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My hand shoved into my pocket as I waited. Thankfully it was early and there was absolutely no one in the airport yet. Never in a million years would I be up this early for a flight.... Hell usually it would take a shit ton of bribery to get me to even pick someone up from the airport.... But this time.... I was the one that had suggested it.... What can I say.... I just wanted to see Kris.

I looked down at my phone one more time. She's already landed.... She should be here.... Doesn't take that long to get through this airport.... Just as I put my phone back into my pocket I could feel a pair of arms wrap around me. I couldn't help my smile as I looked down and saw the familiar tattoos scattered across their hands.

"Is it bad to say I missed you?" Kris' question came as her lips pressed to my shoulder. It made me chuckle before I turned and my head shook. I didn't even get the chance to fully wrap my good arm around her before she was smashing me in a tight hug. Yeah.... I could get used to this.

"Not in the slightest." She looked up at me and I could see a smile along her lips. Fuck it. This was the one time wearing a hoodie was useful.  I bent down and just as my lips went to press to hers her head turned making me kiss her cheek. Not exactly what I had wanted but the giggle in my ear made me forget about it all.

"You're cute.... And trust me when I say I'm dying for a kiss.... But I'm not one for pda...." Fair enough. Instead of answering my arm tightened around her shoulders and I could feel her almost instantly relax into me.

"I'm s-...." She cut me off.

"Don't be I never mentioned it before." I lightly chuckled before I could feel her squeeze me again.

"I'll be honest.... I'm really not one for it either but...." She looked up at me with her eyebrow raised. Fuck it. Honesty never killed anyone. "You just looked cute and I wanted to kiss you...."

"Oh fuck it." The words came from her mouth before she tiptoed and quickly kissed me. Shes fucking perfect I swear.... "That's your one...."

"Until we get into the car...." I could see her turn slightly red and couldn't help but chuckle. That was when her face buried into my chest. Fuuuuuckk she's cute.... "Alright.... Should we find your bag?" She nodded into my chest but I could tell she didn't feel like moving. "You sleep at all on the flight?" A sigh escaped her lips as her head shook. "Well then.... Let's get your bag and back to my place and then you can catch up on your sleep." She looked up at me and it took everything in me not to get lost in her eyes.

"Only if I can trap you on the couch...." I chuckled lightly and couldn't help the fact that my hand gently ran along her side.

"You can trap me where ever you'd like.... Don't mind at all." This time a tired smile formed along her lips. Yeah she was easy to read.... I moved a piece of hair out of her eyes before my arm went around her shoulders.... What can I say...? She makes me cuddly.... "Which baggage claim?"

"Think they said two." Typical....

"Probably going to be busy...." She shrugged as she separated from me. Just as I thought she was going to fully pull away she leaned into my side. "Fine with this then?" She looked up at me and smiled.

"More than. Been cold since after the show last night.... Finally warm now...." I couldn't help myself.... My hand gently ran along her arm before I squeezed her and could hear her release a long sigh.

"You sure you're alright?" She nodded as we started off towards the baggage claim.

"Just a bit rundown.... Hate red eyes but.... It was worth it." Her hand slipped to my back before I could feel her fingertips gently press into it. Once again I squeezed her shoulders and she sighed. Just as we stopped at the carousel she separated from me. "Thats my bag." Before I could even react she had it off of the claim and was walking back towards me. "Let's go see Boots."

"Then you're getting some sleep." She didn't even hesitate to nod before my arm draped around her shoulders again. She leaned into me and yeah.... I could get used to this. We walked through the quiet airport and I swear I could feel her gearing up for something. "If you're worried about fans you shouldn't be.... This is honestly the one airport that doesn't put up with that shit. Teddy.... Who would rather drive ten hours somewhere to avoid one fan at an airport for a quick flight doesn't even hesitate to fly in here because everyone leaves him alone."

"You have no idea how nice that is to hear.... I was bombarded last night along with Willow." My head shook at her words.

"You know how awhile back you said anyone jumps the stage to call you.... Well anyone does that to you, you call me." She giggled at my words and it was like music to my ears.

"And what about your arm...?" She questioned earning the laugh she got back.

"Only going to be fucked up for so long.... Plus I've still got one good arm to ruin every picture and signature with." She looked up at me. "I know things." She laughed at my statement.

"I'll have to see you in action one day." My hand gently ran along her back as we waited for the elevator in the parking garage. That was when I could hear a hiss escape her lips when just I barely grazed her hip. Instantly I pulled away. "Sorry. I landed wrong last night. It's just a bad bruise and is a bit sore."

"So mine goes away only for you to get one.... Sure I'm the crazy one?" She laughed as she nodded before just about pulling me into the elevator. Once I had pushed the button she grabbed my hand. I was pulled into her before she took advantage of my confusion. She got me down to her height and her lips were on mine.

"Yes. You're still the crazy one." What the fuck were we talking about? "Bruises are nothing."

"How does a torn bicep upstage two blown out knees?" I questioned before I got a light shove from her as I laughed.

"Because my job has calculated risks.... Some that don't pan out great but most do. Your job is supposed to be safe yet here you are." I couldn't help but laugh Kris' eyes met mine before I could tell my response peaked her interest.

"You know I've only told you some of the crazy stories.... I tell you more you might ship me off to an asylum."

Bridging Stat (Kris Statlander x OC)Where stories live. Discover now