Chapter Five (Selene)

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Selene heard the chorus of voices as she approached the seminar room. She glanced through the panes of the window and then walked into the classroom, which was lively with chatter. She found Hypnos sitting on the side of the room. She hesitated while standing next to the empty spot next to him.

"How is your first day going?" he asked, inviting her to sit.

"Pretty good. I've only gone to lunch so far," she replied, taking the seat next to him.

He grinned. "I guess it's hard to tell then."

More students filed into the room and found empty seats. Some already knew each other and sat next to their friends. Others seemed to know no one.

A short woman entered the classroom shortly after a large group of students. She wore a professor's robe that looked a tad too big for her tiny frame. She clapped her hands twice to get the attention of the students.

"Let's start with introductions. My name is Agathe. I am solely here to monitor the class. All discussions and topics will be led by you." Her voice was stern and unyielding to emotion.

"Seems simple enough," Hypnos whispered to Selene. She only gave him a look in response, scared to be disciplined by the intimidating professor.

"I am going to take attendance. I would like you all to stand and state your year and realm when I call your name," she instructed quickly. "First, Hypnos?"

He stood and rested his hands on the desk. "I'm Hypnos, a third-year student. I am the god of sleep."

"Twin brother of Thanatos, god of death, and assistant to Hades, ruler of the Underworld," Agathe commented.

A tiny frown flashed across Hypnos' face. "Yes. That's me," Hypnos replied. He sat down and began to tug at the sleeves of his shirt.

"Epiales?" Agathe called to the class.

A girl with a bobbed haircut stood. "I'm a second-year student. I'm a spirit and I control nightmares," she said in a monotone voice.

"I'm surprised you ended up here, and not at Persephone Academy," Agathe questioned with dry sarcasm. Epiales shrugged her shoulders and sat back down. The professor moved down the list. "Nyx?"

Another goddess stood. She was easily the most beautiful goddess Selene had ever seen. She had silky black hair that went well past her shoulders. She was tall and slender with pale, milky skin. Her eyes were almond-shaped and sharp at the edges.

"My name is Nyx, goddess of night. I'm a third-year student," she said, speaking slowly and matter-of-factly. Despite her strong tone, she radiated feminine energy unmatched by any other goddess in the room.

"Possibly the most important deity in this room, no?" Agathe said, slyly smiling at the goddess.

"Quite possibly," Nyx replied with a sickeningly sweet voice. She took her seat, crossing her legs and resting her hands on her knees.

Selene noticed Hypnos rolling his eyes and averting all eye contact with the gorgeous goddess. Selene was put off by the arrogant goddess but also captivated by her.

"Selene?" Agathe announced.

She stood, embarrassed of her seemingly dull appearance after Nyx. She noticed Hypnos watching her. "I am a first-year student," she said, hands trembling. "I am the goddess of the moon." Selene waited for Agathe to address her like she had the other students.

"Yes, Selene. You were a human right?"

Selene's cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. All eyes, even those that weren't looking before, fell onto her. "Ye...yes. I was," she stammered. She looked down to see Hypnos glaring at Agathe.

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