20 | goldfish in a bag

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"You should still come," Hanae spoke over the phone, causing me to hum in discontent

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"You should still come," Hanae spoke over the phone, causing me to hum in discontent. "Come on! Don't you own that really pretty yukata you bought a few years ago with me? That pink one?"

"I do, but I don't want to go when me and Riki just had another argument," I explained, lying on my bed. "I mean, don't you think it's wrong for me to just show up, without any plans with you guys, and pretend that everything's okay?"

"Nobody's asking you to pretend. We just want you there, Rie," Hanae explained, and I could hear her putting on her hair clips. I rolled my eyes, shifting to the left. "I know it's a big deal to you–but I promise you, I'll make sure nothing happens. Nothing awkward, nothing bad. I'll be by your side if Riki's upset."

"Really?" I swallowed. "You promise you won't leave me alone for Jungwon?"

"Somewhat," I groaned. "I said if Riki is upset! Hey, a separate topic, but are you sick?"

"Can you tell?" It's been about a week or so, and my voice has still been hoarse. I guess running in the rain wasn't the best idea, but I think I deserved it. "Sorry. I've been taking medicine, but my voice hasn't changed."

"Well, I just wanted to make sure you were alive," Her teasing caused me to huff. "Anyway, please~ come, Rie!"

"I'll–" Dad's voice echoed in my head: You need to go out more. "Fine! Fine, fine! I'll go. I'll be there in an hour."

"Yay!" Hanae squealed. "Okay, sounds great. I'll see you at the entrance!"

She ended the call without hesitance, leaving me in my silence. I sighed, throwing it on my desk, and simply laying there for a moment. Would everything be okay? I feel like I've finally messed everything up. Who knew if he even wanted to see me again?

"Come on, Rie, you idiot," I told myself, groaning into my hands. I stared up at the gray ceiling, watching it gawk down at me, almost mocking me. "Just get up. Everything will be okay."

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