Chapter XXI Part I [Words For My Friends]

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Episode Release Date: 4th March 2023

In Sullivan's Mansion, Dining Hall

  With a small array of light and sweet delights, it appeared as Bachiko and Sir Sombre were invited to Sullivan's place for breakfast as thanks for them being the tutors of Iruma and Ryūko respectively. Bachiko was already being nervous and thought to be formal, much to Sullivan's reassurance that those weren't needed. 

  "Bachiko-chan and Sombre-kun, great job on the training." He said, "Ryūko-chan and Iruma-kun won and were promoted to Dalet (4), so this is the least I can do to thank you both." 

  The reactions between those powerful individuals truly contrasted. Bachiko was all bashful while Sombre was just as composed and elegant as his lovely daughter. Sullivan continued on to express that he was glad to have them train his adoptive grandchildren, especially since they were on par with the Thirteen Crowns in terms of power. 

  "N-Not at all!" Exclaimed a blushing archer, "The members of the Thirteen Crowns are far stronger than I am! Not to mention the Royal Guard, despite the absence of Derkila-sama! I'm nothing at all in comparison... Other than that really annoying woman and her lame clothes (Paimon)!"
  "Be it as you may, Lady Barbatos." Said Sombre, "But my faction is by no means as well regarded as Lord Azazel's. Even with my daughter being the heir of it, I doubt I could ever be in the glorious power of those who rule in His Majesty's place for the time being."

  Sullivan honestly thought Bachiko and Paimon were close, despite their constant headbutting at each other. Talk about tough rivalry. He recalled Bachiko always had a hard time bring around others, as if numbers of her former students calling quits on her was ever enough, so he worried that she wouldn't accept tutoring Iruma. Bachiko expressed that she initially thought to get a look on his face and leave. However, since she got to see Iruma growing stronger at each passing day before the Harvest Festival, she was proud to consider him her number one student. On the contrary, Sullivan needn't worry about Sombre when it came to tutoring Ryūko. That wasn't based on Lavande's connection with her. Rather, it was because Sullivan knew Ryūko would have difficulties pacifying her semi-violent instincts, should the true nature of her demonic self eventually unveil. With a master of the Breathing Technique, of which teaches one the way of controlling their own magic's strength and concentration, Sombre was the only one who Sullivan could trust with Ryūko's eventual power outrage. Though, neither Sullivan nor Sombre ever known that Ryūko would go overboard with herself by not taking any sleep. It seemed that they haven't realized that she consumed caffeine pills at the time.

  But with that out of the way, as Sullivan was pleased that both lesser guardians of the Netherworld thoroughly enjoyed teaching their students as they grew in strength. He asked them to eat to their hearts' content. As Bachiko gobbled down on a few sweets, she recalled the day she first met Sullivan. At the time, she didn't know what he was there for, but he gifted her that same bow she wears now, that was enough to make her blush from quite a cute interaction. Much to a degree that she still gets red upon receiving compliments from him. Sombre dare not ask what Bachiko was blushing about, seeing there was no need for it.

  Once they were finished with breakfast, the two thanked Sullivan for the meal, much to Opera's delight that they liked it. They would have to get that table out of the way for some serious business. Sullivan activated a spell called Perfect Speak (Eavesdropping Protection), which allowed him to discuss anything with the party of his choice without anyone overhearing them from every little detail. This power only works once the person affected consents to discuss with it on.

  "I, Barbatos Bachiko/Sir Felín Sombre, humbly accept." Said the two on a knee to the ground.
  "First, the next Thirteen's Dinner has been canceled." Started Sullivan, "Because of the growing number of capable demons who have gone missing in the past few days." 

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