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A/N: He looks so pretty here. This art is so gorgeous. I'm a sucker for pretty boys in loose white shirts, sue me.

Remember to follow/add to library if you'd like to keep up with the updates :) and enjoy!


The wind tore voraciously at your hair and clothes. The rumble of the train as it sped along the tracks reverberated through the soles of your feet to your very core. Crouching low and spreading your arms for balance, you slowly and deliberately placed one foot after the other, advancing towards the front cars. With a steep cliff on your left and water on your right, it was as exhilarating as it was dangerous. One wrong move could send you to an early death.

"Hey!" a faint voice cried out.

You looked back to see Edward fighting against the loose strands of hair that whipped wildly about his face. He was several paces behind and by the look on his face, he was determined to catch up. You just waved and continued the uphill battle.

Edward clicked his tongue. Boy, was he annoyed--just wait 'till he got his hands on you.

After a minute or so of the perilous walk, you could spot the car full of coals way at the end of the train. The engine room was near!

The train had turned on a bend, and there suddenly appeared a tree rooting out from the cliffside, right at the height of your head. Instant karma. You paled.


Though you desperately threw your arms up to protect your face and ducked, the leaves struck at you like a whip. You were sent tumbling back on the hard metal roof, each collision leaving a scrape and a bruise.

Edward gasped and managed to flatten his body under the tree in the nick of time, but he was not so fortunate enough to avoid your body.


He somehow opened up and took the brunt of your collision, grabbing your arm tight and pulling you in. The two of you skidded across the surface of the train until you reached the edge of the car. Still clutched securely in his arms, you fell into the gangway and crashed against the wall.

"Ughh..." Edward groaned, getting up slowly. He grabbed you by the shoulders and sat you upright. "You-!" His pain immediately turned to loud anger and he whirled on you, but seeing as you were cut up in some places, he lowered his voice. "You idiot. Are you always this careless?"

In the gangway, now hidden from the brunt of the wind, you could hear a tinge of concern hiding beneath his insult. You sheepishly rubbed the lump that was beginning to form at the back of your head. 

"Unfortunately, yeah," you winced. Your eyes held his. If he hadn't been there, you'd be a goner.

"Thanks for the save. I'll make it up to you."

Edward huffed again with a deep frown; he expected you to yap his head off, not your sincerity. It helped him calm down and recognize that he wouldn't have fared much better in your shoes. "Just be careful, alright? You talked a big game, so prove it."

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