Chapter Eleven (Eos)

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Eos opened her door to see Hypnos, who was looking extra handsome in his school uniform. He had styled his hair more carefully than usual. His face was washed, glowing radiantly. Her eyebrows rose inquisitively.

"It's your first competition day, my love," he said, stepping into her room and kissing her with an extra spark of passion. He closed the door with his foot as he embraced her. 

After a few moments of bliss, Eos broke away from him, startled, but happy. 

"What a great start to my day," she said, smiling at him and patting his chest. She walked away from Hypnos and adjusted the gauzy curtains on her windows. It was a sunny morning and the birds were chirping cheerily. She opened her window to let the fresh mountain air into her room.

Eos sighed. "And likely the only good part of my day," she lamented, mostly to herself. She was far from excited about competing.

"Can we at least try to be a little enthusiastic about it? For Iris and Selene's sake?" Hypnos said sarcastically, coming up behind her and spinning her around. He bent forward to kiss her again, which she accepted willingly. His lips were extra soft against hers, making her grin.

"What's gotten into you today," Eos said, giggling and walking away from him towards her desk to pack her bag.

He followed her like a lost puppy. "I don't know, I'm just happy today," he said.

Eos shook her head and smiled. It was rare that Hypnos was in such a good mood, but she loved it when he was. She picked up a pair of shoes and shoved them into his hands.

"Can you put these by the door, please?"

"Maybe. Only if..." he started, grinning at her. Eos shoved him towards the door. "Fine, fine." Hypnos trudged to the door and neatly arranged Eos' shoes on the floor.

"Are you feeling better than last week? About the competition?" she asked.

Hypnos shrugged. "I guess so. Night is competing today, and I don't have that big of a role."

Eos rolled her eyes. "I hardly think so, god of sleep," she said, emphasizing her point.

Hypnos flopped onto her bed and stared at her ceiling. Eos curled up next to him, resting her head on his chest. She listened to his deep breaths as they relaxed in the quiet morning.

"I can't wait to go home," Hypnos said, softly stroking her hair. He twisted a wavy pink lock between his fingers.

"Me too," Eos replied, nestling into him. His familiar scent, tinted with that of freshly cleaned laundry, greeted her. "What do you think your team will do today?"

"I don't know. Maybe something with astronomy. What about you?" he asked, yawning.

"I don't know either. And honestly, I can't be bothered to care right now," Eos replied. She wanted to stay right where she was and forget all about the competition.

After a few minutes, Eos knew Hypnos was asleep. Typical, she thought, grinning. She played with the collar of his shirt, rubbing the cotton fabric between her fingers. A warm breeze from the open window ruffled her hair. She yawned softly, her eyes growing heavy. Her classes this week had been exhausting. A short nap won't hurt anything, she thought. Eos let herself close her eyes and relax.


Eos opened her eyes to a bright, midday sun. She jolted up, wondering what time it was. Hypnos was still fast asleep. She shook his arm to startle him awake, and he barely moved.

"Hypnos! Get up! We're already late," Eos yelled, combing her hair and slipping on her shoes. He shot up at the sound of her loud voice.

He rubbed the skin between his brows. "I knew this was going to happen," he huffed, lacing his sandals. Eos fixed his hair, messy from sleep, as he put on his shoes. "Okay, let's go," Hypnos said, grabbing her hand and running out of their room. They met the curious stares of their peers at the stairs in the ballroom.

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