Episode 1: Castle Invasion

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(*Cues: Drake's Return - Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception*)

(The story begins with an Angry Sun rising up in the background of an ocean and an Loftwing flies by.)

(The Great Fox flies by somewhere in the sky.)

(Then we went to outer space to see the planet Earth on screen and a SMASH symbol popped up as a title card appears.)

(*Cues: Super Mario Bros. 3 - Super Smash Bros. Melee*)

(The episode begins at Peach's Castle where we see the Princess and three Toads are waiting for their hero to arrive. Suddenly, a green pipe pops up and their hero has arrived as he jump out of the pipe and lands revealing himself to be Mario.)

Mario: "Let's-a go."

(Two eyes popped out on Mario's hat and his hat poofed away as Mario's companion shown himself.)


Cappy: "Look, Mario! The Princess is waiting near the castle with two royal Toads and Toadsworth

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Cappy: "Look, Mario! The Princess is waiting near the castle with two royal Toads and Toadsworth."

(Mario happily nods at Cappy, who returned back to be Mario's hat as Mario puts it on and he walk up to the Princess and three Toads.)

Princess Peach

Peach: "Good morning, Mario

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Peach: "Good morning, Mario."

Mario: "Hello, Princess. And hello to you too, little Toads!"

Toad: "Hey, Mario!"

Toadette: "Hi, Mario!"

Toadsworth: "Greetings, Master Mario!"

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