Chapter 6:Not Stalking Just Following.!!!!

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The Introduction didn't go as planned but then again nothing in life ever does.
Taral seemed to close up when she was around people who she didn't enjoy the company of.
Strange that I noticed this but that's all I did till evening just watching her work.
There was tiny line that formed between her eyebrows when she was either concentrating or in deep thought.
It was absurd how bad I had it for her. I didn't even know her. I concluded that the only reason that I was attracted to her was because she was hot.
It was 5:10 and Taral had just left the office. I decided that it was time I also left and start to follow my prime
I had followed her into her favorite café. It was small and inconspicuous but had a home like feel to it. Also the fact that it served excellent coffee was a plus.
She sat down in her usual place. She was probably waiting for her friends. From what I observed they seemed really loyal and protect of her but they didn't seem part of whatever she was a part of. I had them checked out just in case.
I ordered and walked to her table and waited for her to notice me. I knew that once she was in a book it was pretty much impossible to bring her back to reality.
I once had witnessed a comical attempt by her friends and it didn't end well. They were lucky enough to come out of it with just scratches. Though I guessed that was because they were experts.
I on the other hand I had a very little chance. It wasn't that I couldn't take her it's just that one wrong move and my cover was blown.
But I had to do something so I said "do you always smile like that when you read?"
Quicker then I thought she looked up, surprised, into my eyes with her charcoal eyes. Giving me the feeling that she could she see right to my soul.
"um.. That depends on what I'm reading" she responds.
I smile my signature smile just to be on the safe side.
"are you waiting for your boyfriend "I ask. I knew that she didn't have one but I wanted to know what her response would be to such a question.
She shakes her head quickly and replies" I'm actually waiting for my friends. I came here early so they I can read. "
" so your going to sit alone until then? " I asked. I clearly heard the part about her arriving here early just to read but I chose to ignore that part and I just sat down at her table. Just to make sure I threw at her what I thought was a charming smile.
She looked a little dazed and I relaxed a little.
But the that was to soon to be good I guess cause that dazed expression of hers morfed into an adorable frown. The frown stayed on her face while she thought. To break her out her trance I asked her "you going to keep frowning at me like that or what?"

That definitely got her attention. "it's just that I don't like it when people distrub me while I'm reading. Not that I don't like you. I like you"
She started to blush real hard but because of her skin color she had this rosy glow. If I hadn't had the hots for her before I would definitely have it now.

Smirking at her "never said otherwise" that got her fired up again.
"what are you doing here"
I gave here the revised answer about me living near by and all the other shit. I said it as convincing as I could. With anyone else this would be a piece of cake. But when it comes to her I feel a bit unnerved.
The got her to cool down down again and then the silence continued.
I then realized that I likes it better when she was all riled up.

"so do you do anything other than working tour ass off? "
To this instead of the snarky comments I was expecting she replied with her resume.
Just as I was about to fire her up again her friends walked in.
I knew it was my queue to leave.
After I was introduced to her friends I left. But I stopped outside the café and I caught sight of her friends teasing the hell out of her.

How could I tell? Well she was blushing as furiously as she had been when she admitted to liking me.
I knew this liking was based on my looks rather then my personality. This saddened me that she could be so shallow but even if she liked me,it just ment that she liked Jason not Evyn. So either way i guess it didn't matter.
I turned around and headed home.

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