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When I walked into Ethan's room earlier tonight everyone from the previous party was there. Plus there was another blond girl named Grace.

Currently I'm sat between Harry and Grace. Grace actually has a lot in common with me and she's really nice. She only lives an hour out of Doncaster, so we can relate to a lot of things.

"You've got really pretty eyes," Grace compliments me.

"Thanks," I reply and take a sip from my beer can. Everyone is drunk, but not as bad as the other night, well Harry actually might be worse than he was the other night.

He grabs my chin and forces me to look at him. I smile and laugh as he stares at my eyes. "Yeah, they are pretty," Harry comments.

"Thank you Harry," I slur. I'm drunk, but I know Harry is worse than me, he's probably worse than anyone.

"I liked having lunch with you yesterday," Harry admits.

"I did too," I laugh.

Grace started talking to Anna when she noticed Harry and I had our own conversation going. I feel bad because I know it was rude, but I'm drunk. You can't be too mad at a drunk person.

"This music is hurting my head," Harry groans. The music is obnoxiously loud, and I'm guessing his drinking isn't helping.

"Do you want to go outside?" I ask a huge smile on my face.

"Yes," Harry replies and stands up. I giggle and follow after him.

We make it outside and sit down. Harry grabbed some drinks before we came out, and I grab on of the beers he got. I open it and start drinking it.

"How long have you been drinking?" Harry asks out of no where. I look at him confused why he asked that.

"Since I was probably fourteen. Why?" I ask cocking my head at him.

"I was just curious. I feel like I always started drinking so much sooner than other people," he replies taking a drink from his mixed drink.

"Oh, when did you start?" I ask another question.

"When I was eleven. It helped me with some shit," Harry admits.

"What shit?" I ask.

"I usually don't tell people, so don't tell anyone I told you this," Harry looks at me his droopy eyes serious. I nod in agreement and Harry sighs. "I had this childhood best friend. His name was Liam and we were inseparable. Well that was until one day. He went to the park, and then just vanished. There were numerous search parties for him, but no luck. It was just like he disappeared into thin air."

"Oh my god Harry. I'm so sorry, that's horrible," I try to comfort him.

I know he's only saying this because he's drunk and wants to open up, and I have no problem with that. I also don't really know how to comfort him. I couldn't even imagine Zayn disappearing and never talking to him again.

"It's okay. It was a couple years ago," Harry reassures me. "It's just now whenever I feel upset I go straight to alcohol. It's definitely not the most healthy, but oh well," Harry laughs.

"I get that too," I reply with a chuckle.

"What happened to you?" Harry asks while laughing a little bit.

"Just dickheads," I reply.

"Who?" Harry asks persistently.

"My exes," I tell him.

"The free dealers?" Harry asks fake shocked. "Who could've guessed they weren't the best people," Harry says sarcastically laughing.

I scoff and roll my eyes. "A huge shocker," I reply quietly.

June ~ LARRY STYLINSONWhere stories live. Discover now