Based off of Ifrit from Zero-G
Ifrit Katana: a 4 bladed blade that has two heads on opposite sides of the bey similar to the ones on the ifrit metal wheel. The 4 blades are separated into slam and upper blades, all of which being sloped to help with what they do. Due to the blades being connected, instead of ending with a flat end, the blades have a small slope to the end of each blade. The gear chip is meant to be a knight helmet like face with 2 horns
Poor drawing of the poor explanation:
2-70: a 2 sided ratchet at a 70 height
Gearflat: red
Extreme dash: Dual Katana; Ifrit using the accelerator rails to boost itself and strike the opponent with its upper blade to raise them up and using its lower slam blade to strike the ratchet and attempt a burst finnish
FantasyOriginally for typing my ideas for my own beyblade generation, some of these entries may be beyblades for the X generation