Chapter Four (Iris)

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"I'll see you in class later," Eos called to Iris. The girls had just finished walking around Olympia Academy together, and Iris was excited to start her day. She was eager to see Eos later. Iris enjoyed her mentor's happy demeanor. It made her feel less afraid.

Iris stood at her vanity and brushed out her blonde curls. She leaned in closer to the mirror, staring at her eyes. She tilted her head back and forth. The sunlight sent colorful sparkles through her eyes. Well, that's new, she noticed. She opened the door to her room quietly, not wanting to disturb her sleeping roommate.

Iris swiftly walked down the hallway observing the passing students. She grinned at Hypnos as she passed him, glad to see a familiar face. She soon arrived at Room 100 where her first class of the day was to be held. 

Iris walked into the room to find only a few other students present. She took a seat next to a goddess with coiled hair. Her skin was smooth and dark with no blemishes. She had stunning blue eyes that reminded Iris of the sky.

"Hello," Iris said politely, taking the seat next to the goddess. "I'm Iris," she said, extending her hand. Luckily, the other goddess smiled back at her.

"I'm Calliope," she replied, her smile showing her perfectly straight row of teeth.

"One of the Muses!" Iris noted. She instantly regretted her outburst, embarrassed to reveal her past identity.

"Well, now I am," she chuckled. Calliope leaned in close to her. "Were you a human too?" she whispered to Iris.

"Yes," she whispered back. "Isn't this whole thing insane?" Iris hoped she could make a new friend from their similar backgrounds and lack of understanding. 

Calliope furiously nodded, sending her curls bouncing around her face. Wearing equally confused looks, both goddesses shrugged their shoulders and giggled. 

Suddenly, a tall man wearing white robes burst through the door. The gods and goddesses instantly grew quiet, their eyes fixated on the frantically-moving professor.

"Good morning, everyone," he said, addressing the class as he situated his things on the wooden desk. "I am Alexander, and I will be your Calligraphy professor this year." He moved to the center of the room and stood in front of the students. "I would like you all to stand and introduce yourselves. Please say your name, main responsibilities, and year." Alexander spoke matter-of-factly, eager not to waste any class time. He gestured to a goddess with long, pin-straight hair, who stood slowly.

"Hello," she said. Her voice was surprisingly deep. "I am Peitho, a third-year student. I am the goddess of charming speech, but also persuasion and seduction." Iris found this easy to believe by the way she spoke; slowly and smoothly.

"Next," Alexander said, gesturing to Calliope.

"I am Calliope, and I'm a first-year student," she said, looking around at the class. "I am a Muse, that of eloquence and epic poetry," she told the other deities, sitting as she finished speaking. 

Alexander gestured to Iris, and she stood. She swallowed the nervous feeling in her throat.

"Hello, my name is Iris. I am also a first-year. I am the goddess of rainbows," she said, looking at her other classmates.

"And the messenger goddess," Alexander said, checking his class roster. 

Iris froze. Messenger goddess? Why wasn't I informed of this? She knew that in her previous life, the goddess Iris was hardly mentioned in stories or religious practices. She had no idea that she was also the messenger goddess. 

"Don't forget," the professor said, giving her a strange look. 

Iris quickly nodded and sat. She turned to the final classmate, another goddess, who introduced herself.

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