Chapter 5

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Erika POV

"So what do you think?" Johnny asked once we arrived at Baratie after a few hours of sailing.

 "Wow! It's a big fish!"Luffy said completely awed by what i saw as an ordinary facade to a sea restaurant, though the fact this was a sea restaurant actually on the sea was interesting, but then a fog horn and a bell rang as a marine ship came to sail next to us, this was not looking good, i didn't care why there was a marine ship all the way here, marines can come and go as they please after all.

What i did care about was that it was a MARINE ship and we were on a PIRATE ship since we are PIRATES, i'm sure i don't need to tell you why i thought this wasn't looking good, someone walked out to the deck.

 "I am Ironfist Fullbody."They said, i sweatdropped a bit, that can't be his actual name.

"But you can just call me sir, you there! Who's the captain?! Identify yourself!"The guy yelled, i refuse to memorize his name cause aside from it being ridiculous.

He didn't seem the least bit threatening, anyway Luffy stepped forward "My name is Luffy"he said.

 "My name is Usopp, got it?!"he said cause Usopp somehow got this idea in his head that he's the captain even though he's not, at least Luffy doesn't seem to mind it but it's only matter of time until something pops.

"We only made our flag the day before yesterday"Luffy said.

 "That's right marine and i drew it!"Usopp said, the marine then spotted Johnny and Yosaku calling them out on only going after small bounties, because frankly with their skills that's all they can do, Johnny too offence to that however and spread bounty fliers everywhere, i noticed Nami grabbing one of them but didn't see which one and i didn't have much time to dwell on it as the marine ship took aim at our ship.

Luffy went to take care of it using his devil fruit abilities but his hand slipped and the ball went flying into the restaurant and we were questioned by the staff about the attack, logical assumption us being pirates and Luffy decided to take full responsibility even though it happened because marines fired on us in the first place, anyway they took Luffy away and while Yosaku and Johnny were repairing the damage from yesterday's scuffle, Nami and Usopp were talking about something. I was sitting next to Zoro as he was going for another nap.

 "What do you think we should do?"i asked.

"I guess we just wait here, maybe if they do put Luffy to work we could go make fun of him."he smirked.

"That would be hilarious."I said, with that frankly hilarious image in mind we, as in Usopp, Nami, Zoro and myself decided to go check it out, using Johnny's and Yosaku's boat Usopp and Zoro rowed us over to the restaurant.

As we moored the boat onto the restaurant's deck we heard a commotion going on inside, Zoro hopped out of the boat and offered his hand like a gentleman, isoftly smiled taking his hand and pulling myself on the dock with his help, he smiled back with a bit of a blush.

 "Zoro, are you blushing?" i asked.

 "No! It's just hot out."Zoro said letting go of my hand, shrugging it off i opened the doors to quite the scene.

A blonde guy was holding up the marine from earlier who was all bloody presumably from the aftermath of a fight.

 "Don't ever waste food around me again, at sea if you ever provoke your cook you're signing your death warrant, remember that." The blond guy said, then another cook walked over and the two started arguing, i wasn't paying full attention to what they were saying though just enjoying the show.

The marine went on to say how they would regret this and how he would run the restaurant to the ground, ironic given that we're at sea, and how the place was finished.

"Then maybe i should just finish you off now."the blonde guy said and had to be held back by others as he yelled at the marine.

"Arrogant big shots like you who think they can push anybody around really piss me off!"he yelled, i like this guys attitude.

Just then though Luffy and some old guy fell through the roof, we moved inside the restaurant getting a table in all the commotion and just continued to watch the show as another marine ran in yelling about an escaped pirate they had been holding, then the said pirate shot the marine casually strolled in and took a seat at a table and continued to watch as the pirate got kicked out, so from there we waited for a waiter or something, i mean this is a restaurant might as well get food while we're here.


"Chore boy!"Nami called spotting Luffy.

 "What are you doing?!"Luffy called back.

 "We heard you had to work here for a full year." Usopp said a big grin on his face.

"Is it okay if we redraw the flag for the ship?"Zoro asked smirking a bit.

 "Yeah, a captain working on another ship isn't much of a captain."I said, as i thought this was hilarious.

"Wha-?You're eating all this delicious food without me? What kind of crew are you?!"Luffy asked walking over.

"How could you do this to me?!"he yelled.

"Hold on i think that's our business isn't that right?"Zoro asked turning to me a grin on his face and he laughed a bit too, i snickered a bit grinning myself.

"Yeah."I nodded in agreement and feeling a bit of a blush on my cheeks, but also noticing Luffy put a booger in Zoro's drink.

I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing out loud and just watched as Zoro went for his drink but then he forced Luffy to drink it, Nami, Usopp and i burst out laughing as Luffy rolled on the ground in "agony" but that was interrupted as the blond guy from earlier came over offering a rose to Nami.

"Oh dear ocean thank you for this treasure you've shared from your depths, oh yes my love, i cannot bare this hardship of loving you from a tar it is too difficult, i am prepared to sail to the ends of the earth as a pirate if it means someone of your rare beauty will be by my side!"The cook said with hearts in his eyes.

Before turning to me clasping my hand in his. "Hmm?..."

"And you my blond haired beauty, your golden eyes pierce to my heart like an arrow! Yes for you i would do the same ten times over! But oh what a great obstacle stands in our way!"He said standing up hearts still in his eyes, I happened to glace over at Zoro and saw a deep jealousy in his eyes and somehow that made me blush.

"And that obstacle would be me?"The old man from earlier asked walking over, i'm guessing the owner of this place.

"Sanji this is an opportunity you don't want to miss, why not join them and become a pirate?" The old man asked the cook, i'm guessing Sanji.

"I have no need to keep you here at my restaurant."The old man said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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