No Problem At All

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"Get a grip, James." Spencer whispered silently to himself as Professor Nelson ran through each important detail of the layout of his class that he expected the students to heed. "Get a grip. You are a professional, and you can handle this." The T.A, slapped himself over the head, sitting at a small desk in the lower half of the lecture hall, stationed a few feet away from the actually professor's desk. Thankfully, the students were too busy listening to Professor Nelson to pay Spencer's minor breakdown any attention. All, but one student, of course. 

He took a deep breath to regain his composure and turned to face the eager faces of his students. Unsurprisingly, they were all typing in the laptops, jotting down note or starring ahead at the blackboard where Professor Nelson stood, walking through the class manuscript. However, Spencer did find Olivia breaking focus from her professor to glance at him ever now and again. Spencer tried to keep his eyes off her, only to feel her gaze from where she sat with her peers. Thankfully, Professor Nelson called out the Spencer, breaking the trance. 

"Mr.James, could you please give the students a run down of class syllabus and student code of honor?" Professor Nelson delegated, walking over to his desk to read aloud with his own copy.

"Good morning." Spencer greeted with false calmness. "My name is Mr.Spencer James and this is Media Mergins, an advanced course in Modern Culture and Ethics."

Miraculously, he was able to carry himself through the rest of his opening. He removed the stack of syllabi from his bag and handed them to an eager looking young woman on the first row to distribute them.

"Hello, Mr.James. I am Layla Keatings." She said with an enthusiastic smile. "It's a pleasure to be here, sir."

Olivia rolled her eyes and Simone held back a laugh, as they watched their friend attempt to banter with the Teacher's Aid. 

Spencer returned her smile, but inside he felt his stomach turn over. God he hated kiss-asses. He turned and walked back to his desk, debating how to proceed next.

Meanwhile Simone leaned over toward Olivia, inquiring about her tardiness "What happened? Why are you late?"

"Well, I slept through my alarm clock because someone decided not to wake me up." She answered shooting her friend a harsh look.

"Okay, okay." Simone apologized, holding her hands up in a surrending motion. "I'm sorry, but I wanted to let you sleep off your hangover. Asher said you were drunk when he picked up from the bar. " Simone gave a disgusted snort. "He said you were so drunk that some pig was all over you trying to take advantage of you. I am never leaving you at a bar again. Some men are such dickheads."

"Uh, yeah..." Olivia disgruntly answered, unsure if disclosing the real story was appropriate.

Olivia did a good job covering her shock, but seeing Spencer as a member of school administration shook her. She hadn't acted like herself the night before, but she figured that she'd never see him again. Of course he had been all she could think about since she had left the bar with Asher last night, but she had chalked it up to an instant crush that would be forgotten by the end of the week. Olivia thought back to how openly she had flirted with Spencer and the sexual tension they had shared. Maybe the truth was that Spencer affected her so much not because she hadn't acted like herself, but instead,  because she hadn't hid behind her "Little Ms. Perfect" facade that she constantly drowned in. She allowed Spencer to see a glimpse of the real Olivia.

"Hello, earth to Olivia." Simone said as she handed her the syllabus.

"What?" Olivia asked.

"Where did you space off to?" Simone asked.

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