In the shadow of the hunters moon

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Summary: Nick sets out to aid the Prince of Portland but little did he know that his actions were about to bring dire consequences to those around him.

The next morning Freddy was busy stocking shelves when Nick slipped into the shop, he stood just out of sight of the windows and waited. He let out a laugh when Freddy jumped out of his skin as he noticed Nick finally, as he growled at him, Nick couldn't help but noticed the mirth in his eyes.

"The scumbags are locked up, no chance to see daylight for a very long time" Nick said as Freddy nodded in acknowledgement.

"That's a weight off my mind, thank you Nick. I ment what I said, this world needs more like you, and I don't just mean as a Grimm. You are a good soul Nick, please don't ever let anyone take that spark from you" Freddy added as he stood behind the counter and handed Nick a small package.

Nick opened it and found a small charm with in that he recognised from a few wesen's beliefs, looking up he was about to speak when Freddy held up his hand.

"It's a charm for luck and protection, I won't take no for an answer. This world is a little safer now and someone needs to watch over you while you watch over us" Freddy said as Nick nodded before slipping the charm onto the chain he was wearing round his neck.

"Thank you, Freddy, this means a great deal to me. I'm sorry to ask a favour of you again but someone's life is on the line" Nick said sadly making Freddy pay attention.

"Nick ask, if I can help prevent someone losing their life then I will" he said sternly making Nick nod and straighten up.

"6 bodies have shown up no connection other than the colour red, now a little girl is missing. So, I need to know have you heard anything about a rogue Blutbad in the area?" Nick asked Freddy with a pain in his voice.

"Blutbads are pack wesen, they rarely leave their family group so a rogue one is unusual. I've not heard about this one, but I do know of one who gave up that lifestyle. He's turned away from the hunt, from meat and from his family for the most part, he's not the one hunting but I bet he know something about him in order to stay out of his way" answered Freddy as he pulled out and address before handing it to him.

"Good luck Nick, I hope you get this guy he's a blight on our community" Nick hugged him and after taking the address he headed out and off on his bike.


Captain Renard walked through the Bullpen as he surveyed the open case files of his detectives, he kept an eye out for any evidence that he could pass on to the Grimm. The men and women he worked alongside where still on a high after the nights arrests, Renard wasn't about to burst that bubble his people needed the win. He was grateful for the Grimm's assistance and relieved to know that the accursed coins would soon be gone from his Canton, but for now his mind was on finding the young girl and his prayers on the Grimm finding them first.

He passed by Hank who was hunched over his desk as he scanned over a murder case involving a college student, she'd been found in pieces in the local woods all that was left of her was her shoes, MP3 player and bits of a red hoodie. It was one of those cases Renard was aware of possibly being connected to the Blutbad.

"how's the case looking Hank?" asked Renard as he sat on the desk beside him.

"Not much to go on, cause of death is inconclusive. Both human and animal DNA found in the wound, interviews concluded that she's a well-loved member of the college. Backgrounds clear too" Hank added as he threw down the file and sighed.

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