(One day later)
Getting some actual sleep was unsurprisingly difficult for Annie. The people she killed in brutal, horrific ways, the terror she brought upon them as she was hellbent on completing her mission, and, of course, Dillon's accusations and agony, were memories that would not leave her alone. She could only imagine how his parents were suffering right now, knowing that their son would never come home because of what she did.
Despite all this weighing on her mind, she managed to climb out of bed and get ready for the day's events. She had to keep up appearances until she found another opening. With the custody of Eren being transferred to the Military Police this afternoon, it would give her plenty of opportunities to take him. All she had to do was wait and play her part.
As she descended down the stairs, Annie took note of the fact that her fellow officer cadets were standing in a line. She was late again.
Normally, Hitch would make some snide, snarky remark on her appearance, tardiness, or whatever came to mind. Today, however, she said in a gentle tone, "Hey. I didn't think you'd show up today."
Annie didn't respond, choosing to fall in with the rest of them.
"So... how are you doing?" Hitch asked.
"I didn't ask for your pity, Hitch," Annie said coldly, "so don't give it to me."
"I'm just trying to-"
"Leave her alone, Hitch," a black-haired cadet, Marlowe Freudenberg, rebuked. "You're not helping."
"You don't know that," Hitch shot back, sounding insulted.
"Knock it off," a silver-haired cadet, Boris Feulner, ordered quietly as he heard footsteps approaching their position
They saluted their commanding officer, Dennis Aiblinger, as he walked sluggishly towards them with a stack of papers in his hand. His brown hair was a mess and he didn't even have the decency to clean up his unshaven appearance. The fact that he smelled like alcohol made it obvious where he was last night.
"Thanks, guys," Dennis greeted, sounding exhausted. "I called you all here 'cause I've got actual work for you today, not just the same old crap. It's got something to do with the Scouts being summoned to the Capital. Sometime today, they'll be passing through town along the main street."
Annie raised an eyebrow, interested.
"HQ has already provided a security detail, so we're only being asked to assist until the convoy's clear. ODM use in city limits has been authorized. You'll follow beside the convoy as additional security. There's a barge waiting to take you to the starting point. Dismissed."
"Sir, a question, if I may," Marlowe said.
"Hmm? Go ahead," Dennis muttered.
"What exactly are we supposed to be protecting this convoy from, sir?"
The officer looked at him, seemingly confused by the question.
Marlowe decided to elaborate. "It's just that I've never heard of anyone defying the government. They're just glad to be safe."
"Unless your name is Amsdale," another cadet snarked nearby.
That got a few chuckles out of them, including Dennis.
Annie resisted the urge to tighten her hand into a fist.
Marlowe sighed in annoyance. "As I was saying, there are petty criminals, sure, but I find it hard to imagine any actual organization existing within the Wall to attempt a strike. I mean, what possible motive could they have?"
Attack on Titan: A Blacksmith's Tale
FanfictionExclaimer: ! I do not own this story/fic! The author of the fic is: crod42(on FanFiction.Net) I REPEAT THIS IS NOT MY WORK I JUST POSTED IT HERE SO COMMUNITY HERE CAN ENJOY IT IF YOU WANNA SUPPORT THE AUTHOR PLS GO TO FANFICTION.NET(crod42) !