Chapter :13 Relationships

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Hey guys,
I know I never updated this soon but I just had to write the next part. Anyways thank you for taking time to read this story and any form of criticism is welcome. I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did.
BTW guys the collage above is of Taral's loft. Which she will move into.
The tour of Chelsea market was like something out of a wild fantasy.
I mean the best food was being sold and a hot guy was accompanying me!! We first took proper cappuccinos in those shot kinda cups. Then we ate a warm, crispy yet soft, buttery baguette while walking around. Last but not the least we ate a walnut Brownie and let me tell you I literally had a mouthgasm with just one bite.
I was soo good that I couldn't help but moan out load. Thank God no one noticed.
Or so I thought
Jason apparently heard and decides that this moment was the best time to say in me ear
"I love how you look when you nearly had a mouth-gasm but I can't wait to see how you look when it's my lips in place of the brownie. "
He says this all while looking me straight in the eyes with eyes darkened in lust.
At this statement I nearly choke to death and Jason bursts out laughing.
Once I manage to get air in my lungs I screech out
" What the fuck was that?!?! "
This just makes him laugh harder. Pisssed that I lost my cool composure and at his lame attempt of a joke. I turn around and start to head home. I figure if I can just get my hands on a subway map I can find my way home.
But I don't make it far.
Long, tanned, lean, muscular arms grab me behind and pull me onto a hard chest that I'm sure my backside I very familiar with.
I first struggle to get out of Jason's arms but he doesn't bulge.
God damm men and there muscles. I finally give up and just relax into his arms
Why do we always end up in this clichéd position??!!!?!?
I sigh in defeat. It's not that I'm a person who gives up easily but it's hard to concentrate when I'm pressed up against him like this.
"Not so fast. I was just joking around. "
Suddenly I don't know what disappoints me more the thought that he was joking or that I was actually hoping he would do that to me.
I'm flipped to face him. He sees the disappointment I'm my eyes and before I can defend myself he has my lips pinched I'm between his fore finger and thumb. His other hand is wound around my wait and he pulls me closer until there are barely an inch separating our faces.
"Sweetheart don't get me wrong, I would love to do a lot of things to you and with you. But I felt that if I acted on these intentions you would think I'm spending time with you for the wrong reasons. "
My eyes widen at his admission. I not a very socially active person, but I had have a few dates in my life, a few kisses that's it. But never had anyone admitted lusting me so much.
" I want you to know that right now no matter how much I'm attracted to you the only reason I'm spending time with you now is because I want to know own you. All of you. Every nook and corner of that beautiful mind of your. "
To say I was at loss of words would be a understatement.
" I understand if you don't feel the same. I will also respect your decision what ever it maybe. "
I tried to respond but my lips were still being pinched by him. Realizing that I wanted to speak he released my lips but not my body.
I spoke once I felt like I could respond with a steady voice.
" I'm ready if your ready"
Why these words I don't know. I guess I never will but these words were the reason that a person I was lusting over for a while now seemed ready to take the next step with me. I never had anyone take that step with me before.
Well this could have been mostly due to my dad.
Shit. Speaking if my dad I was supposed to Skype call him in a hour.
I suddenly jump from Jason arms at the vibration of my phone.
50 bucks for everyone who can guess the caller.
Folks the lucky caller of the day is Dad.
Could he have chosen a more perfect time to call me?
No. Obviously not.
Sighing I lift a figure get to indicate to Jason to hang on for a minute. Just before I answered I tell him "What ever happens DO NOT SPEAK while I'm on the phone."
Once he agreed I answered.
Time to face the crowd.

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