family to him , doesn't even matter about the blood . can't escape his lovable aura now .
parralmas , -ccptdonno , exspiravir , lasforces

oh boy..  your muse is definitely gonna regret this one (or maybe not) .  getting on john's nerves or becoming an enemy is never a good thing to do , the scot wouldn't even think twice about putting a bullet into your head .  unlike some of his teammates , controlling his temper isn't as easy when he's around your muse .  like a vicious dog he wishes to destroy , reduce you to nothing more than a fucking buried body nowhere to be found .  you'll have to count your days , and if he doesn't end up killing you upfront..  best feel lucky since his temper isn't something anyone smart enough wishes to tamper with .  so , good luck .  you'll definitely be needing it for every encounter .

a more tamer version of the one above , your muse and john often compete with one another . simple as that , on the rarer occasion strike up a conversation . your encounters fill him with adrenaline , he enjoys the feeling . the rush of it all . sparring keeps his skills sharp after all , or maybe even having a small race to see who is faster . either way the scot is having the time of his life . and maybe you both don't always see eye to eye , but a chance of a fight happening is much more lower than being his enemy . he's a fierce solider , even your muse should know to never even consider the doubt of ever underestimating him .
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up next : headcanons !( also if you wanna be added in the multi , just ask pls )

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up next : headcanons !
( also if you wanna be added in the multi , just ask pls )

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18 ⏰

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