Chapter Five

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Samuel left the castle late in the night. He lifted the castle gate high enough for him to crawl out the bottom before it crushed him to his death. He watched the gate close as he stood, and then his eyes drifted to the hospital wing.

He didn't let sentiment get the best of him now. He traveled through the forest down the mountain where the castle stood, and started running down the semi-flat mountain as fast as he could, avoiding trees and sometimes tripping over a rock or two.

After what seemed like hours of running, he finally dropped to the ground close to midnight, at the meadows of Banglavu.

Looking up, he watched the stars arrange themselves in a dazzling fashion, reminding him of Juliet's eyes. He wanted to tear the stars from the sky and give each of them to Juliet, one by one until she fell for him, like the star she was. He wanted to give her the black night after he ripped its stars from its grasp, and wrap her in the darkness like a blanket and hold her till kingdom come.

He stood up, gazed towards the sparkling lights of Banglavu, and began to head towards them, like a fly and a lamp. When his feet felt stone brick roads through the soles of his shoes, he immediately headed for the one place he knew he could find the one person he was looking for.

The Dancing Goat was brighter and lighter than any other place in Banglavu. He stared at the sign for a moment before pushing the door open and walking inside. Samuel looked around, peering through the music, the alcohol, the drunk, and the waltzing. Samuel made his way through the crowd, when he spotted a man with black hair and another man with blonde hair fighting at the bar. One of the men's black hair gave away his identity before Samuel even caught a glimpse of his face.

Samuel stepped closer and closer to the fight and grabbed the ear of the blonde man. "If you'll excuse me, I must speak with the gentleman you're fighting with."

The blonde man backed away and rejoined his friends. Samuel helped the black-haired man stand up.

"I had it under control." the man said.

"Did you though?" Samuel asked. "Quincey... that's your name right?"

"Sure. Who are you?"

"My name is Samuel."

"Alright, Samuel. What business do you have interrupting my fight?"

"I'm looking for a partnership with the Red Army to get revenge."

"Hah..." Quincey sighed. "Lot's of revenge going around, huh?"

Samuel cocked his head. "You're looking for revenge?"

"Two little greenies who need to be put in their place in hell."

"Tell me their names. I may know them."

"Know them? You console with the Gods Army?"

Samuel laughed. "I know people who know."

Quincey nodded. "Alright, Samuel. How much fight training have you had?"

"A good bit."

"Alright. I have a co-general. Her name is Ruby. She can help you."

Samuel smiled. "Fantastic."

The dinner table was buzzing with talk of the war around Caixa, conversations at which she paid no mind. Nikki had offered to help Caixa train in her free time. Caixa knew that only going to the sessions that were required of her wouldn't cut it, despite Tobiass hours of teaching - beating her to a pulp.

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