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Summary: All things come to an end, but not all ends are permeant. Nick finally finds closure for those he'd lost and possibly a chance for a future he'd never dreamed of.

The world was dark and painful as Nick fought his way back to consciousness, the pain grew in intensity the closer he came to waking. That was when Nick became somewhat aware of the fact he was being held down, his fight with Kimura still fresh in his mind and his Grimm so close to the surface forced him to fight back. But it was the growing feeling of peace that was slowly flooding through him that calmed his fear, that's when his mind registered the sound of purring within his ear. As his vision cleared, he turned his head to the location of the sound, that's when Nick realised that it was in fact Rosielee who was comforting him.

With that he finally let go of all his fight and relaxed, that was when Nick realised how badly he'd injured himself. Before he could say anything doctors and nurses flooded the room and Nick faded back into sleep, for the next few days he faded in and out of consciousness as his body healed. Eventually Nick found his way to the world of the living again, groaning as he tried to manoeuvre himself in the bed he was shocked as a comforting hand landed upon his shoulder.

As he turned to greet his companion, he was taken back to see Sean stood over him, his face was still bruised and his wrist was still bandaged but it was clear he was healing. The smile on his face made Nick swallow hard and his heart skip a beat, as the hand on his shoulder ran down his arm before settling for lacing his fingers tightly within Nick's. This action mirrored Nick's own when he'd been injured, while pointing out Sean had noticed the small but meaningful gesture.

"Welcome back" chuckled Sean as he sat down beside Nick on the bed, his hand never leaving Nick's as he lent over and moved a few strands of hair out of his face.

"How.......?" Nick croaked out making Sean shush him before reaching over and offering him a few sips of water.

"Sam. He was injured but in his own words not out of the fight. He found his feet after you distracted Kimura. He got outside just in time to see you both go over; he called in the Cavalry when you didn't seem to be moving" as Sean spoke Nick could hear the concern within his words.

"I owe him a beer" Nick tried to chuckle but instead he started coughing as Sean tried to settle him.

"Rest now, I'm not going anywhere" spoke Sean softly as Nick settled back to sleep.


Two weeks past by and Nick was almost right as rain, he'd been grateful for Sean allowing him to remain within his home while he healed. It had helped Nick to do something he'd never been able to do before, he was finally able to grieve. For his parent's, for his aunt, for Freddy and for the life that had never been. Sam had dropped by a few days after he'd been released and told Nick to keep the beer as a reason to come back to Portland. Him and Serena had rounded up the coins and had taken a great deal of care not to touch them, they had even fix the box. As they handed him back the artefact Serena shuddered at the thought of what was within, they laughed and joke with Nick about not falling in the forge or Sean would be sending them to find him.

Nick had caught the undercurrent of their words, he may have been a Grimm but he was now their Grimm, and they expected him to come back once he'd finished his mission. Sean had even gone as far as allowing both Monroe and Rosielee to visit him, both had been taken back when they had met Sean at first but quickly the three of them seemed to gang up on him. He'd even discovered the three of them laughing together over coffee, while they waited for Nick to join them.

Nick was grateful that when he moved on soon, he knew Sean would have someone to turn to that wasn't out for their own gain. He was taken back when Roselee had handed him a small box, explaining it was from Freddy. Nick had a faint memory of the day in the spice shop when he'd discovered Freddy's injured body, he'd pushed back his words as he'd tried to help his friend. Inside the box's contents took Nick's breath away, a small bronze and expertly engraved key sat on a black fabric. Nick knew exactly what this small item ment and just how big of a gesture this was, Nick ran his finger over the small object as three of the important people to him stood at his side.

Nick took a moment and looked at his friends before he decided to let them in on something he very rarely shared with anyone, pulling out the chain from round his neck he felt all eyes on it. Two simple rings sat on a silver chain, but alongside them sat an almost identical key to the one in the box. Nick briefly looked up and caught Sean's eye, he watch the myriad of emotion dancing across his stoic face as he knew he'd understand what he was sharing with them.

"I have no words Rosielee, even in death your brother is a man with great faith in me" Nick said with a sigh.

"Know I hold no grudge, Sean; I know you know what these are and what they mean for us all" said Nick as he looked at Sean who nodded.

"Centuries ago, seven members of my ancestors hid something from the royals, each held a key to be passed down. Wars have been fought over these and lives lost, now thanks to your brother I have two to watch over. One day I may find out what it is I'm watching over or I may go to my grave never knowing all I know is it's my birthright to keep them from those who covet them" with that Nick hugged Rosielee.

They fell into comfortable chatter for a while before they had to leave, Monroe and Roselee, both wished him well and asked if he'd come see them before he left town. Nick agreed before wishing them both well.

As things calmed down over the next few days, Nick was finding himself strong enough to begin packing up the few things he owned. He was taken back a little as he felt a strong arm wrap around his waist, raising his head his gaze met Sean's walm and loving look. A moment passed before he lent down and pressed a chased kiss upon Nick's lips.

"Consider this a reason for you to return to me Grimm, you have a way of collecting people around you and giving them a walm and respected place in your heart. It would seem I'm no more immune to this as I am to them accursed coins, but unlike them I'm not against welcoming this feeling. Do what you have to Nick but please do not forget you have a home here among us all" said Sean as he placed one last kiss up on his head before he released Nick and aided him.


Nick's bike roared down the road and as he passed the Portland sign once again, as he had done almost a month ago, he came to a brief stop. Casting a look behind him he let out a heavy sigh, when he'd rolled up on a run of the mill drop and retrieve, he'd never a realised what had been waiting for him. Never would he have expected to find friendship, love or possibly a home to return to, for now his life was elsewhere but Portland would hold a special place in his heart and who knew what his future would hold.

End..........Or is It?

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