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Edward's POV

"I don't wanna go to school....." I moaned from under my covers. Both Alice and Emmet were trying to pull me out of the bed while Rosalie went hunting for the day and Jasper is nowhere to be seen. "It's not that bad. You just have to ignore her. Also, Carlisle is talking to Elliot downstairs with Jasper and Esme about last week." Alice's word woke me up and I quickly jumped out of bed.

I could hear them talking and Carlisle sounded pissed at Elliot and I. He's even cursing him out. Damn.

"Finally you're up. Get dressed and we'll be at the car." Alice throws me my out for for the day and left the room with Emmet laughing behind her. Laugh it up, Emmet. I'll tell Rosalie that you broke her favourite shoe last night. I got changed, putting on Elliot's jacket and favourite cologne on, and slowly made my way downstairs.

 I got changed, putting on Elliot's jacket and favourite cologne on, and slowly made my way downstairs

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I head downstairs to check on my man but there was no one there. I checked everyone's mind and saw Elliot in Carlisle's office, being given the talk of the century. Carlisle is still roasting him to the ground. Sorry babe. I could hear them talking from his office this time around.

I grabbed my backpack and went into my car. Jasper and Alice are riding with me this time while Rosalie and Emmet will be taking Emmet's jeep. We arrived at school safely but there was some type of rumour running around the students mind.

"Oh, we forgot to tell you," Alice said to me as we walked to our first class of the day. "Isabella got in trouble for driving while being drunk. She got caught at the town's border and she wasn't alone. Tyler and Mike were with her as well and they both are still in trouble. Bella was grounded and gained a few enemies as well. I don't think she'll be bothering you too much with her reputation being down to the ground."

I was ecstatic to hear that. I wanted to take some type of revenge on her for the stunt she did with Elliot and I but Elliot stopped me. Albeit, he did give me a few gifts to ignore her. He said that it wasn't worth the trouble and that he wouldn't want me to stoop so low to her level.

"My father and uncles will take care of her themselves. All you have to do is be happy for me," He whispered as he kissed my ring finger that's just missing something important. But, let's just not get too ahead of ourselves.

Class went on as normal with Jessica and Lauren planning different ways to humiliate Bella for stealing their crush. Emmet is going to have a field day with the drama that's going on. I got up from my seat as the lunch bell rang. I wasn't feeling up to face hormonal tenagers right now.

So, I decided to relax in my car until the bell rang. It was quiet for about but a loud knocking on my window disturbs my relaxation time. Who the hell- oh great, it's her.

Bella was knocking on my window, asking if we could talk. I sent a quick text to our family group chat and my hubby before trying to ignore her yelling for me to come out. After a while, the bell rang and I knew I had to get to class soon.

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