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Megan bopped her head as she listened to the track play in her headphones behind soundboard. The beat thrummed through her, a steady pulse against her chest, as she tapped her pen rhythmically on her notebook.

Her lower lip disappeared behind her teeth, a familiar habit when the words wouldn't come. Her eyes flickered up to the clock, a digital monster glaring back at her with its mocking red digits: 1:25 a.m.

She'd been in the studio longer than she intended, but time lost all meaning when the creative well ran dry.

With a sigh, the weight of her blank mind settling on her shoulders, Megan rested her notebook on the table with a thud that echoed in the quiet studio.

Her brow furrowed in frustration, a small knot of tension forming between her shoulder blades. The words felt miles away, like a phantom melody she could hear but couldn't quite grasp.

The door to the studio creaked open, revealing the warm glow of Victoria's smile. Her rich brown skin shone in the dim light, her features framed by a halo of midnight curls that bounced with each step.

"Stalliiiii!" she exclaimed, her voice a melodic cascade that filled the room. Megan spun around in her chair, a relieved smile spreading across her face.

Victoria, a whirlwind of energy and warmth, practically radiated with a vibrancy that Megan always found infectious. She approached Megan with a large, tactile-like backpack slung over her shoulder, the straps digging into her toned arms.

"Damn Victoria, John put you out or something?" Megan teased, knowing the playful barb would hit its mark. Victoria rolled her eyes, a mischievous glint in her dark gaze. "Ha ha, funny. That's my house though!" she retorted, her voice tinged with mock annoyance.

She reached Megan in a flash, engulfing her in a hug that squeezed the air out of Megan's lungs. The scent of Victoria's perfume - a heady mix of vanilla and jasmine - enveloped Megan, a comforting familiar presence.

Victoria, being a fraction shorter than Megan, had to set her backpack down on the empty chair next to Megan's in order to hug properly. Megan wrapped her arms around the smaller woman, breathing in the intoxicating scent, a sigh escaping her lips.

"You always smell so good," she murmured, pulling away slightly.

Victoria's smile widened, her eyes sparkling with genuine warmth. "Thanks!" she chirped, then her smile faltered as she took in Megan's face. A flicker of concern crossed her features. "What's wrong?" she asked, her voice soft with concern.

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