Episode 2: City Escape

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(*Cues: Escape From the City - Sonic Generations*)

(The story continues at the big city, where we see our World's Fastest Hedgehog greeting B.D. Joe, who is driving a taxi and running through the streets before jumping off the bridge and makes a smooth landing.)

Sonic: "Piece of cake. No sweat."

(Meanwhile, a portal is somehow seen close to Sonic and coming out of it was Sash Lilac.)

Sash Lilac

Lilac: [looks around before spotting Sonic] "Hey, isn't that

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Lilac: [looks around before spotting Sonic] "Hey, isn't that...?"

(She goes to Sonic.)

Lilac: "Hey, Sonic!"

Sonic: [meets Sash] "Lilac! Long time no see! What are you doing here? How did you get here as a matter of fact?"

Lilac: "I saw a portal back at my treehouse and it led me straight here. I don't know how it'd got there, but I have a feeling something's wrong."

Sonic: "You don't say..."

(Suddenly, the pair heard a cow roar.)

Lilac: "What was that?"

Sonic: "Let's go find out, shall we?"

(*Cues: Gekko - Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots*)

(They head toward the source of that roar and once they arrived to the source, they are surprised to see several Gekko attacking people from The Sims.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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