Chapter 3-Enchanted to meet you

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A/N:i recommend you to listen Enchanted while reading this (it's mostly inspired by it)

☆Speak Now
I went downstairs and found the house full of my friends and the other Eras. It looked more like a Mad House, but let's go.

I greeted some people and went to talk to my "sister"

SN: Hi Fearless.
F: Hi Speak! I needed to talk to you.
SN: Go on then.
F: I wanted to apologize to you about that argument last week.
SN: It's okay,sis.
F: Are you sure?

SN: Absolute!

I knew that she had only apologized to me cause Debut asked her to, I heard the whole conversation last night, which was one of the reasons that made me leave the house so early today.

Fearless gave me a tight hug and we talked for a while until Fearless went with Debut to play Just Dance, and there was I,completely alone...

My head was burning in stress
all those doubts, worries, anxietys and anguish, it felt like I would suffocate in there.

I don't drink so much so I grabbed a glass of grape juice and tried to drown some of my sorrows. But all that disappeared when my eyes met hers...


I never had much social battery but this time, it was just non-existent.

I was very hot (the room was way too crowded for my liking), slightly drunk and desperate to get out of there.

I took advantage of a break from the country girls, and said goodbye to Taylor. But when I was about to leave the room, something told me to stay and when I looked to the side,and i saw her face.

☆Speak Now

The room was crowded and dark and I could barely see anything, the only thing I could see were her beautiful blue eyes.

God, how beautiful she was in person!!!

We kept eye contact for a while,then I could see her silhouette start make its way to me. And with each step Red took, I felt my heart beat faster and my face blush.

Why am I blushing?

Well,It feels like my heartbeat wants to tell me something, I just don't know what it is.

When she got close to me, I noticed that Red was very tense, but when she came, she decided to start the conversation:
Red: Hi.

SHE TALKED TO ME! In a shy and friendly way at the same time (I like the shy ones).

SN: Hi.
Red: I-I'm Red.

Said the blonde, extending her hand to me.

SN:Speak Now.

I said responding to the handshake.

R: Oh! So you're that Speak Now girl that Taylor told me about, right?

Red exclaimed in surprise.

SN: Yeah, it's me.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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