Chapter Seven

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(Bw! Will mark with ~~~)


Ruby watched the blood stream down the scratch on Quincey's prisoner. It could have been a scratch, or it could have been a gash. From Ruby's perspective, it was hard to tell.

Caixa thought she was dead. She wished she was dead. She opened her eyes, and felt the blood gushing out of her cheek. The ax had barely grazed her, and it had cut deep. Quincey pressed the blade of the ax to her sternum. It cut through the fabric of her tunic, and then began to cut through her skin.

She tried not to scream or show signs of weakness. She managed to hold back a small scream when she felt her spine slip through the bars of the chamber from pressing herself so far back into the bars of the cell.

(It's over for now)

"So, we're familiar with the hard way, now." He said, lifting her chin to make her look at him. "Shall we try this again?"

"Do whatever you must. You're not going to get anything out of me." Caixa repelled as he loosened the pressure between the ax and her chest.

He twirled the ax in his fingers mindlessly. "Whatever?"

The more you pretend to be fearless, the more you'll suffer.

Now is not the time!!

Quincey pulled her up to her feet by the collar of her shirt, which was larger now from the cut the ax had made. It stained her body red, and she felt as if her lungs were collapsing on her as she tried to breathe upright.

"Ruby!" He called.

"Sir?" She responded in military fashion.

"Let's let you choose how this monster should suffer." He said, still staring Caixa in the eyes, marveling at their horridness and dangerousness to Veldana.

Ruby thought about it for a moment. "How about..." She paused. "The barrel?"

Quincey turned his head and smiled like a sick man. "Fantastic choice."

Phil knew a thing or two about flying. He knew a thing or two about the air. So he knew a thing or two about elytras. The stasis pearl to the desert had been destroyed, and replacing it would take months. He couldn't wait that long. As he navigated his way through the palace, looking for Will, he devised a plan to get to Caixa. They'd use handheld pearls to get to the desert, then fly to find her if they had to. It was unlikely she'd still be at the cabin, so they'd need to expand their vision.

He started looking for Will in the chamber hall, on the east wing where guests usually slept, but Phil had helped Will make a home out of it. He knocked on Will's chamber door, and when he had no reply, he opened the door to find the room empty.

Tobias tried searching for Will in the training room. He was either there, the target practice outside the castle, or in his bedroom. But Tobias started with the most obvious option, and darted there as fast as he could. He burst through the doors, looking through the soldiers who were sparring against each other like bears. They wouldn't kill each other however, and when one of the soldiers was injured, the opponent would help his practice partner get back to his feet.

Tobias lost himself in the crowd of soldiers, looking around helplessly for Will. He felt his head whipping around his body frantically as he stood there amongst the organized chaos, and his hair slowly began to slip out of the bun he'd tied it tightly into, and the ribbon fell to the floor; and his hair loosely began to fly around him with his head, like a dog chasing his own tail.

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