Rearing The Green Eyed Monster

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A week of classes had gone by and Spencer was grateful that he had been able to get through two complete lectures with relatively few problems. He did his best not to look at Olivia, and it didn't appear that anyone suspected anything. He had to admit he had been a little bit nervous after the tense meeting they had had in his office after the first class, but he hadn't been alone with her since and was finally starting to calm down and relax.

She was a brilliant student he had noted. She came to class prepared and always offered insightful comments. There had been a debate or two in class and he had admired the way she held her own. He had also discovered that she was incredibly beautiful when she was angry. Her brown eyes flashed fire and her cheeks became flushed. Her mouth would form a sensuous pout and her breathing would cause her full bosom to heave. He closed his eyes as the memory of her and her tank top played through his mind. He could almost feel her warm breath on his ear and hear her husky voice from that very first night.

"Spencer, I was just wondering. Have you ever done a body shot?"

He felt a shiver run down his spine as he replayed her words in his mind. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes. He had to figure out a way to get past this because that was a line that he couldn't afford to cross. He was a new T.A and he didn't want to come off as one of those types that just became a Teacher's Assistant to smash college girls. He had done a lot to get to where he was, and he didn't want to throw it all away now because he had an itch in his pants for one of his students.

Olivia reached out and began to let the end of his tie slide through her fingers. "Well as I recall Mr.James, you were the one buying me shots last night." He shook the thoughts from his head. 

 His attention shifted to the young man standing in the doorway of his office knocking lightly on it.

"Mr.James, right?" The boy said as he flashed him a grin.

"Yes." Spencer responded. "What can I do for you?"

The brown haired, young man came in and sat across from him. Spencer looked at him confused for a moment. This guy looked so familiar, but he couldn't place him.

"I wanted to talk to you about switching in to your Media Mergins class." The boy explained. "As you know it's the last day to drop or add classes and I was hoping that you would let me in."

Spencer gave him a smile. "That's great. It's always a pleasure to welcome a student. However, I will need to confer with Professor Nelson. It's his class. I am simply here as a third party to bridge communication between him and the students."

"Oh, I see," The young man thought to himself mostly. 

"What made you decide to take this class?"  Spencer asked him.

"A friend of mine raves about you. Says you make the lessons much more versatile." The young man told him.

"Well, who's your friend?" Spencer asked, pleased that the students enjoyed the moments Professor Nelson gave him reign over the lesson plans.

"Layla Keatings." The young man answered him, and Spencer's thoughts automatically flashed to Olivia's friend. He remembered seeing the overly eager young woman leave class a few times with Olivia and her roommate, Simone.

Then it all began to hit him. The bar. This was Olivia's boyfriend. He glanced down to look at the name and saw the name on the student I.D: Asher Addams. And Olivia's voice from when she left him at the bar replayed in his head.

"I'm ready, Asher." Spencer heard Olivia say as she walked out of the bar with this young man. Suddenly, he realized that Asher was talking and he forced himself to try and pay attention. He took a sip of water as Asher continued.

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