His Fault

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"I'm so sorry Leo, this was never meant to happen. There was nothing we could do."

Leo said nothing, his brain still trying to process the information it'd just been told. He slumped to the ground, clutching his knees to his chest and slowly rocking back and forth. Tears started to form in his eyes. He blinked them back. There was no reason to be sad since this couldn't actually be happening, right?

"Leo?" Piper asked, noticing he hadn't said anything, or even looked her in the eyes since she told him. "Talk to me." She sat down in front of him, gripping his shoulders and moving her head so he was forced to look her in the eyes. He might have been looking at her, but his mind was far away.

He thought of Calypso. Her honey colored eyes, her hair that somehow always smelled like cinnamon without fail. He thought of her, knees and hands covered in dirt after a day working in her garden, and how he'd take a washcloth and gently wipe her hands and face. How he'd kiss her nose and she'd smile like there was no tomorrow. It was probably a good thing that's how she smiled, because now there was no tomorrow for her.

She was gone.

Leo heard Piper's voice, as if from far away, telling him to talk to her, that he shouldn't keep his feelings bottled up. He recalled all the times Calypso would say that to him after helping him through a panic attack or emotional breakdown. How after an especially hard day they would just lay in bed together and talk about anything and everything. He thought of how they'd never do that again. This time, when the tears came, he let them fall.

Leo felt arms, presumably Piper's, wrap around him, but he didn't feel the comfort they offered. He felt numb.

Suddenly, amidst the numbness, he felt a flash of white hot anger. He felt it again, and again, until it was the only thing he could feel. Piper released him when he started heating up.

Leo thought of the day, a week ago, when Chiron had IM'd Calypso and him from Camp. He'd told them that Calypso had specifically been chosen by Zeus to go on a quest, she couldn't say no. Leo remembered wishing her luck, and telling her he'd see her when she got back. He wished he hadn't let her go. He wished Zeus hadn't made her go. Zeus.

It was all Zeus's fault. That egotistic self-centered pig was the reason his love was gone. All the anger inside him directed itself at Zeus. Leo felt clouds of anger gather over his mind, driving away all sense and rational thought. He stood, making his way to the door. Piper's cries fell on deaf ears.


"QUIET" Zeus rumbled, finally shutting up the other eleven Olympians. "Now," he said, exasperated, "let us move on. Ares, you-" but he was cut of by a commotion outside the doors. He waited, expecting a guard or servant to come in and alert them all. None did.

When the noise didn't cease, he opened his mouth, about to send someone to investigate when a person walked through the door, body ablaze. 

Zeus was understandably confused. After he determined that this being couldn't actually hurt him, he spoke. 

"What is the meaning of this?" he boomed, the others staying quiet, watching on. The person stopped the flames dancing across their body in response. Zeus showed no emotion on his face except a slight raise of the eyebrow. He recognized this boy. He was one of the demigods from The Prophecy of Seven. Hephaestus's son. Larry, or Lucas or something. At least it wasn't Percy Jackson. That kid was a piece of work.

"Zeus," the boy said, staring with hate-filled eyes, "you are so pathetic!"

Zeus said nothing, just clenching his jaw slightly.

The boy continued. "First, you imprison Calypso on a solitary island where she got people she cared about ripped away from her, just because she sided against you in some petty feud. Then, y-" Zeus cut him off.

"The Titanomachy was not some petty feud. It-"


Zeus shut his mouth in shock and disbelief. No mere demigod had spoken like that to him before. He was getting very tired of these 21st century demigods. The old ones were much more respectful.

"Then," the son of Hephaestus continued, "when someone finally confronts you about it, you say you will free her, but then you fucking don't. And if that isn't enough, you choose her, specifically her, to go on a deadly quest, where she died. You could have picked anyone, but you had to pick her." The demigod's hands lit up with flames, spreading across his skin and engulfing his body. His face stayed visible, and with it, the pure hatred and loathing in his eyes.

He laughed hysterically and continued. "But of course, that doesn't matter to you. She was a mortal, with an unimportant and insignificant little life. Well her life was more significant and important than yours will ever be!" His voice got louder throughout the sentence. He stabbed an accusing finger in his direction. "You are a selfish, undesirable, worthless, useless, egotistic, pathetic asshole who doesn't deserve to be king of the gods."

At that, Zeus snapped. Normally, he didn't let trivial demigods get to him, but this one had crossed a line. Without so much as a word, he took on his true godly form. If this boy missed his dead friend so much, he could go join her for all he cared. Zeus saw a flicker of movement out of the corner of his eye as he took on his godly form. He ignored it, bringing all his power up to the surface to dissolve that ungrateful demigod into ashes.

As he came back to his human form, he ignored the other Olympians, all with different things to say about his actions, in favor of looking at the pile of soot that was now Leo Valdez. Except there was no pile of soot. No ashes, no body, nothing. Zeus swept his eyes around the room and they came to rest on the empty throne of Hephaestus.


DUN DUN DUUUUUUN! I let Zeus have it cause he's a pig and deserves it. Also, I will get that Q&A part out. Eventually.

I totally wasn't up writing this until midnight, what are you talking about?!

I shan't reveal anything, but "do guess, I'd love to hear the theories." -Alastor, the most iconic red deer.

Feel free to leave a request! Have a good day/night and be nice! 💛

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