02. island in the sun

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

"So, how was the party?" Autumn Alvarez questioned once her daughter walked through the front door. Sunny sighed. "You know Judge Thorton's grandkid?" She asked.

Autumn nodded. "Yes, I do... Topaz?"

"Topper." Sunny corrected her mistake. She made her way over to the kitchen island and took a seat behind it. "Well, he and John B really got into. It was super intense."

"Did John B win?" Wynter, or Winny, Alvarez questioned, walking into the kitchen. She made her way over to her sister, who happily pulled her into an embrace. "Erm... well, he was. Then he didn't. But I'm pretty sure they took him back to the Chateau safe and sound."

"Well at least he's okay." Autumn spoke, pouring herself a glass of water. "He's a good kid. So, how did they take the good news?"

"They're super happy about it." Sunny grinned. "And so am I."

"Me too!" The thirteen-year-old exclaimed.

"You know the Camerons down the street?" Autumn questioned, Sunny nodded. "Well, I have a meeting tomorrow with Mr Cameron and he has two girls your age so I was thinking you could introduce yourselves."

"Sarah Cameron." Sunny stated. "She's Kie's arch nemesis."

"But that does not mean she has to be yours. You could get to know her and the two of you could easily be best friends." Autumn pointed out. Soleil just shrugged, sipping her mother's cup of water.

"What about Percy?" Winny questioned, not wanting her sister to feel left out.

"Perce wants to go job seeking. She's so adamant on making her own money." Autumn explained. "I think it would be good for her, gaming some independence. Either way, His eldest son is around her age."

"Oh, okay." Wynter nodded. "That's fine then."

"Soleil, honey. We tried to set up your room for you, but we didn't know exactly how you'd want it, so we gave up." Her mother explained to her.

Soleil chuckled, standing up to her feet. "That's okay, thanks for trying Mom."

"I left that painting you said that you liked by your window." Wynter said to her. Sunny ruffled her hair and grinned. "I'll definitely be hanging that up." The girl then made her way out of the room and over to the staircase. "Goodnight!"

LET THE SUN IN; pope heywardWhere stories live. Discover now