The Keeper of Keys

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All throughout the week more and more letters came for Hillary and every time Vernon would find someway to trash them. On Saturday, Hill came around the corner into the living room to find Vernon burning letters. He noticed her and turned around with an evil smile taunting her with them.

"Omg! How did your sister marry that thing?!" "Im starting to hate muggles more and more." Was some of the things people said.

Today is Sunday and Vernon sits in the living room with Dudley and Petunia as Hillary serves cookies.

"SHES NOT YOUR SLAVE!" Prongs yelled, "YEAH YOU FAT NO NECK WALRUS!" Padfoot joined in. Minnie was just as annoyed at Dumbledore because he must have known.

Vernon: Sunday, best day of the week in my opinion. Do you know why, Dudley?

Dudley shrugged, distracted by the television.

Hill: No post on Sundays?

Vernon: Right you are, Hillary! No post on Sundays. No miserable, blasted letter today! No, sir! Not one blasted-

He was cut off by a letter cutting right in front of him, coming from the fireplace.

The house shook and suddenly hundreds of letters came bursting out of the fireplace. Hillary stood in amazement as Dudley jumped onto Petunia's lap, the two of the screaming.

"Idiots." Moony said looking at the screen.

Hillary being the weird child she was, jumped onto the dining table to grab a letter mid-air.

"She got her father's brains that's for sure Lily." Marlene said as Lily sighed. "Really Ary?" Mione said, Hillary laughed sheepishly.

Vernon saw this and got up to grab her. She finally got a letter and started running to her cupboard but Vernon grabbed her arm and snatched the letter.

Vernon: Everyone get in the car! We are going far away, where they can't find us!

He spat. Behind him stood Dudley and Petunia.

Dudley : Daddy's gone mad, hasn't he?

"He was always mad." Ron said, he and Hill laughed and high-fived.

Petunia was speechless and could barely nod. They all came outside to the car with Vernon rushing them in. They instantly drove off, no one saying a word.

The pulled up to a shore during a storm.  There was a row boat and Vernon got everyone in, beginning to row immediately. After awhile, they reached a small run down stone shack in the middle of the sea.

Everyone got in, Vernon and Petunia taking the only bed, Dudley on the couch and Hillary on the floor with the thinnest blanket.

"This is getting ridiculous." Lily said exasperated.

Hillary looked to Dudley's watch. 11:55. She started drawing in the dust on the floor. When she is done, we see a cake with 'Happy Birthday Hillary' on it.

"Ok, now that's just sad." Barty Jr. said.

She looked to Dudley's watch once more.




Hillary: (sigh) Happy birthday. Make a wish Hillary.

"It just keeps getting sadder." He said again.

She blew the candles she drew. Suddenly, there was a bang on the door. Hillary jump and looked up.

Some screams were heard from the jump scare and Padfoot and Prongs laughed, along with the Weasley and Prewitt twins, Ron and Hill.

Another bang is heard. Dudley wakes up and Hillary jumps up and hides behind the fireplace. The door falls down. A huge man is shown.

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