Classroom Conflictions

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"Good morning, Los Angeles. It should be a lovely morning -"

Spencer reached out and pressed the snooze button on his alarm clock.
Although he wasn't a heavy drinker, he could still feel the effects from the night before consume him before he even opened his eyes. Actually, if he thought about it, it wasn't the alcohol that had given him the groggy and sick feeling that ran through his body.

  He had slept little last night, the thought of the young woman from the bar he had decided to get a drink with last night ran through his mind all night. He wasn't the type of man to let a woman get the best of him, let them invade his senses the way she had.

The after effects of what he went through last night with her was worst then the after effects of alcohol could do. Everytime he closed his eyes he got the image of her bending over the table, giving him a nice view of her cleavage. 

He finally willed his eyes open, driven from another dream of the night before, were he met the most intoxicating woman he had ever met. Spencer rose from the bed and headed toward the bathroom to shower.

It was 8:15 when he emerged from the bathroom. He was dressed simply in a black dress shirt, black dress pants and shoes. Although he knew most people in the same profession as him to dress up more, he took a more casual approach. It was his first day at as a Teacher's Assistant and while he wanted to make a food impression,  he did not want the students to see him as one of the old crone professors. He wanted went for a more modern style, instead to make himself approachable for the students of his new class. 

His daring brown eyes  went directly to the clock, the red digital numbers letting him know he had less then forty five minutes to get to his first class. Taking one last look into the mirror, he reached for his messenger bag, slung it over his shoulder, and headed out.


"It's now 8:30, and our weather reporter is coming after these commcercials."

Olivia's eyes snapped open, looking directly at her alarm clock, eight thirty. 

She had her first class of the new semester in a half hour. How did she sleep through her alarm clock?

Olivia quickly sat up quickly. Dizziness overtook her and she fell back onto the bed. That could explain why she slept through her alarm clock. She had a hangover.
Her eyes closed, as she took deep breaths,trying to calm her senses. The night before came rushing back to her, from the middle aged man who hit on her, to the handsome stranger who she played pool with. Her heart beat quickened as she remembered laughing, flirting. Not hiding the type of person she was. Not hiding the mask she hid behind every other day of her life. She was a good girl, a serious student, a major in journalism. Nobody knew who she really was, what type of place she grew up with. The things she knew, the things she had seen.

The familar chords of a song erupted from the music station, her dizzy spell causing her to miss the weather report. Great way to start the semester. Running late, with a hang over. The thought of staying in bed and getting the work from Simone came to her. Although she wasn't one to miss class, and knowing Simone, she wasn't paying attention. She really couldn't go to class like this.

The visions of the stranger invaded her mind again. She had a boyfriend, damnit. She couldn't really let this guy get to her.
She needed a distraction.
Olivia changed her attention to the radio to listen to the words of the song coming from it.

He don't wanna be saved, don't save him

That is not my nigga, don't claim him

'Bout twenty missed calls, he faded

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