Punching Hurts Both People

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The smell of death and decay invaded his nostrils as he ran up the corridor. Not that he wasn't used to it by then. He had been smelling that same thing for centuries, with no hope of escape. But now, he remembered. He remembered her, and what she'd promised him.

He came to an intersection in the hallway. He blindly turned left, hoping it was the way to freedom. As he ran he saw other souls like himself. Stuck in the same place for eternity. But he couldn't stop and help. If he did, he'd surely get caught, and he couldn't afford for that to happen. As he ran, he heard yelling in the distance. His absence had been noticed. He heard angry shouts, and an alarm sounded. His blood rushed, his heart pounded. He couldn't be caught now, he was so close. Suddenly, as he rounded a corner, he saw it. The door.

He started running even faster as shouts sounded behind him. He had been seen. The door started closing, the hall got darker. He sped up, sprinting faster than he ever knew he could.

Just as the door was about to seal shut, he slipped through the crack out into the night air. The door locked behind him. He heard pounding and angry cries from behind it, but that didn't matter anymore. All that mattered now was finding her. Calypso.


"Leo what are you doing?"

"Just, you know, chillin'."

"You're hanging upside down in a tree."

"Like I said. Chillin'."

"Are you stuck?"


Calypso raised her eyebrows disbelievingly.


She rolled her eyes. "Why are you even in the tree in the first place?"

"No reason, just..." he mumbled the rest incoherently.

"What?" Calypso asked.

"No reason!" Leo said loudly.

"Uh huh." Calypso nodded. "And, would you like help getting down?"

Leo mumbled something under his breath.

"What was that?" Calypso put a hand to her ear teasingly.

"I said yes!" Leo shouted. Calypso smirked before walking over and yanking on his arm, pulling him down out of the tree. He hit the ground with a thump, sitting up and rubbing his shoulder, which he had landed on. "Ow" he said.

"Oh don't be such a baby, you're fine" Calypso responded jokingly.

Leo threw himself on the ground in mock pain. "No! I'm dying! The pain! The pain!" Calypso giggled and grabbed his hands, pulling him up. As she did so, she pecked him on the lips. His expression brightened. "You know, I think that made it better." He leaned toward her, lips puckered. Calypso pushed his face away with her hand.

"Just come inside, lunch is ready."

Leo responded with a smirk, "Whatever you say Mamacita."

Calypso rolled her eyes. She didn't even bother telling him not to call her that, because he always did anyway.

As they started heading inside, the gate slammed open suddenly and a man with ragged clothes and a scraggly looking beard rushed into the yard. He looked around wildly, before his eyes landed on Calypso and he heaved a sigh of relief.

"Calypso!" he said, stepping toward her. "Thank heaven I found you, I've been looking everywhere. I don't have time to explain, but we need to go before they find me." The man reached for her hand, but she pulled away, stepping back.

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