Blood In The Streets

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Summary: With Sean injured and his friends threated it's time Nick finally faces off against Akira Kamora.

Despite outward appearances Kimura was a junkie like the others Nick had faced recently, the Schakal did a poor job of hiding his trail. Nick believed this was like Sean had said, must have figured out who Sean was or figure he was powerful enough to ambush but not kill. With him out of the way Kimura had forgone any reason to hide his activities, he truly thought threatening a Grimm's friends ment he had the upper hand. How wrong he was and Nick was more then happy to explain this to him.

But he had to tread cautiously. Any chance he had to do this swiftly would quickly evaporate, if Kimura realised for even a second the card's were not in his favour after all. Nick had a plan in which he could deal with Kimura without spilling innocent blood, but it all hinged on him trusting Sean's people to play their parts.


Sam and Serena where ready, they trusted their prince and for some reason the wandering Grimm. They were ready to rid the world of this stain that was ruining lives for his own interests, no one would mourn this scum but they will mourn the lives lost if they fail. As Serena remained to watch over their prince's wellbeing, Sam was no fool his skill's were great and numerous honed over years of training but his were no match for Serena's. Sam was more than aware the young woman he'd worked alongside for many years, had more than enough power to snap his neck without even raising her hand and with great ease.

So, after finishing the cigarette he'd lit up to help him think, he cast one last look back towards the hospital before pulling on his jacket and heading off to meet Nick.


Melissa Wincroft sat at the counter of the Diner, her mere presence gave off an air of regality though her body language was walm and welcoming. As the queen of the Mellifer her duties were to her hive as well as her community, when the news of a Grimm within their community had reached her ears, she sounded the alarm. But as new spread of his warmth and calm nature as well as his alliance with the prince, her hive spread the support. So, when she received word that the Grimm was looking for her, she was intrigued to find out why. Little did she expect to receive word about his plan and his interests, she quickly agreed without question. Now she was sat waiting to meet the young Grimm in person for the first time, even though her kind were very rarely a threat to the Grimms didn't mean she wasn't cautious.

Nick entered the diner and looked around, after spotting her he walked over and sat down beside Melissa.

"Mrs Wincroft?" he asked with a smile as he took her hand.

"Miss Wincroft, but please call me Melissa. I must admit your quite the enigma, but that is not the reason we are here" she said with a smile as she pushed a notebook towards him.

"My people have been spread near and far to find this man, he's hidden his tracks well but not well enough. Know this Grimm he's a small part of something bigger, his time is mark whether it be by your hand or others. For his actions against you and our prince it should be by your hand but remember your actions will send ripples near and far. Goodbye Grimm and good luck" she said with a smile as Nick got to his feet and after paying for the drink, he bid her goodbye too.

"Thank you, please keep yourself and your people safe. Blood will run in the streets soon, pray it's not innocent" answered Nick as he left and headed to the streets.

Outside sat his faithful bike and after casting a last look at the diner, he kicked off the stand and hit the road. The warehouse district by the docks was out of sight of the main city limits, it was a maze of buildings and cargo a perfect place to face down Kimura. As Nick pulled into a small side road away from the main gate, he was surprised to see another bike parked beside it. He wasn't surprised to see Sam resting against it smoking, he looked up flashing Nick a smile that could chill even the most hardened heart to the core before standing up to greet him.

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