Chapter Six (Eos)

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tw: light cursing


The first week of classes seemed to never end for Eos. Each day, she would wake up in the middle of the night, her normal waking time, and visit Hypnos. They would have their usual conversations and a late-night snack. Then she would raise the sun, which of course, wasn't a choice. These first two activities were the best part of her day. 

Eos would then go to class. She always sat by a window so she could daydream. Her daydreams usually drifted off to her home in the meadow. She missed her blissful mornings alone while Hypnos was asleep, frolicking about the field and admiring the scenery. He then would wake up and they would spend the day together. In the evening, they would part ways while Hypnos sent the world to sleep. Sometimes she would stay and watch him or weave a crown of flowers while she waited for him to finish.

I could sit and watch him for hours, she thought, blinking while staring out the window.

"Eos? Your thoughts?"

 A voice interrupted her daydreaming. Her attention snapped to the professor at the front of the room.

"Oh, yes. I think the answer is, hmm, let me see," she mumbled, checking her paper. "Maybe negative five, no, negative ten?" Eos said, attempting to answer the arithmetic equation the professor was pointing to.

"No. How about you, Aegle?" he asked her classmate in annoyance. 

Eos looked to her left to see Zeus giving her a puzzling look from across the room. Ugh, what a creep, she thought, looking away and out the window again. Now where was I? Oh! My old life.

She continued to reminisce on the past. Eos was getting sick of the long, class-filled days. She much preferred to be out in nature all day. And with Hypnos, of course. She did enjoy mentoring Iris; she seemed enthusiastic about becoming a goddess, but it was still a lot of work to prepare her.

Her thoughts continued to drift as the professor droned on. Eos thought about the upcoming competition against Persephone Academy. It would be the first one of the school year. She was thankful that her team, Day, was not competing. Iris' team was though, and she was nervous for the new goddess. Eos was mentally exhausted from consoling her when she was just as worried herself. She was also worried about how Hypnos or Thanatos would react when they saw each other. Hopefully, Thanatos won't lash out at him again, she thought. The Death teams were competing, meaning the brothers would likely see each other on the playing field.

Eos snapped back to reality when other students began packing their things. Thankfully, this was her last class for the day. She and Hypnos were going to visit Helene Lagoon before he had to get back for his rituals.

She stepped out the classroom door and felt a tap on her shoulder. Eos turned to see Zeus looming over her.

"Oh, hi Zeus," she said casually, looking around to see if anyone else was noticing the strange interaction.

"How are you Eos? I feel like I haven't talked to you in centuries," he replied. 

Eos started to walk down the hallway, but Zeus continued to follow her.

"Yeah, I think it has been about that long," she half-joked.

"I wanted to ask if you wanted to study arithmetic tonight together. We could meet in the lounge," he asked without a trace of nerves in his voice. His masculine face held little expression, besides a slight grin and squinted eyes.

"Oh, is this because I got that problem wrong in class?" she questioned, confused by the request.

"No, I was just asking to study together. We all need to get good grades this year," Zeus replied. 

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