Once Upon a Blackened Night

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On a stormy night the winds of change blow through the streets ofPortland

We all have one foot,

in A Fairytale, and

the other is IN the abyss.

The thunderous roar of the motorbike's engine tore through the silence of the night, the gleaming machine stood out even on the empty roads. Tires screeched as the monstrous machine ground to a halt just outside the state border, the leather clad owner reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a cell phone before dialling a long-rehearsed number.

"I made it, I'll checkout the area and be in touch" laughed the leather clad male before he hung up, and threw the phone to the ground crushing it under is boot.

Kicking the stand away he took off towards the city, passing the 'Welcome to Portland sign' as he and the great beast of a machine roared through the streets.


Sean Fredrick Renard, bastard prince, decorated officer, and police Captain stood looking out the window of his apartment. He watched life go on as normal throughout his Canton but this was just the eye of the storm. A strange air was rising, the wind of change was coming, and he didn't know what it was to bring. All he could do was hope both he and his people could weather it. Sighing to himself he continued to watch the night, a whiskey in his hand and the burden of responsibility weighing heavy on his shoulders.

The ringing of his phone brought him out of his musing, walking over to his coffee table he was taken back. Though the screen only flashed a number, and no name but Renard knew it well. He answered cautiously knowing that whatever was to be said, would soon bring change into his life.

"Bonjour chère sœur, ça fait longtemps." answered Renard with a small hint of familiar respect seeping into his words.

He'd be the first person to tell anyone that his relationship with his family, especially his siblings was a cold and uncaring one. Though he'd once respected his father's desire to bond with him. His lack of sympathy towards him during his wife's reign of terror, on his and his mother's life had lost him any chance of them having a relationship in his mind. But when it came to his sister Helena and his feeling towards her were more respectful/loving, whenever her mother, their father, their brother Eric, or any other members of the family decided they wanted to mess with Sean she was the first to defend him.

She'd spent most of his life looking after him, he'd turn to her when he needed to voice his frustrations and she never had any problems with his Wesen heritage. Helena always loved to spend time with his mother Elizabeth. She was fascinated by Elizabeth's Hexenbiest gifts, the history of all Wesen kind and their greater impact on the changing world around them. Out of all the royal's she was the only one that had a shred of respect for Wesen and their culture and because of this she had the respect of some of the Wesen within their father's kingdom.

For this Eric hated her on top of the fact she was the eldest child, but of course a female child couldn't possibly be trusted to rule a kingdom (the queen's own words). Despite the fact that she had a shrewd mind for politics and a gift for making people (especially men) spill out their darkest secrets to her. So, she had her own reason for disliking her mother the queen and her so called younger brother the crown prince. This often cause Sean to distrust his sister's actions but even with his paranoia she was yet to do anything to him but be a big sister.

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