First Crossing

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Olivia Baker sat at the bar and watched as the handsome dark-headed man whispered something into her friend Simone's ear and she could tell by the reaction it elicited that it was something rather suggestive. She sighed. She, Simone, and their friend Layla were supposed to have had a girl's night out, but Layla had to work. Olivia decided to go ahead and go out with Simone but this handsome stranger named Lando took notice of her friend the moment they walked through the door, and they had practically been stuck together since.

"Um, Liv." Simone hummed heistantly, trying to sound innocent, but Olivia knew what was coming.

She gave her friend a knowing smile. "Go ahead Sisi. I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" Simone asked. "Because I can stay as long as-"

Olivia cut her off. "No. It's really okay. I'm not going to hang around much longer. I have to wake up early tomorrow  morning  anyhow.  I don't want to be late to the first one of the semester."

"Okay." Simone said slowly. "If you're sure," Giving Olivia one last out.

"I am." Olivia smiled at her. "Have a good time."

Simone shot an appreciative glance over at Lando. "Oh, I'm sure,  we will," She retorted. "Later Liv."

"Bye." Olivia replied, watching them walk out the door arm in arm.

She turned her attention back to the glass of brandy in her hand and slowly began to swirl it around. It was funny. Everyone that she knew had been so excited to turn 21, but it had never been that big of a deal for Sam. Her granddad had been an alcoholic, and she hated the horror stories that her dad told her from his childhood. Booze never held any allure for her, but tonight she felt like drinking. She brought the glass back to her mouth, downing another swig of the ponient alcohol.

"Hey beautiful." She heard a drunken fool slur from behind her.

She peaked over her shoulder to find a overweight middle-aged man that was balding so badly that he resembled a stereotypical, fraudulent used car salesman.

"Hello." She responded, trying to be friendly, not desiring trouble.

"So what do you say, can I buy you a drink?" he questioned, his hot breath causing her to grow squeamish.

"No, thank you." She answered politely, hoping he'd take a hint.

"Come on, sweet cheeks. Let me treat your fine self to one drink." He pressed on.

Olivia quickly grew irritated . Did she not kindly reject his offer? Was she speaking a foreign language? She set her jaw tightly, and scowled, glaring straight into his eyes.

"I said no thank you. Move around, skeez." She repeated coolly, hopping off her bar stool, needing to remove herself from the confrontation. 

"What? You think you're too good for me princess?" He grumbled, blocking her path.

"No, I simply don't think my boyfriend would appreciate it." She shot back, wondering if that might deter the sloppy drunk. 

He scanned the bar, as if waiting for someone to come to Olivia's defense. "I don't see no boyfriend." He chuckled as he took a step closer to her. "And besides, I can keep a secret." His hand reached out, grasping her arm tightly to keep her from moving. 

Olivia's instincts kicked in and she reflexively grabbed his arm in a firm grip, bending his wrist back, and removing his hand from her arm. She could tell from the grimace on his face that she gained his full attention now.

"I tried to be nice, but assholes like you do not know that no means no. Guess I'm going to say it in a way that you might understand," She digressed, digging her nails into his skin. "I'm not interested in you, your bad breath, receding hair line, or your dirty ass thoughts. Got it?" She insisted harshly.

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